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The different culture of color between west and east,Red,East In China, red is a color which represent lucky and joyous For example, in the festivals and the weddings, people often put on red antithetical couplet (对联),red lantern (灯笼),red word “fortune”(贴福字)and red word “happy” (贴喜字).,West In America, red is a color which represent blood and fire For example, the red battle(血战), red vengeance(血腥暴动), red ruin(火灾), red ink(赤字)and red flag(使人生气的事).,Red,China,America,Blue,East In China, blue is a color which represent further and eternal. For example, Chinese think the sky is blue and we regard blue as a color which can show our respect to the sky. And the blue blood(名门望族).,West In America, blue is a color which represent pornographic things. For example, the blue movie and the blue novels.,Blue,China,America,Yellow,East In China, yellow is a color which represent power and money. For example, the empires often wear yellow clothes with golden line and big dragon.,West In America, yellow is a color which represent envy and cowardly. For example, yellow belly(胆小鬼), yellow journalism (恣意煽情的传媒).,Yellow,China,America,White,East In china, white is a color which represent unlucky. For example, in the festivals, people dont like to put on white things to avoid unlucky.,West In America, white is a color which represent pure, clean and angel. For example, the bride often wear white clothes to show her pure. And the word “a white hope(被寄予最大希望)”.,White,China,America,Black,East In China, black is a color which represent serious and terror. For example, people often wear black clothes in funeral rites(葬礼).,West In America, black is a color which represent fashion and crisis. For example, one day in America called “Black Friday”.,Black,China,America,Open your eyes:,Today, more and more meanings of the colors are the same in eastern countries and in western countries because much culture of east flow into west and much culture of west flow into east and they are becoming mixing together.,Thank you -by 付瑶,
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