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西安科技大学可视化编程语言实验报告题目: 科学计算器 班级: 学号: 姓名: 2010年11月复杂型科学计算器的设计与实现实验目的1通过本实验,进一步理解Visual Basic的编程方法。2提高运用Visual Basic编程的能力。3培养对所学知识的综合运用能力。实验类型综合型。实验内容与步骤一.界面设计。对象属性设置对象名属性值Form1Caption科学计算器Command1CaptionSinindex0Command1Captioncosindex1Command1Captiontgindex2Command1Captionsecindex3Command1Captioncscindex4Command1Captionctgindex5Command1CaptionSqrindex6Command1Caption1/aindex7Command1Captionarctgindex8Command1Captionarcctgindex9Command1Captionlogindex10Command1Captionlnindex11Command1Captionshindex12Command1Captionchindex13Command1Captionabsindex14Command2Caption0index0Command2Caption1index1Command2Caption2index2Command2Caption3index3Command2Caption4index4Command2Caption5index5Command2Caption6index6Command2Caption7index7Command2Caption8index8Command2Caption9index9Command2Caption-index10Command2Caption.index11Command2Caption+index12Command2Caption-index13Command2Caption*index14Command2Caption/index15Command2Caption(index16Command2Caption)index17Command2Captionindex18Command3Caption-Command4CaptionCECommand5Caption=二计算器界面:三程序代码:Dim num1 As Single, num2 As SingleDim fu As IntegerDim sign As IntegerPrivate Sub Command1_Click(Index As Integer)Select Case Index Case 0 To 9 sign = Index + 20 Case 10 sign = Index + 20 fu = 1 Case 11 To 14 sign = Index + 20End SelectText1.Text = End SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click(Index As Integer) Select Case Index Case 0 To 9 Text1.Text = Text1.Text & Index If fu = 0 Then num1 = Val(Text1.Text) Else num2 = Val(Text1.Text) End If Case 10 Text1.Text = Text1.Text & - Case 11 Text1.Text = Text1.Text & . Case 12 To 18 Text1.Text = sign = Index fu = 1 End SelectEnd SubPrivate Sub Command3_Click()If text1.text=” thenelseText1.Text = Left$(Text1.Text, Len(Text1.Text) - 1)End if End SubPrivate Sub Command4_Click()Text1.Text = End SubPrivate Sub Command5_Click()Dim n As Integer, cf As Singlefu = 0: cf = 1Select Case sign Case 12 Text1.Text = num1 & + & num2 Text1.Text = num1 + num2 Case 13 Text1.Text = num1 - num2 Case 14 Text1.Text = num1 * num2 Case 15 Text1.Text = num1 / num2 Case 18 For n = 1 To num2 cf = cf * num1 Next n Text1.Text = cf Case 20 Text1.Text = Sin(num1) Case 21 Text1.Text = Cos(num1) Case 22 Text1.Text = Tan(num1) Case 23 Text1.Text = 1 / Cos(num1) Case 24 Text1.Text = 1 / Sin(num1) Case 25 Text1.Text = 1 / Tan(num1) Case 26 Text1.Text = Sqr(num1) Case 27 Text1.Text = 1 / num1 Case 28 Text1.Text = Atn(num1) Case 29 Text1.Text = Atn(num1) + 2 * Atn(1) Case 30 Text1.Text = Log(num2) / Log(num1) Case 31 Text1.Text = Log(num1) Case 32 Text1.Text = (Exp(num1) - Exp(-num1) / 2 Case 33 Text1.Text = (Exp(num1) + Exp(-num1) / 2 Case 34 Text1.Text = Abs(num1)End SelectEnd Sub四.保存工程并生成exe可执行文件。
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