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.,1,新版仁爱英语八年级上册知识点梳理,.,2,Unit 1,Topic1知识点,打算做某事 看见-做- 看见-正在做- 在暑假期间 为某人加油 两者都 常常,相当经常 更喜欢 更喜欢做- 与-相比更喜欢- 最喜欢,一、重点短语,be going to do- /plan to do- see - do- see -doing- during the summer holidays cheer- on both- and- /both of- quite a bit/quite a lot/very often prefer /like - better prefer doing- /prefer to do- prefer A to B favorite /like -best,.,3,为(球队)效力 和(某队)比赛 和-一起玩,和-一起参加比赛,玩耍- 成长,长大 花(时间/钱)做某事 做骑车运动 做登山运动 跳高 跳远 擅长-,精通- 对-有益 对-有害,play for( the ball team) play against (the team) play with- grow up spend-(in) doing - / spend - on - go cycling go mountain climbing the high jump the long jump be good at- be good for- be bad for-,.,4,每一次 参加(活动) 参加校划船运动队 校运动会 在将来 今天下午 明天早晨 后天 前天 晚饭后 放学后 遍及全世界,each time /every time take part in- /join in- join the school rowing team a school sports meet in the future this afternoon tomorrow morning the day after tomorrow the day before yesterday after supper after school all over the world,.,5,使某人强壮 保持健康 帮助(某人)做某事 做-得好方法 到达 长时间,长期 近二十年来 中国国家队 足球迷 动身去某地 离开A地去B地,make - strong /keep -strong keep fit /keep healthy help (sb.) (to) do- a good way to do - arrive in/at-, get to- for a long time /for long for the last 20 years Chinas national team soccer fans leave for- leave A for B,.,6,二、重点句型,今天下午我打算去打篮球。 你打算参加校运会吗? 你要加入我们吗? 她长大后想当什么?她打算当一名科学家。,I am going to play basketball this afternoon.,Are you going to take part in the school sports meet? Are you going to join in the school sports meet?,Will you join us?,What is she going to be when she grows up? She is going to be a scientist.,.,7,明天Tom和Jack打算进行乒乓球比赛。 他和我都打算将来当一名音乐教师。 我们两都希望我们的队会赢。 我们每一个人都有梦想。,There is going to be a table tennis game between Tom and Jack tomorrow. Tom and Jack are going to play a table tennis game tomorrow.,Both he and I are going to be a music teacher in the future.,Both of us hope our team will win.,We have a dream each. /Each of us has a dream.,We have a dream each. /Each of us has a dream.,We have a dream each. /Each of us has a dream.,We have a dream each. /Each of us has a dream.,.,8,刚才我看见他正在体育馆里做锻炼。 游泳和滑冰相比,你更喜欢哪项运动?我更喜欢游泳。 棒球、篮球和网球,他最喜欢哪项运动?他最喜欢棒球。,I saw him exercising in the gym just now.,Which sport do you prefer, swimming or skating? I prefer swimming . Which sport do you like better, swimming or skating? I like swimming better.,Which is his favorite sport, baseball, basketball or tennis? Baseball is his favorite. His favorite sport is baseball.,Which sport does he like best, baseball, basketball or tennis ? He likes baseball best.,.,9,Unit 1,Topic2知识点一、重点短语,我的一个队友 最受欢迎的运动之一 患病,病倒 介意做某事 把-踢给- 把-递给- 没关系 当然不 过得愉快,one of my teammates one of the most popular sports fall ill /be ill /become ill mind doing- kick-to - /kick sb. sth. pass-to- /pass sb. sth. Never mind! /Its nothing! /Not at all! Of course not! /Certainly not! /Not at all! enjoy oneself /have a good time/ have fun,.,10,享受做某事的乐趣 练习做某事 完成做某事 坚持做某事 继续努力 使某人坚持做某事 保证安全 帮助某人 擅长,在-方面做得好 到处乱扔 其他某个地方,enjoy doing- practice doing- finish doing- keep doing- Keep trying! keep sb. doing- keep safe help sb. /give sb. a hand be good at- /do well in- throw- around /throw- about somewhere else,.,11,对某人大声喊叫,斥责某人 比赛获胜 输了比赛 输给某人 学会合作 和-吵架 用生气的方式谈话 在坏天气条件下 与某人生气 为-感到抱歉/遗憾/后悔 向-说道歉 有一百多年的历史,shout at- win the game lose the game lose to sb. learn teamwork fight with- talk in an angry way in bad weather be angry with- be sorry for- /be sorry about- say sorry to- have a history of over a century /with a history of over a century,.,12,在世界其他地区 一项室内运动 形成,产生 阻止某人做某事 遵守规则 例如,比如 作为一个队 作为一个学生 肯定要做某事 确信某事,对某事有把握 得分,in other parts of the world an indoor game come into being /be born stop-(from) doing- follow the rules /obey the rules such as / for example as a team as a student be sure to do- be sure of- /be sure about- score points,.,13,二、重点句型,我的一个队友病倒了。 我足球踢不好。 一个运动员不成一个队。 他们在吵架。 我不想我们的队输掉比赛。,One of my teammates fell ill.,I am not good at (playing) soccer. I dont do well in (playing) football.,One player doesnt make a team.,They are fighting with each other. They are talking in an angry way.,I dont want our team to lose the game.,.,14,我给她带来了一件礼物。 对篮球运动员来说,团队协作很重要。 人们可以坐在绿茵场周围,边晒太阳,边喝饮料,边看团队比赛。,I brought her a present. I brought a present for her.,Its important for basketball players to play as a team.,People can sit around the green, enjoying the sun, having drinks and watching the team games.,.,15,请你扫一下地,好吗?好的。 请你不要在上课的时候扫地,好吗?对不起,我不扫了。 我可以在课堂上扫地吗?最好不要。,Would you mind cleaning the floor? Certainly not. /Of course not. /Not at all. Could you please clean the floor? OK. /No problem.,Would you mind not cleaning the floor in class? Sorry, I wont do it again.,Would you mind if I clean the floor in class? Youd better not. Would you mind my cleaning the floor in class? Youd better not.,.,16,你必须遵守校规。比如,你上学不能迟到。 他许多科目都学很好,例如,英语、数学、语文等等。,He does well in many subjects such as English, Chinese and math. He does well in many subjec
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