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,Whats the time?,Module 7 Unit 1,Who can do it?,1+ _?_ =3 3+ 5=_?_ _?_+6=10 4+_?_=8 2+5=_?_,two,eight,four,four,seven,What can you see?,6,10,5,3,8,50,three,six,five,eight,ten,fifty,Do you know my friend?,- He has got a round(圆的)face, and three hands, but he has no feet.,- He works from day to night.,- He tells me the time every day.,clock,Its oclock.,one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,eleven,twelve,Its oclock.,Its one oclock.,oclock 点钟,Whats the time?,-Its seven oclock.,-Whats the time?,Lets say,7:00,-Its nine oclock.,-Whats the time?,Lets say,9:00,12,3,9,6,Its twelve oclock.,Whats the time?,12,3,9,6,Its six oclock.,6:00,what time,Whats the time?,Sum up:,(现在是几点?),(是几点),Its one oclock.,Is it three oclock?,No, it isnt.,-Its seven oclock.,-Is it ten oclock?,Lets say,7:00,-No, it isnt.,-Its nine oclock.,-Is it one oclock?,Lets say,9:00,-No, it isnt.,12,3,9,6,Its twelve oclock.,Is it one oclock?,No, it isnt.,12,3,9,6,Its six oclock.,Is it four oclock?,No, it isnt.,what time,Is it .oclock?,Sum up:,(现在是几点几点了吗?),(不,不是。),Pairwork,Apple-Picking,group A,group B,My Life of a Day,get up,wash the face,go to school,have lunch,go home,have dinner supper,do the homework,go to bed,I,at,Do exercises.,I get up at seven oclock.,Do exercises.,I,at,I go to school at eight oclock.,Do exercises.,I,at,I go home at four oclock.,I ( )at ( )oclock. (起床,6点) I ( )at ( )oclock. (去上学,8点) I ( )at ( )oclock. (吃午饭,12点) I ( )at ( )oclock. (回家,5点) I ( )at ( )oclock. (看电视,6点) I ( )at ( )oclock. (上床睡觉,9点),请补全下面的句子,相信你一定很棒!,get up,go to school,have lunch,go home,watch TV,go to bed,six,eight,twelve,five,six,nine,根据提示描述美羊羊一天的活动。,Time,Actives,7:00,8:00,12:00,4:00,6:00,9:00,get up,go to school,have lunch,go home,watch TV,go to bed,Damings Day,时间表达法,一天的 日常活动,“at + 时间+oclock” 表示 “在 几点” 如: at seven oclcok 在七点 at eight oclock 在八点,句型,get up go to school have lunch go home watch TV go to bed,I at oclock.,Homework: 用英文描述自己一天的活动给家人听,感谢亲观看此幻灯片,此课件部分内容来源于网络, 如有侵权请及时联系我们删除,谢谢配合!,
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