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1,Words in the news,Military parade 阅兵 Refugee 难民 Asylum 避难所 Migrant 移民,2,Section 1Chapter 1 News Headlinese文理系 张小林,3,We are going to learn:,What are headlines? Functions and the newspaper article in question deals with the return of tension in the working relationships of men and women in London post offices. The headline is a pun on the instruction Return to sender, which is stamped on letters that cannot be delivered and must be sent back to the people who wrote them.,52,How to translate news headlines?,53,Translation of news headlines,一、直译或基本直译新闻标题 二、翻译中添加注释性词语 三、尽量再现原文修辞特点 四、采用翻译权衡手法,54,一、直译或基本直译新闻标题,Putin Faces Harsh Press Criticism Over Terror 普京因恐怖事件受媒体严厉批评 Olympics Begin in Style; Swimmer Takes 1st Gold 奥运盛妆开幕,泳将喜夺首金 UKs Oldest Person Dies at 115 英国第一寿星谢世,享天年百岁又十五,55,二、翻译中添加注释性词语,刘宓庆先生在文体与翻译中说的:“即使是明白、易懂的新闻标题,我们在汉译时也常需加上逻辑主语,或电讯中有关的人的国籍、事件发生的地点等等,总之必须增补介绍性、注释性词语以利中国读者的理解,避免读者产生误会。” For Beslans Children, a Legacy of Nightmares 俄罗斯:劫后相逢,别城孩童仍似恶梦中,56,三、尽量再现原文修辞特点,在翻译时应尽可能地体现原文修辞特点,如双关、比喻、押韵等,使译文和原文在修辞上基本吻合,从而让译文读者得到与原文读者近乎一样的感受。 No Fans? “No Fret!” 赛场没人气? “咱可没生气!” After the Booms Everything Is Gloom 繁荣不再,萧条即来 Soccer Kicks off with Violence 足球开踢,拳打脚踢,57,四、采用翻译权衡手法,有时,当一些英语标题或因修辞手法、或因文化及语言差异,在汉语中难以表现其微妙意义时,不妨根据标题字面意,结合新闻内容译出合适的中文标题。这样处理时,可根据汉语以及汉语新闻标题的特点,采用不同语法修辞手段,以取得最佳效果。,58,1.增加词语使意义完整,就揭示新闻内容而言,英语标题倾向于将某一内容作“重点化”(accentuation)处理,不讲究面面俱到。此外,由于英语单词通常由数个字母组成,所以标题一般用词不多。这两点决定了新闻标题一般比较精炼简短。而汉语新闻标题侧重“全面性”(totalism),加上汉语是一词一意,所以汉语标题用词相对较多。有鉴于此,在标题翻译时,可以结合汉语新闻标题的特点,适当增加一些词语,使标题的形式更趋汉化,意义更趋完整。,59,7 Astronauts Die as Shuttle Breaks Apart Space Shuttle Colombia Confirmed Destroyed Without Survivors 哥伦比亚解体坠毁 美国宇航局证实七名宇航员全部遇难 官方称没有迹象表明与恐怖活动有关 older, wiser, calmer 人愈老,智愈高,心愈平 Japanese Dash to US to Say “I Do” 日本情侣蜂拥美利坚,牧师面前誓言“我愿意”,60,2.套用中外诗词熟句,翻译新闻标题时,酌情借用、套用读者耳熟能详的诗词熟语,比较容易唤起读者的亲切感。 Bushs Daughters Reach Legal Age to Drink 布什双娇初长成,酒巷从此任纵横 Singaporean Star Gives Part of Liver to Save Dying Lover 若为爱情故,肝脏也可抛狮城上演感人生死恋,61,Practice page 20,Translate the following headlines into Chinese. US Urged to Abide by One-Chine Policy Savers Vault from the Banks to a Safe Place at Home J.P. Morgan Axes Over 10,000 in Reshuffle Chinese Health Officer Cautions Resurgence of SARS GOP Facing Tougher Battle for Congress,62,Practice page 20,Translate the following headlines into Chinese. 中国敦促美国遵守“一个中国”原则 银行存款不保险,家中存放更安心 摩根大通重组,削减员工逾万 中国卫生官员发出警告:非典可能卷土重来 美共和党国会席位难保,争夺之战面临硬仗,63,ICBM (Intercontinental Ballistic Missile)洲际弹道导弹,64,Fulbright,The Fulbright Program offers grants to study, teach and conduct research for U.S. citizens to go abroad and for non-U.S. citizens to come to the United States. It is sponsored by the U.S. government and is designed to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries.,65,Quid Pro Quo,a thing given in return for something else Examples: The issue is what kind of quid pro quo money-market funds will now face. 问题是货币市场基金将面临何种类型的补偿。www.ecocn.org2.The country provided oil to another country as a quid pro quo for weapons. 那个国家提供另一国石油以交换武器。3.But European leaders have thus far opposed such a quid-pro-quo. 但欧洲领导人迄今一直反对这样的交换条件。,66,News reading time,
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