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三年级英语下册第一至第三单元复习测试卷 姓名班级分数 笔试 一、根据图片写出单词。 二、找出每组单词中与其他两个不同类的一个。 ( ) 1. A. that B. this C. English ( ) 2. A. boy B. girl C. father ( ) 3. A. radio B. ruler C. pencil ( ) 4. A. he B. she C. aunt ( ) 5. A. nice B. are C. is 三、从 B 栏中找出与 A 栏中的句子相应的答句 ,并将序号填在题前的 括号内。 A B ( ) 1. Can I have a look? A. Yes, it is. ( ) 2. May I come in? B. Sure, here you are. ( ) 3. Whats that in English? C. Its a pencil box. ( ) 4. Is this your father? D. Yes, he is. ( ) 5. This is a nice watch, I think. E. Come in, please. 四、根据情景,选择合适的表达。 ( ) 1. 当你上课迟到了,进教室时应该说: A. May I come in? B. Thank you. C. Can I have a look? ( ) 2. 你想知道远处桌上的东西用英语怎么说,你应该问: A. Whats this on the desk? B. Whats that on the desk? C. Whats this in English? ( ) 3. 你想有礼貌地请教别人,你应该先说一句: A. Excuse me. B. Thank you. C. How nice! ( ) 4. 你想知道那个女人是谁,你说: A. Who s that women? B. Who s the girl? C. Can I have a look? ( ) 5. 你想问朋友那个女孩是不是他的姐姐时,你应该说: A. Is she your brother? B. Is she your friend? C. Is she your sister?
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