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精选,Module 5,Unit 1 He is playing the suona, but the phone rings.,精选,What are they doing ?,Say the activities,Lets review,精选,Lets chant,精选,Watch and say.,精选,Watch and say.,精选,同学们,想一想现在进行时的语言结构?,Is/am/are+ 动词ing 表示正在(发生的事情或动作),精选,Have a birthday party. 举办生日聚会,精选,Suona 唢呐,唢呐,是中国民族吹管乐器的一种,由波斯人发明,唢呐的音色明亮,音量大,管身木制,呈圆锥形,上端装有带哨子的铜管,下端套着一个铜制的喇叭口(称作碗),所以俗称喇叭,代表作品“百鸟朝凤”。,精选,Play the suona 吹唢呐,He is playing the suona. 他正在吹唢呐。,精选,bell 门铃,The bell rings . 门铃响了.,The phone rings . 电话响了.,精选,The dog is barking very loudly. 狗正在非常大声地叫。,bark 狗叫,精选,Why Daming stops it (play the suona ) 3 times ?,Listen and read.,精选,Watch and answer,生日聚会,吹唢呐,大明正在举办一个生日聚会。他正在吹唢呐,但是电话响了。他停下来,每个人都等着。,精选,Q1: What is Daming doing ? Daming is having a birthday party.,Watch and answer,Q2: Daming is playing the suona, but what happens ? Daming is playing the suona, but the phone rings.,- -,精选,Watch and answer,进来,大明再次吹唢呐,但是门铃响了。“停!”西蒙说。大明停下来。更多的朋友进来了。西蒙的狗也进来了。,精选,Q1: Daming is playing the suona again , but what happens ? Daming is playing the suona again , but the bell rings.,Watch and answer,- -,Q2: Everyone is listening and clapping , but what happens ? More friends come in. Simons dog comes in too.,精选,Watch and answer,第三次,大明第三次吹唢呐,但是狗开始非常大声地叫。他的朋友们听不见他(吹唢呐的声音)。“停!”西蒙说。狗停下来。他们都笑了。,精选,Watch and answer,Q: Daming is playing the suona for the third time, but what happens ? Daming is playing the suona for the third time,but the dog starts to bark very loudly.,精选,同学们,请在对话中找出含有“-ing” 和“but”句子.,Doing , but 表示正在做一件事时,另一件事突然发生,精选,* 知识点拨 * 当某人正在做一件事时,另一件事突然发生, 该怎么表达呢? 那么就需要“but”来连接,前面用现在进行时,(表达某人正在做某事),后面用一般现在时,(表 示另一件事突然发生。),精选,比如: *He is playing the suona,(现在进行时) but the phone rings.(一般现在时) 再比如 *Sam is watching TV,(现在进行时) but the bell rings.(一般现在时),精选,Watch and say,精选,抢答,Repeat,Daming is _the suona, but the phone_.,Daming is _the suona again,but the _rings.,playing,rings,playing,bell,精选,自己读例句,体会“but”前后句子的时态,Practice,精选,小组合作,仿照例句,根据图片写出后面的句子。,Practice,精选,Lets try,精选,Lets try,精选,Lets try,精选,* doing., but.* 表示当某人正在做一件事时,另一件事突然发生。 那么就需要“but”来连接,前面用现在进行时,(表达某人正在做某事),后面用一般现在时,(表 示另一件事突然发生。),精选,能独立完整地朗读活动2内容。 完成配套教辅相应的练习。,Homework,精选,xx小学 x年级x班,xxx,感谢亲观看此幻灯片,此课件部分内容来源于网络, 如有侵权请及时联系我们删除,谢谢配合!,
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