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English Pronunciation PracticeA Practical Course for Students of EnglishByWang GuizhenFaculty of English Language 2. To serve as the basis for the rhythmical structure of the sentence.,Ex. 1 Content words are usually stressed and function words unstressed: I called her at home, but she was at school. Keep her from moving so I can take her picture. Nothing happened to Ted during the storm. Take it or leave it; the choice is up to you. Ex. 2 Content words are not always stressed: - Hello, Im John. Whats your name? - My names Frank. Im Simon Browns cousin. Where do you live? - Next door to the Browns. Where do you live?,Berts friend John has just sold two very fine old paintings. The Daniel Jones Pronouncing Dictionary lists most versions of modern English Pronunciation. What would you have done if he had talked to you in the street? It would have been better not to have paid for it before you had received it.,Ex. 3 Each of the following sentences contains the same amount of stressed syllables. Read them at a steady, regular speed.,He asked me to give him a ticket. He should ask if we could give him a ticket. He should have asked us if we could give him another ticket.,Ex. 4 Give suitable answers to the three questions you hear.,i) (No.) Its on the twenty-first. ii) Ive got a ticket. iii) (No.) She sells clothes. iv) (No.) Hes got a cold. v) (Yes.) (No.) Were not going till Thursday night.,Ex. 5 Respond to the two different things you hear.,i) Hes got a new car. ii) Ive got some flowers. iii) Ive been to Paris. iv) Then Ill have some soup. v) He said hed phone.,II. Rhythm and the length of sounds,1. Vowels are longer when final or followed by a voiced consonant than when followed by a voiceless consonant. 2. Vowels are longer in stressed monosyllables than when followed by an unstressed syllable or syllables. 3. Vowels are longer in stressed syllables than in unstressed syllables.,Table 3: Length of /i:/ in different phonetic contexts in accented monosyllables,III. Rhythm and sound linking,1.To blend or join the final consonant of one word with the initial word of the following word, as in postoffice. 2.To link the final vowels /:/ and / to a following vowel by adding the /r/ sound, which is called linking-r, as in her own, or intrusive-r, as in the ideaof. 3.To make smooth transitions when words are separated by more than two consonants, i.e. treat them as consonant sequences, as in nexttopic. 4.To make smooth transitions when the preceding word ends with a vowel and the following word begins also with a vowel sound by adding a slight /j/ or /w/, as in myarm. 5.To change the pronunciation of some final and initial consonants, as in Didyou .,Ex. 6 Write down the phrases you hear.,1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _,5. _ 6. _ 7. _ 8. _,Key: Ex. 6 What of it? 2.Its after nine already. 3.Come on in. 4.They looked as if theyre angry. 5.How much is it? 6.Are you sure about all of it? 7.Shes on the phone. 8.If its time, Ill go.,Ex. 7 Read the following dialogues, paying special attention to the linking.,1. - CanI helpyou, sir? -Yes, Imina rush Imafraid. CanI havea pieceof apple cake please, withicecream? - Certainly, sir. Illask the waiter to comeoveras soonas possible. 2. - Switchoff the light, David. Itsalmosteleven. - Im scaredof the dark. I thinkI hearda noise. Look over there! Somethingon the window ledgeis moving!,3. - Howoften doI have to doit? - Youought to doeveryexercise oncea week. - DoI have to doeveryexercise? - Yes, it should takeyouabout twohours. ThoughI dont supposeit will! 4. - Actually, Iought to practise more regularlyI suppose. - Well, dont worryaboutit. Ioften forget myself. - Perhaps weought to tryand go together.,5. - Howisit going, Edward? - Not badatall. Its notexactlya busy place though. - Whereare you staying? - Justa little pubon theedgeof town. - And whatare you doingon yourown? - Nota lotactually. Thisevening theresa match on TV, soIll geta snackin townand watcha bitof footballafterwards.,IV. Rhythm and Assimilation and Elision,1) _ 2) _ 3) _ 4) _ 5) _ 6) _,Key: Ex. 1.That man. 2.Of course. 3.Weve phoned him. 4.That goat. 5.Good morning. 6.I cant go.,Ex. 8 Fill in the blanks with the words you hear.,1) Theyre _ arent they? 2) I cant find mine. Can I _? 3) I _ it. Do you? 4) Everyone can see that it _. 5) _so often if you can manage by yourself. 6) Thats the _ to start. 7) This is his _. 8) _ looks nice.,Key: Ex.8 1) Theyre _nice shoes_ arent they? 2) I cant find mine. Can I _use yours_? 3) I _I dont believe_ it. Do you? 4) Everyone can see that it _it cant be done_. 5) _Dont go_ so often if you can manage by yourself. 6) Thats the _right place_ to start. 7) This is his
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