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人教新版六年级上册,Revision,学习目标超链接,I dont go out in the evening.,He doesnt go out in the evening.,She doesnt go out in the evening.,She doesnt stay up very late in the evening.,stay up very late,He always begins to work in the office.,He always has meals in the office.,He always works in the office.,He always meets other scientists in the office.,He always goes shopping in the afternoon.,He always takes a walk in the afternoon.,He usually begins to work in the office.,He usually has meals in the office.,He usually works in the office.,He usually meets other scientists in the office.,He usually goes shopping in the afternoon.,He usually takes a walk in the afternoon.,He often begins to work in the office.,He often has meals in the office.,He often works in the office.,He often meets other scientists in the office.,He often goes shopping in the afternoon.,He often takes a walk in the afternoon.,He sometimes begins to work in the office.,He sometimes has meals in the office.,He sometimes works in the office.,He sometimes meets other scientists in the office.,He sometimes goes shopping in the afternoon.,He sometimes takes a walk in the afternoon.,He seldom begins to work in the office.,He seldom has meals in the office.,He seldom works in the office.,He seldom meets other scientists in the office.,He seldom goes shopping in the afternoon.,He seldom takes a walk in the afternoon.,He never begins to work in the office.,He never has meals in the office.,He never works in the office.,He never meets other scientists in the office.,He never goes shopping in the afternoon.,He never takes a walk in the afternoon.,Mimi and Micky get up very early. They see a bird is singing sweetly.,So Micky gets up early every morning and sings the whole morning.,But Micky just makes noise. He knows he cannot sing sweetly. He feels sad.,The birds flies to Micky. She gives Micky a good idea. Micky feels very happy.,Whats birds idea? Can you guess?,I usually get up at 6:30 (in the morning),He usually gets up early / late,I usually go to school at 7:00 (in the morning),She always works in the office in the morning/afternoon,Goodbye,感谢亲观看此幻灯片,此课件部分内容来源于网络, 如有侵权请及时联系我们删除,谢谢配合!,
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