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【三年经典】全国各地2011-2013中考英语试题分类汇编 代词(三年经典)2011-2013全国各地中考英语试题精选:代词【2011山东济宁】17. Is this your key, Jenny ? No, _ is in my handbag. A. His B. Hers C. Mine D. Yours答案:C【解析】物主代词的用法。His“他的”;hers“她的”;mine“我的”;yours“你的,你们的”。由句意“简妮,这是你的钥匙吗?不,我的在包里。”可知,用mine。故选C。【2011山东济宁】19. Most students think they should have _ time and energy to develop their own interests. A. few B. less C. little D. more答案:D【解析】考查不定代词的用法。句意:大部分的学生认为他们应该有更多的时间和精力来发展自己的兴趣。只有D符合题意。【2011四川乐山】31. Will you come over for dinner on Monday or Tuesday? Im afraid _ day is OK. Ill fly to Paris on holiday for the whole week. A. neitherB. eitherC. both 答案:A【解析】不定代词的用法。both表示两者都;either表示两者的任何一个;neither表示(两者)都不。根据答语句意“我要乘飞机去巴黎度假一周”和问句“你是在星期一还是星期二过来啊?”推测,两天都可以来。故选A。【2011浙江台州】18. How did your uncle learn to play the guitar? By . A. myself B. yourself C. herself D. himself答案:D【解析】反身代词的用法。 by后加反身代词,表示“某人自己的”,主语为your uncle 故用himself。【2011山东潍坊】17. The banana pie tastes delicious. Could I have another_?A. one B. it C. this D. that答案:A【解析】考查代词的用法。句意为“这个香蕉馅饼尝起来味道很好,我能再要一个吗?” one可以代替前面刚提到过的同一类人或物中的一个。故选A。【2011山东潍坊】18. It cant be Lucys bike. Look! _ is under the tree.A. She B. Her C. Hers D. Shes答案:C【解析】考查代词的用法。句意为“这不可能是Lucy的自行车。看!她的在树下。” She意为“她”,为主格;her意为“她或她的”,作宾格或形容词性物主代词;hers意为“她的东西,她的家属(或有关的人)”,作名词性物主代词;shes意为“她是”。故选C。【2011四川内江】23. Work hard at English. _ is difficult if you put your heart into it.A. Anything B. Something C. Nothing答案:C 【解析】不定代词用法。Anything任何事;something某事;nothing没什么。根据句意,只要你用心,没有什么是困难的。故选C。【2011广安市】22. Whose jacket is this? Is it Mr Wangs?No. _ is on the desk. A. Him B. His C. He 答案:B【解析】物主代词的考查。形容词性的物主代词后面跟名词;名词性的物主代词后面不跟名词。答语中his是一个名词性的物主代词,相当于his jacket,作主语。A、C都指人,与文意无关。【2011广安市】26. Which do you like better, tea or coffee? _ of them. I like water. A. All B. Both C. Neither答案:C【解析】不定代词的考查。All表示“三者及三者以上都-”;both表示“两者都-”;neither表示“两者中的哪一个也不-”。根据答语句意“我喜欢喝水”和问句句意“你喜欢喝茶还是咖啡?”可推测:茶及咖啡我都不喜欢,故选C。【2011江苏宿迁】19. We have two foreign teachers here. One is from England, and _ is from America. A. anotherB. the otherC. otherD. the others【答案】B【解析】本题考查onethe other的用法。使用onethe other时,我们通常是针对两者而言的。即指“两者中的一个,另一个”。句意“我们有两个外国老师,一个来自英语,另一个来美国”,故选B。【2011江苏宿迁】11. Which do you prefer, tea or coffee? I dont care. _ is fine. A. EitherB. NeitherC. BothD. All【答案】A【解析】本题考查代词的用法。either意为“任何一个”;neither意为“两者都不”;both意为“两者都”;all意为“全部”。根据答句谓语动词是is故排除C、D。由答“我不在乎。任何一种都好”,应排除B,故选A。【2011江苏淮安】2. Helen and Mary are good friends. _often help each other. A. Them B. Theirs C. They D. Their答案:C【解析】人称代词的用法。they 代替前面所指的Helen and Mary,在句中作主语,用主格。故选C.【2011 山东烟台】38. -Do you know _ this dictionary belongs to? -Let me see. Oh, its _. A. who does, mine B. who, me C. whose, mine D. who, mine答案:D 【解析】疑问词和代词的用法。句意为“你知道这本词典是谁的吗?我看看。哦,是我的”。belong to后面应该加“某人”,而不是加“物主代词”;所以第一个空用who;名词性物主代词mine想当于my dictionary。故选D。【2011 山东烟台】37. A foreign visitor is coming to visit our new house this evening. My mother will offer him _ to eat. A. anything delicious B. something real Chinese C. something Japanese food D. delicious something答案:B 【解析】本题考查不定代词的用法。不定代词被形容词修饰,故要将其后置,所以排除D;因为是肯定句,所以排除A;C中要去掉food,与something重复;something real Chinese意为“真正的中式(的食物)”。故选B。【2011安徽】34. - Im hungry, is there any bread in the fridge? -_but we have cakes. Would you like to have one? A. Some B. Much C. None D. Nothing答案:C 【解析】选C。考查代词用法。前句问“冰箱里有面包吗?”由答句可知表示否定“没有面包”,“但是有蛋糕”。None 表示“一点也没有”;nothing表示“什么也没有”。 结合句意选C。【2011广州】1. How dangerous! She was driving the car with one hand and holding an ice cream with _.A. the other B. another C. others D. other1.答案:A【解析】:考查固定词组的用法。固定词组onethe other,意为一个另一个,这里指这位司机一只手驾车而另一只手拿着冰淇淋。【2011铜仁】35.Is there _ in todays newspaper? A. special something B. special anything. C. something special D. anything special答案:D【解析】不定代词的用法。不定代词要放在形容词的前面,something放在肯定句中,anything放在否定句或疑问句中,故选D。【2011山东聊城】33. I have two cats. One is black, and _ is white.A. anotherB. someC. otherD. the other答案:D 【解析】代词词义辨析。the other指两者中的另一个;通常和one构成短语one.the other。其它均不可和one构成短语。【2011兰州】26. 一 Hi, Jim! Is this your bike or Marys? Its mine, not . A. her B. him C. his D. hers 答案:D【解析】名词性物主代词。答句意为“是我的,不是她的”,此处用名女性的名词性物主代词,因此选D。【2011浙江丽水】17Kate and I are going to the concert this weekendDad will take_ thereAit Byou Cus D. them答案:C 【解析】代词辨析。前面说到“凯特和我”,所以后面“爸爸”应该是带着“我们”去那里。【2011山东临沂】21Tell Sally to call _, please.A. my
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