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Unit 5 Can you come to my party Period 1Learning goals1. Learn to make invitations, say yes to invitations and say no to invitations and give reasons2. New languageCan you come to my party? Sure, Id love to.Can she go to the baseball game? No, she cant.Can you go to the movies? Im sorry. I have to help my mom.Period 1Step1 Warming up by talking about the partyHello, everyone!Today we shall take up unit 5. The title of this unit is that Can you come to my party?Do you like parties? I think most of you will say,” Yeah”. At the party we have lots of fun eating, drinking, singing, dancing and talking. And we can also make new friends. But how do you answer when someone asks you to take part in a party? If you want to go to the party, you can say,” Sure, Id love to.” If you have to do some other things at the same time, you can say,“Im sorry. I have to -.”Please look at the blackboard and read after me the target language for this unit. When you read, pay attention to the structure of the sentence.Can you come to my party?-Sure, Id love to.Can you come to my party?-Im sorry. I have to study for a test.In some cultures, it is not considered polite to accept an invitation the first time it is offered. In such places people usually thank the person but do not give a definite answer at that time. But in the United States it is polite to accept or refuse an invitation the first time it is offered. Also, Americans usually give a reason when they have to say no to an invitation. Step 2 Matching the words with the pictures (1a)Please look at the picture on page 25. The boy in the middle will hold a party. Can everyone come to the party? Each thought bubble shows a person doing something. Please tell me what you see in each scene. And then look at the blackboard and check you answer.helping his parents, having a piano lesson, studying for a test, visiting my aunt, going to the doctorPlease read these phrases loudly. Now write letters of the correct picture in the blank. Are you OK? Lets check the answers Answers: 1. b 2. c 3. d 4. e 5. aStep 3 Listening and writing (1b)You are great! As you see, there are some people in the picture. Do you know whos who? Now please listen to the conversation. Especially listen to Sun Nings words carefully. He says the names of each person he is inviting. When I play the recording for the first time, you just listen carefully. When I play the recording for the second time, please write the names of each person next to his or her picture. You have to complete the activity individually. OK, now lets check the answers. Answers: a. Kay b. Tim c. Ted d. Wilson e. AnnaTapescript Sun Ning: Hey, Ted. Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?Ted: Im sorry. I cant, Sun Ning. I have to help my parents.Sun Ning: Too bad. How about you, Carlos? Can you come to my party?Carlos: Id love to.Sun Ning: Tim? Can you come to my party?Tim: When is it? Sun Ning: Saturday afternoon.Tim: Oh, no, I cant. I have to study for a test.Sun Ning: What about you, Wilson?Wilson: Sorry, I have to go to the doctor.Sun Ning: Anna, can you come?Anna: I cant, Sun Ning. I have to visit my aunt.Kay: I cant either, Sun Ning. I have a piano lesson.Sun Ning: Thats too bad, Kay. Oh, maybe next time. What a small party!Read the tapescript to underline the expressions and shaow the can for invitations, modal have to and present progressive as future, for planned actions.Step 4 Practicing oral English using the language (1c)Now please make your own dialogues in groups of four. Suppose you are the students in the picture. One of you is students A inviting the other three students to your party. The other students are B, C and D, saying if you can go or not. If you cant go, remember to give a reason. A: Can you come to my party on Wednesday? B: Sure. Id love to.C: Sorry, I cant. I have a piano lesson.D: Im sorry, too. I have to go to the doctor.When you practice, please pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Ill offer vocabulary and pronunciation support if you need. Step 5 Homework 3
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