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1 高三英语高效课堂资料 高二英语翻转课堂复习课时学案 班级小组姓名_使用时间 2017年 6月_日编号 1-3/4-3 课 题 Unit3-4 Book1 语法 形容词、副词 编制人 审核人 目标 导学 目标及要求 1.学生通过自学,掌握形容词,副词的基础知识。 2.通过观看视频,合作探究,解决自学中的疑难。 3.灵活运用形容词 , 副词完成训练展示中的练习,积极合作 ,条理点评 . 重点形容词,副词的运用 自学质疑学案 阅读记录学案内容 思考: 形 容词副词 的不规则 变化及比 较级原级 的用法 一形容词副词知识点梳理: I形容词 1.形容词位置 : 通常用在名词前 ,代词后 ,连系动词后 . 形容词作定语时通常前置 , 但在以下情况 , 形容词必须后置 : 1)修饰不定代词, something, anyone 等.There is nobody absent today. 2)以-able /-ble 结尾的形容词可置于形容词最高级或only 修饰的 名词后 . 如: That is the only solution possible. 3)成对的形容词可后置 , 常用逗号给开 . There was a large room, simple and beautiful. 4)当 “ 形容词 +介词/不定式 ” 构成的短语作定语时后置. The teacher asked me a question too difficult to answer. A man so difficult to please must be hard to work with. 5)当 old, long, high, wide, deep 等词附有数量词短语作定语时后 置. At that time she was only a girl five years old. I have once seen a snake about a meter long. 2. 有些形容词既可以做前置定语也可以做后置定语, 但意思不同 , 要注意区分 . 常见的有 : the responsible man (可依赖的 ) the man 2 第 1 页 学案内容阅读记录 responsible (应负责的 ) 3 the present members (现在的 ) the members present ( 在场的 ) the absent students ( 心不在焉的 ) the students absent ( 缺席的 ) the concerned teachers ( 忧心的 )the teachers concerned ( 有关的 ) 3. 表语形容词 : 常见的表语形容词有 (主要是以a-开头的词 ):asleep, awake, alike, afraid, alive, alone, glad, ready, sorry, sure, ill, well ( 指健 康状况好 ), ashamed, afloat(漂浮不定的 ), worth 等, 它们除了做表语 外还可以做宾语补足语, 但不能做前置定语. 形容词还可作状语 如:At last,he went back home ,hungry and tired. That cat is ill. That is an ill cat.(错) That is a sick cat (正确). That is an asleep baby. ( 错) That is a sleeping baby. ( 正确). He fell asleep in a short while. (正确). 4. 形容词的搭配 : 形容词与介词的搭配不同,其后要求接的对象也不同,甚至意思也有 所不同,有的搭配是固定的, 构成短语后的作用相当于一个动词,如: be strict with sb be strict in sth be pleased with sb be afraid of be friendly to be angry with sth sb /at sth be interested in be surprised/ amazed at be excited at/about be disappointed at be thankful to sb be familiar with be careful of be sure / certain of . 副词 1. 副词主要修饰动词 ,very, quite, really, pretty, rather, terribly (很,可 怕地) 等也可以修饰形容词和别的副词。 如:He runs quickly. It will be terribly cold tomorrow. 2. 有的副词还可以修饰全句,如:Luckily, his son was saved by the kind-hearted lady. 比较: 1) He got very happy.(got 变得,联系动词 ) He played very happily.(played 玩,行为动词 ) 2)The song sounded very wonderfully.(错) The song sounded very wonderful. (对) The singer sang very wonderful. (错) The singer sang very wonderfully. (对) 3. 形容词和副词可以相互转化:大多数形容词可以在词尾加上ly 变 成副词 (有一定的规则), 也有少部分形容词和副词相同 (如 fast adj. 快的;adv. 快地. hard adj.难的,硬的; adv.努力) ,个别形容词和副 词根本不同(如 good adj.好well adv.好) 4 第 2 页 阅读记录学案内容 5 . 形容词、副词比较等级 1. 比较级 形容词和副词都有原级,比较级和最高级。其句型结构基本相似,微 小区别在于谓语动词是用连系动词还是行为动词,从而决定用 形容词 比较级等级 还是副词比较等级 . 1. 指两者的比较时,就要用到比较级。有如下几种句型: 1)A + 比较级 + than B. Jack is taller than Ed. He ran more slowly than I in last sports meeting. He thinks he is less careful than Jim. 2) Which/Who + 比较级 , A or B? Which bag is heavier, the first one or the second one? Who finished the work earlier, Tom or Sam? 3) the + 比较级 + of the two. Sarah is the healthier of the two girls. The taller of the two boys is my brother. 4) 用 by 表示相差的程度 : She is taller than I by three inches. = She is three inches taller than I. 注意 : 1) 比较级前可以用a little/bit( 一点 ), a lot/much/far( 得多 ), still( 更), even(甚至), great deal, by far, any, three times 等来强调程度 , 但不 能用 very, quite, pretty, rather和 more 等来修饰比较级 . 如: Shes a little better at math than before. He runs far more slowly than 2) 比较只能在同类间进行 , 如不能说 : Lily s hair is longer than I /me. 而必须说 : Lilys hair is longer than mine / my hair. 3) 比较不能与自己相比 , 排除自己的方法是使用other 或 else , 这时是 指在同一范围内 . 如不在同意范围内则无须使用other或 else. 如: Shanghai is bigger than any other city in China. Shanghai is bigger than any city in Sichuan. Nobody else does better in math than he in his class. = He does better in math than anybody else in his class. 4). 为避免重复常用替代词one, ones, that, those 等. 如 This picture is more beautiful than that one. The oranges on the plate are much bigger than those in the basket. (此处不能用those ones) 6 第 3 页 学案内容阅读记录 7 5) 比较级 and比较级:越来越 如: It getscolderandcolder天气变得越来越寒冷。 more and more + 多音节形容词 /副词原级 :越来越 Our country is getting more and more beautiful. 我们国家正在变得越来 越美丽 . 6) The + 比较级 + 句子, the + 比较级 + 句子 . 表示“ 越., 越.”(按 正比列增加) The more I learn about Chinese history, the more I enjoy living in China. 7) 貌似比较级的一些习惯用法: more than 与其 不如 2. 最高级 指三者或三者以上的比较时, 用最高级 . 形容词最高级前必须加冠词 the, 副词最高级前可以不加the. 表示比较的范围时常用in 或 of (所给的 词语为指主语同类的代词或数词时用of)介词短语 , 也常用于Which / Who the + 最高级 , A, B or C? 句型中 . 如: Yao Ming is one of the most popular soccer players of all. Which sport do you like best, football, basketball or table tennis? 1) 最高级的修饰语常见的有 : by far (得多 , 尤其), nearly, almost, by no means( 绝不, 一点也不 ), not really(不完全是 , 不见得 ), nothing like(丝 毫不像 , 绝对不 ) 等 2) 否定+ 比较级 = 最高级 There is no better present than this. He has never spent a more worrying day. 3. 同级比较 1) 指两者在某方面是否处于同一层次时要用“as + 原级 + as 或not as/ so as” 表示“ 与一样 或 不如 ” 之意. Henry is a worker as good as Peter. = Henry is as good a worker as Peter. Henry doesn t have so/a
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