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【2013年12月四级模拟作文】Directions: for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay entitled Talent Show. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words according to the outline given below in Chinsee. Write your eaasy on Answer Sheet 1.1. 下图为X市抽样调查市民对选秀节目态度的结果,请简述改图;2. 请简述双方持各自的观点的原因;3. 你对选秀节目的看法,是支持、反对还是不置可否,总结全文。Talent showNowadays, talent shows have occupied a good proportion of screen time. Participants compete in various fields, such as singing, acting and cat walking,etc. The winners not only get grand prix but also gain promising career propects in the entertainment industry.People hold diversified opinions about talent shows. According to a survey conducted in X city, 59% of the interviewees believed that did more good than harm, whereas 41% opposed it.The people in favor of the shows believe that they have given participants an equal chance to bring forth their talents,talent shows in general provide a platform for people who want to stand in the spotlight, Besides, such programs are usually interactive with audience who vote out the winners. Desipte the economic gains, many people dislike such contents,holding that vulgar competition encourages an unhealthy thinking among the young people of becoming famous overnight.In my opinion, talent shows are no doubt a commercial success and an entertainment feast. And it is all too easy to label them as “vulgar” or “biased”. Though I do have some reservation towards them. I believe that the programs themselves are not harmful, as long as run properly and viewed with a light heart of enjoyment.
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