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Lesson 12 Pretty Little Plant,Words,pretty adj. 漂亮的 Youre pretty!,hole n. 洞,its pron. 它的,There was a plant. There was a plant. A pretty little plant. A pretty little plant. The prettiest plant, The prettiest plant, That you ever did see. That you ever did see, And the plant in the hole, And the plant in the hole, And the hole in the ground, And the hole in the ground, And the green grass grew all around, All around. And the green grass grew all around.,Song,There was a stem. There was a stem. A pretty little stem. A pretty little stem. The prettiest stem, The prettiest stem, That you ever did see. That you ever did see, And the stem on the plant, And the stem on the plant, And the plant in the hole, And the plant in the hole. And the hole in the ground, And the hole in the ground, And the green grass grew all around,All around. And the green grass grew all around.,There was a leaf. There was a leaf. A pretty little leaf. A pretty little leaf. The prettiest leaf, The prettiest leaf, That you ever did see. That you ever did see, And the leaf on the stem , And the leaf on the stem, And the stem on the plant, And the stem on the plant, And the plant in the hole, And the plant in the hole. And the hole in the ground, And the hole in the ground, And the green grass grew all around,All around. And the green grass grew all around.,1. One group sings the purple words and the other group sings the black words.,onethe other “一个,另一个”,e.g.他有两只猫。 一只是白的,另一只是黑的。,She has two cats. One is white, the other is black.,Language points,2. The prettiest plant.,the prettiest,e.g.他是最高的男孩。 她是最好的女孩。,He is the tallest boy . She is the nicest girl.,“最美的(the+最高级 )”,3. That you ever did see.,did see = saw,e.g. She does study hard.,I do like computer games.,“确实,的确”,They did go to have a picnic yesterday.,4. As the stem grows, it makes leaves.,as,e.g.我进来的时候他出去。,He went out as I came in.,“当的时候”,Whats this song about? There is a _(茎 ) As it _(长), it makes leaves. The plant makes_for itself with its leaves.,stem,grows,leaves,There are two sides in everything, _ is good ,_ _ is bad. The policeman is looking into the _.(洞 ),one,the other,hole,Exercise,3. Dont throw your books_ _(到处). 4. I like this little plant, _(它的 )leaves are all red.,all,around,its,Lets do it!,Describe your favourite plant. You can draw a picture and show it to your class. Use your imagination!,Good-bye,中西药品 中西药品 qtz97pts 八月十五节,郭氏娘儿俩中午在耿憨家吃了现成的水饺和丰盛的各色凉拌热炒自不必细述。月上时分,郭氏照例带着已经十岁的耿兰来到耿憨家的小院儿里来。很快,董家成全家人也过来了。按理说,在这样繁忙的秋日里,大家伙儿忙里偷闲地一起坐一坐,唠唠嗑,也是一件很让人身心放松的好事情,只是这杳无音信的耿家父子四人,给大家平添了无尽的挂念和不安。在秋高气爽的北方农村,大多是晴朗的夜空。因此,月儿爷爷几乎每年都可以享用到淳朴乡民们虔诚献上的各色供品。这不,今儿个又是一个晴空万里的八月十五夜,大家伙儿团团围坐在摆放在当院儿的大桌子边上,在十分惬意的习习微风中闲聊着,一起观看朗朗夜空中那一轮万年不老,充满传奇色彩的圆月缓缓地升起来,慢慢地向当空移动着。这是耿家父子们南下后的第六个八月十五圆月夜了。由于近五年过去了,再没有他们的任何音讯,所以每个大人的心里都很不安,但都尽量地隐忍着不流露出来。当然,自从耿家父子们南下后,每一次的“供月”仪式上都是没有梨的。尽管那些酥脆香甜的梨子本身是一种非常好吃的水果,但在亲人们淳朴的心灵内,由于“梨”与“离”谐音,因此在这个月圆之夜人不圆的时刻,谁也不想去品尝梨。至于郭氏自己,自从丈夫和三个孩子离家之后,她就再也没有吃过梨!尽管梨子曾经是她最爱吃的家乡水果,但她现在特别害怕吃这个大家伙儿分吃的那个“团月”大月饼,从耿家父子们南下后的第二个八月十五夜在耿憨家一起“拜月”开始,大家伙儿就养成了一个习惯。不管是否有人提醒,郭氏都会自觉地把耿老爹的和耿直的收起来带走。耿英的那一块儿,大壮第一次是当着大家伙儿的面就高高兴兴地吃掉的。但后来,他也和秀儿一样,不再当着大家的面吃了,而只是默默地收起来带走。至于他们是怀着什么样的心情,什么时候和怎么去吃那块儿月饼的,没有人知道还有就是,从耿家父子四人离家后的第三个八月十五圆月夜开始,大壮再也没有参加过大男娃儿们特别热衷的摇火团儿活动,而只是在“拜月”结束后,自个儿慢慢地去了小河边而可怜的秀儿就更难挨了。由于一个人不敢去那棵与耿正话别的大槐树下重温旧梦,她只能把自己关在房间里偷偷地淌眼泪这第六个八月十五圆月夜,大人们实在是在不安和忐忑中度过的。当然,除了大壮和秀儿之外,其他几个娃儿们还是像往常年一样,饶有兴致地观看了热热闹闹的摇火团儿。尤其是已经长成了半大小伙子的青山和青海这对孪生兄弟,还高高兴兴地从二狗子和大头手里接过来点着了的火团儿学着摇了几把呢!二壮虽然比青山和青海大一岁,但他生性胆儿小,没有敢尝试着摇那玩意儿。八月十五节过完了,日子还在不紧不慢地一天天过,
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