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英语学习必备精品word可编辑英语学习资料汇编1. 天气英语词汇知多少?寒潮:Cold Snap例句:Cold snap brings snow-Beijings first snowfall this winter, which began on Saturday night and lasted until Sunday afternoon, surprised locals.寒潮带来降雪北京今冬的初雪让当地居民颇感意外。这场雪从上周六晚间一直持续到周日下午。平均气温:average temperature摄氏度():degree Centigrade华氏度 (): degree Fahrenheit ,PS:华氏与摄氏的换算F=9/5C+32例句:Its twenty-five degrees Centigrade(25) or its seventy-eight degrees Fahrenheit(78).摄氏二十五度,或者说是华氏七十八度。降雨量: precipitation 这个词较为复杂,在口语中用rainfall就可以了。例句:Annual precipitation in Beijing is around 580 mm (22.8 in), and the majority of it falls in the summer months.在北京,年度降雨量为580毫米左右,约合22.8英寸,主要分布在夏季。四季如春:like spring all the year round例句:Ive heard the weather in Kunming is ideal, just like spring most of the year.我听说昆明天气宜人,四季如春。四季分明:(have/ enjoy/boast/ with)four distinctive seasons例句:Enjoying a wild climate and four distinctive seasons, the environment of Luohe city is peaceful and elegant.漯河城市风景秀丽,环境幽雅,气候温和湿润,四季分明。气候适宜:(have/ enjoy/boast/ with)agreeable/ideal /pleasant/ moderate weather梅雨季节:plum rain season,外国人可能对中国的“梅雨”很难理解,可以简而言之,就是 rainy season。例句:Like other cities in Jiangsu Province, Suzhou also has a very long rainy period, called the plum rain season, so an umbrella is advisable to be equipped during the season.和江苏的其他城市一样,苏州的雨季很长,被称为梅雨季节,所以在这个时间段旅游苏州最好带上伞哦!台风季节:typhoon season例句:Typhoon season in Hong Kong is possible in September. All shops and banks are closed when typhoon signal is raised.香港的台风季节是九月份左右,当台风预警信号达8号以上时,商店和银行都暂停营业。PS:香港台风预警信号,与大陆不同,1号为最弱, 10号最强。“四大火炉”:长江流域的重庆、武汉、南京、长沙四大夏季气候炎热的大城市被传称为“四大火炉”。 four major stove cities in China日照时间长:Sunshine duration is long昼夜温差大:large temperature differences/ extreme temperatures day and night中暑:get sunstroke例句:It is not recommended to travel to Shigatse from November to April, because of the large temperature difference day and night. Tourists get sunstroke easily at noon while feel frozen stiff in the evening.每年的11月至待来年的4月日喀则地区昼夜温差很大,我们是不建议大家去那里旅游的。游客在中午很容易中暑,而在晚上很容易冻僵。高原反应/ 急性高山病:altitude stress / acute mountain sickness例句:And my head aches from the altitude.还有高原反应带来的头痛 Passengers who have severe altitude illness should ask for an emergency oxygeny pack.高原反应比较严重的旅客也可以使用急救吸氧袋。沙尘暴:duststorm/ sandstorm2.招聘广告缩略词中英文对照 外企的招聘广告中常常有很多缩略语,让国人看起来头疼不已。下面是一些此类广告中常见的缩略语,帮助你看懂广告、“对职出招”。admin: administrative 行政的Jr: junior 初级ad/adv: advertising 广告K: 1000元agcy: agency 经销商knowl: knowledge 知识appt: appointment 约会、预约loc: location 位置、场所asst: assistant 助理Lv/lvl: level 级/层attn: attention 给, 与联系mach: machine 机器bkgd: background 背景manuf/mf: manufacturing 制造bldg: building 建筑物、大楼mech: mechanic 机械的bus: business 商业、生意mgr: manager 经理clk: clerk (办公室)职员m-f: Monday-Friday 从周一到周五co: company 公司mth: month 月coll: college 大专(学历)nec: necessary 必要的comm: commission 佣金oppty: opportunity 机会corp: cororation (有限)公司ot: overtime 超时data pro: data processing 数据处理perm: permanent 永久性的dept: department 部pls: please 请dir: director 董事pos: position 职位div: division 分工、部门pref: preference (有经验者)优先eqpt: equipment 装备prev: previous 有先前的(经验)etc.: and so on 等等P/T: part time 兼职(的)evngs: evenings 晚上3.品包装上的英语词汇剖析 Favorite 地球村”时代,英语和中文也全球化了。爱吃零食的你怎能不会看包装袋的英文呢?小心哦,不要一不留神,营养没跟上,脂肪增加不少了哟。健康又美味,包装英语跟我学!国外食品的包装上,都有非常完整的“营养明细”nutritionfacts,现在,国内许多产品的包装上也开始印上英文了。现在,让我们好好比较比较,看看食品包装上中英文名称的大不同吧。我们在商店买到的饼干包装上,有完整的“产品成份”ingredients标示,但在国外许多食品的包装上,还可以看到以下的内容:Nutrition Facts营养明细Serving Size 5 pieces (55 g)每份五片(55克)Servings Per Container About 5每包约5份Amount Per Serving每份含量Calories 150 Fat Cal.50 %热量 150卡 50卡来自脂肪Percent Daily Values (DV)每日所需标准百分比Total Fat 8g 10%脂肪总量 8克 10%Sat. Fat 5g 17%饱和脂肪 5克 17%Cholesterol 0mg 0%胆固醇 0毫克 0%Sodium 155mg 6%钠 155毫克 6%Total Carb. 20g 6%碳水化合物总量 20克 6%Fiber 0g 0%纤维质 0克 0%Sugars 10g糖 10克Protein 5g蛋白质 5克Vitamin A 0% Vitamin C 0%维化命A 0% 维他命C 0%Calcium 3% Iron 5%钙 3% 铁5%Percent Daily Values (DV)are based on a 2,000 caloriediet.每日所需标准百分比,是以热量2000卡之膳食为计算标准。以下是食品包装营养明细表上常会出现的字,赶快认识,谨记心上吧!dietary fiber 膳食纤维protein蛋白质calcium 钙iron铁riboflavin核黄素niacin尼克酸folic acid 叶酸phosphorus磷no preservatives无防腐剂这些英文说明你都了解了吗?下次买东西的时候可要看清楚再买,健康饮食才有健康身体!4.关于走的英语单词 论坛 Favorite stagger(蹒跚) 1.The drunkard staggered from the coffee shop and clung to a lamp-post. plod(重步行走) 2. The hitch-hikers reached the town after a long walk and plodded wearily to the hotel. pace(踱步) 3. The man whose wife was expecting the first baby was pacing nervously up and down the hospital corridor.
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