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Can you come to my party?,Unit5,Can you ?Yes, I can/ No, I cant,swim,play the guitar,play basketball,play the piano,dance,play soccer,会不会,A: Can you(with us)? B: Sure, Id love to.,go skateboarding,邀请,go bike riding,go to the concert,go to the movies,go shopping,A: Can you ?,B: Sorry, I cant. I have to,go to the doctor,A: Can you ?,B: Sorry, I cant. I have to,visit my aunt,A: Can you play basketball with us?,study for a test,B: Sorry, I cant. I have to,A: Can you ?,B : Sorry, I cant . I have to ,A : Thats too bad. Maybe another time .,have a piano lesson,A :Can you ?,help my parents,1a Match the words with the pictures.,study for a test _ help my parents_ go to the doctor _ visit my aunt _ have a piano lesson _,b,c,d,e,a,Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon ?,Sun Nings Birthday,1b.Listen, match the names with the pictures.,Tim Ted Kay Anna Wilson,study for a test,help his parents,go to the doctor,visit her aunt,have a piano lesson,A: Can . come to the party? B: No, he/she cant. He/She has to.,Memory Game,Can he/she come to the party?,No, he/she cant. He/She has to.,Jeff can / cant come to the party. Mary can / cant come to the party. May can / cant come to the party. Claudia can / cant come to the party. Paul can / cant come to the party.,2a,A: Hey, .Im can you .? B: Im sorry, I cant. I. A: Thats too bad. Maybe another time. B: Sure, . Thanks for asking.,A: Hey, .Im this weekend . Can you B: Sure, Id love to. ,please invite your friends to do something with you.,Groupwork:,why,Name,Jim,This weekend, Im going/playing. Jim cant go with me. Because he has to study for a test _ cant go.Because.But Ted can go.,Report:,Pair work . Make an invitation card with your partners, make an conversation by using when, where, who,Its a birthday Party!,From whom:_,Time: _,Place: _,Come and have fun.,
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