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1、(2016安顺)-Look! What s on the ground?-Oh,it s my sweaterPlease ()Apick it upBput it onCgive it outDtake it off【考点】动词短语【分析】-看!地上是什么?-哦,它是我的毛衣请把它捡起来【解答】答案:Apick up捡起;put on穿上;give out分发;take off起飞,脱下根据it s my sweater,可知地上的东西是我的毛衣,所以应该是把它捡起来pick up捡起,如果是代词作宾语的话,应该放在两词之间故选A2、(2016滨州)-We can t making a planClean-up Day is only two weeks from now-Yes,I think so()Aput onBput upCput offDput out【考点】动词短语【分析】-我们不能推迟制定计划了清洁日离现在只剩两周了-是的,我也这样认为【解答】答案:C put on,增加(体重),穿上;put up,张贴;put off,推迟;put out,扑灭由only two weeks from now 可知清洁日离现在仅仅只有两周了,我们不能再推迟做计划了故选C3、(2016绵阳)My mother is ill in hospitalI have to _ my grandparents at home()Alook forBlook atClook upDlook after【考点】动词短语【分析】我妈妈生病住院了我得在家照顾我的爷爷奶奶【解答】答案:D look for 寻找;look at 看;look up查找;look after照顾;根据My mother is ill in hospital我妈妈生病住院了没法照顾爷爷奶奶推断可知:我得在家照顾我的爷爷奶奶故选:D4、(2016福州)-Why are you late for school today?-I m sorryI didn t catch the early bus and I had to _ the next one()Await forBask forCcare for【考点】动词短语【分析】-今天你为什么上学迟到了?-抱歉我没有赶上早班车,我不得不等下一辆班车【解答】答案:Await for等,等候;ask for请求,要求;care for照顾根据I didn t catch the early bus,可知我没有赶上早班车,所以不得不等下一辆班车wait for等,等候故选A5、(2016苏州)If the customer rings up for me again,please the call to the sales department()Arun throughBlook throughCgo throughDput through【考点】动词短语【分析】如果客户再次为我打电话,请把电话转接到销售部【解答】答案:Drun through贯穿;look through仔细检查;go through通过,用完;put through接通根据If the customer rings up for me again,可知如果客户再次为我打电话,请把电话转接到销售部put through接通故选D6、(2016达州)-Could you help me_the beef for dinner,Jean?-Ok,MomI ll do it right away()Atake offBknock offCcut downDcut up【考点】动词短语【分析】-Jean,为准备晚餐,你能帮我把牛肉切碎吗?-好的,妈妈我会立刻去做的【解答】答案:Dtake off起飞,脱掉;knock off下班,使减少;cut down减少,砍倒;cut up切碎根据Could you help me_the beef for dinner,可知这里的意思是为准备晚餐,你能帮我把牛肉切碎吗,cut up切碎故选D7、(2016达州)-Have you heard of the songWhere did the time go?-YesIt often_the old days and love of my family when I hear it()Aputs us downBreminds us ofCshows us offDhelps us out【考点】动词短语【分析】-你听说过时间去哪儿了这首歌吗?-是的当我听到它的时候,这首歌让我们想起了过去的日子和家人的爱【解答】答案:Bremind sbof 使某人想起某事;put down把放下;show off炫耀;help out帮助根据It often_the old days and love of my family when I hear it,可知这里的意思是当听到时间都去哪儿了,让我们想起了过去的日子和家人的爱remind sbof 使某人想起某事故选B8、(2016湖北)-Are you going to have a part time job during the summer vacation?-YesI think I shouldn t always _ my parents since I ve grown up()Afight againstBargue withChear fromDdepend on【考点】动词短语【分析】-在暑假期间你会找一份兼职工作吗?-是的,我想我不应该总是依靠我的父母,因为我长大了【解答】答案:D fight against反对,对抗;argue with争辩,与争论;hear from收到的来信,听到;depend on依赖,依靠;根据上文Are you going to have a part time job during the summer vacation?在暑假期间你会找一份兼职工作吗?以及下文since I ve grown up因为我长大了可知找兼职,是不想总依赖父母应该用depend on依赖,依靠;故选:D9、(2016湖北)-The American warships(军舰) have appeared near South China Sea Islands again-We must let the Americans know clearly that the islands _ China()Acome fromBbelong toCcare aboutDbelieve in【考点】动词短语【分析】-美国军舰已经再次出现在中国南海群岛附近-我们必须让美国人清楚地知道那岛些屿属于中国【解答】答案:B come from来自;belong to属于;care about 关心;believe in相信根据题干The American warships(军舰) have appeared near South China Sea Islands again可知句意为:美国军舰已经再次出现在中国南海群岛附近这些岛屿是中国的,即属于中国应该用belong to,属于,动词短语故选:B10、(2016湖北)-Who is Dave looking _?-His motherShe s been in hospital for a few days()AforBafterCatDup【考点】动词短语【分析】-戴维在照看谁?-他的母亲她已经住院好几天了【解答】答案:B look for寻找;look after照看,照顾;look at看;look up 在字典参考书中查找,向上看根据题干She s been in hospital for a few days她已经住院好几天了住院需要照顾,应该用look after,照看,照顾;故选:B11、(2016成都)It s windy outside,_your jacket,BobDon t catch a cold,()Atry onBput onCtake off【考点】动词短语【分析】鲍勃,外面风很大,穿上你的外套别感冒了【解答】答案:C try on试穿;put on 穿上;take off脱下;根据题干It s windy outside,外面风很大,Don t catch a cold 别感冒了可知应该是穿上衣服应该用put on 穿上故选:B12、(2016连云港)-The fire _ at around 3amlocal time when people were celebrating with fireworks-I m sorry to hear it()Abroke outBran outCwent outDput out【考点】动词短语【分析】-在当地时间大约早晨3点钟,当人们用烟火庆祝的时候,引发了大火-听到后我很难过【解答】答案:Abreak out突然发生,爆发;run out用完,耗尽;go out出去;put out扑灭根据when people were celebrating with fireworks,可知当人们用烟火庆祝的时候,应该是引发了大火break out突然发生,爆发;故选A13、(2016武汉)-Why did she_your invitation?-Because she had an important meeting to attend that day()Aturn downBput awayClook upDhand in【考点】动词短语【分析】-她为什么拒绝你的邀请?-因为那天她有一个重要的会议要参加【解答】答案:Aturn down拒绝;put away放好,收起来;look up查找,向上看;hand in上交根据Because she had an important meeting to attend that day,可知因为那天她有一个重要的会议要参加,所以她拒绝了你的邀请turn down拒绝故选A14、(2016湖北)-Oh,my godI _ 2kgthis month-Don t worryIt s no
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