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1,UNIT 5,Verbal Communication,2,在全球化时代,要达到更高的成功几率,须努力成为具有全球视野的国际化人才。学好至少一门外语是必要的,但国际化人才最基本的素质是跨文化沟通能力。 这是一种能够超越本族文化,跨越不同文化鸿沟,穿透不同文化壁垒,在多元文化的环境中游刃有余的能力。因此,你的外语语言能力必须建立在理解不同文化的价值观体系和行为规范模式之上, 其最终表现是能够适应、掌控和化解多元文化环境中的矛盾和冲突。,3,Role of Language in Cross-cultural Communication Synonyms Idioms Proverbs, Slang, Taboo Expressions day day up 好好学习,天天向上 People mountain; people sea 人山人海 Morning three night four 朝三暮四 No care three seven two ten one 不管三七二十一,5,Chinglish,Heart flower angry open 心花怒放(be wild with joy) American Chinese not enough 美中不足(a flaw in an otherwise perfect thing) You have seed. I will give you some color to see see. 有种你等着,老子给你点颜色看看(If you are a man with plenty of guts, I shall teach you a lesson.)。,6,Chinglish,Watch sister 表姐(cousin) Big wine store 大酒店(hotel) Big rice store 大饭店(restaurant) One time sex things 一次性用品(disposable goods) Bake the call-phone 烘手机(hand drier),7,Chinglish,Start a family 成家(get married) White boiled water 白开水(plain boiled water) Enter the mouth 入口(entrance) Familiar food 熟食(prepared food) Fuck goods 干货(dried fruit),8,About Language,Language is part of culture. 语言是文化的一部分。 Communication is a culture-bond. 交际是文化的纽带。,9,About Language,Every language has different varieties / styles. 每一种语言都有不同种类 / 不同形式。 Users of language need to have sensitivity to its styles. 语言的使用者需要对语言的形式很敏感。 Users of language need to use the right style at the right time. 语言的使用者需要在正确的时间使用正确的语言形式。,10,Cultural Aspects of a Language,Styles / Varieties 形式 / 种类 Synonyms 同义词 Idioms 习惯用语 Proverbs 谚语 Slang, Taboo Expressions 俚语,禁忌语 Euphemisms 委婉语,11,Synonyms同义词,A word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another word or other words in a language Different words which stand for the same meaning,12,Synonyms同义词,举例: walk tiptoe 蹑手蹑脚地走 Stride 大步走 shuffle 拖着脚走,慢吞吞地走 drag 缓慢而费力地走,13,Synonyms同义词,举例: enough: sufficient, adequate 充足的 autumn: fall 秋天 recalcitrant: disobedient 不服从的 never-ending: everlasting 不停的,14,Synonyms同义词,区分下列同义词: job vocation: job的正式用语 profession: 脑力劳动者的职业 field: 广义的职业“领域” occupation: 与vocation意思相近 specialization: 具体的一个专长 trade: 体力劳动者的职业 work,15,Synonyms同义词,区分下列同义词: hobby: 业余爱好 avocation: 需要某种培训或特殊技能才能拥有的hobby recreation: 工作之余的消遣 pastime: 与recreation意思相近,16,如何扩大英语词汇量,Develop sensitivity to shades of meaning 对词义的细微差别要敏感 Learn words in groups Example: General word: walk Different ways of walking: tiptoe, stride, shuffle, drag (注意在写作时尽量少用general words),17,几种不同的“笑”,laugh 笑 smile 微笑 giggle 短而间歇的笑 simper 傻笑 smirk 假笑,得意的笑 chuckle 轻笑 guffaw 狂笑,chortle 高声笑 snigger 偷笑 titter 偷笑 grin 露齿而笑 gloat 兴灾乐祸地笑,18,几种不同的“哭”,cry 哭 weep 流泪 sob 呜咽 snivel 涕泪交加 blubber 哭嚎 bawl 大哭 wail 嚎啕大哭,whine 啜泣,哀鸣 crocodile tears 假哭,19,Idioms习惯用语,A speech form (phrase or expression) that is grammatically peculiar and cannot be understood from the individual meanings of its elements,20,Idioms习惯用语,举例: have a big mouth 口无遮拦,大嘴巴 the salt of the earth 中坚力量,精英,高尚的人 sit above the salt 坐上席,21,Idioms习惯用语,举例: face the music 勇于承担责任,临危不惧 play the game 遵守比赛规则,行动光明正大,22,Idioms习惯用语,Its raining cats and dogs. - Its raining heavily. put ones foot in ones mouth - someone blunders by saying something he should not have.,23,Idioms习惯用语,Translate the following English idioms into Chinese: 1.lick sombodys boots 拍马屁 2.sit at somebodys feet 寄人篱下 3.carry coals to Newcastle 画蛇添足,24,Idioms习惯用语,4.the pot calling the kettle black 五十步笑百步 5.castles in Spain 白日做梦 6.the kiss of death 让某件事失败的因素; 帮倒忙,25,Idioms习惯用语,Translate the following ten Chinese idioms into English 1.守口如瓶 button ones lip 2.打退堂鼓 draw in ones horns 3.雷声大,雨点小 much cry and little wool 4.大海捞针 look for a needle in a hay stack 5.黔驴技穷 at ones wits end,26,Idioms习惯用语,6.四面楚歌 besieged on all sides 7.半斤八两 the pot calling the kettle black 8.张三李四 the man in the street 9.临时抱佛脚 seek help at the last moment 10.道高一尺,魔高一丈 the more illumination, the more temptation,27,中英文习惯用语,28,Idioms composed of arm, hand ,and finger.,lay a finger on sb: to touch sb.with the intention of harming them. put ones hand in ones pocket: to be ready to spend or give money. give sb. a big hand applaud sb. Loudly. keep ones finger on the pulse: to know all the latest news, development.,29,keep ones hand in: do activity in order to remain skilled at it. within arms reach; sth.which you can reach easily. ask for a womans hand; to propose marriage. put ones finger on sth.: to identify an error, or cause of a problem. keep sb. at arms length:avoid becoming too friendly.,30,英语习语、谚语的主要来源,The Holy Bible 圣经 the salt of the earth William Shakespeare 莎士比亚 All that glisters is not gold!,31,从圣经中来的习惯用语,an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth 以眼还眼,以牙还牙 hide ones light under a bushel 不露风芒,韬光养晦 after ones own heart 情投意合的;意趣相投的;两情相悦的;正中下怀的 the still small voice 良心的呼声 a lion in the way 拦路虎,32,从圣经中来的习惯用语,by the skin of ones teeth 刚好;勉强;侥幸(escape by the skin of ones teeth死里逃生;劫后余生 ) cast pearls before swine 对牛弹琴 wash ones hands of something 洗手不干 the salt of the earth 社会中坚,高尚的人,33,Proverbs谚语,A short pithy saying in frequent and widespread use
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