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目录 英中文转化过程中在句子层面的障碍.1 英语句子的分类:.2 一、定语.2 二、同位语.3 三、状语.4 四、插入语.5 主从复合句语序障碍的解决:.6 定语从句语序障碍的解决:.6 同位语从句: (其他从句).7 特别备注:主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,状语从句.8 考研英语句子的阅读实战分析法:.9 一.确定主干:.9 二.切分成分:.9 三.独立成句:.9 真题实战.11 附录一:50 个可接双宾语的高频动词.18 附录二:接现在分词作宾补的 20 个常用动词.20 1 2019 版考研英语长难句解密讲义 (配合考研英语长难句解密图书使用) (内部讲义 翻印必究) 主讲人:何凯文主讲人:何凯文 The future has arrived.It commences now. 未来已来,始于现在未来已来,始于现在 英中文转化过程中在句子层面的障碍英中文转化过程中在句子层面的障碍 语义:词汇(语境) 语序: The law is reason free from passion. 英语句子转换为中文时没有语序障碍的情况: 1.主+谓2.主+谓+宾 3.主+谓+双宾4.主+谓+宾补 5.主+系+表语 例句: 1. 1.主谓结构主谓结构 (1) Kites rise.(2) Education pays.(3) The future has arrived. (4) It commences (now).【Sth commences. / Sth commences with sth 】 Yoursuccess commences with your reason. (Kites rise highest against the wind - not with it.) 2. 2.主谓宾结构:主谓宾结构: (1) 【(Sb commences sth)】The NHS commences the research. (2) Prosperity makes friends.Adversity tries them. 3. 3.主谓双宾语结构:主谓双宾语结构: The time offers us the opportunity. The time awards the innovative people the generous returns. The democratic society gives the speech freedom the widest latitude. (give sb sth/give sth sth) 4. 4.主谓宾宾补结构:主谓宾宾补结构: The social media has left us vulnerable to the misleading information. (更多词见附录) The scientific plan prevents us making the detour. 5. 5.主系表结构:主系表结构: Todivide people into good and bad is absurd. (It is absurd to divide people into good and bad.) People are either charming or tedious. Ones first love is always perfect /until one meets ones second love. 1 2019 考研英语长难句解密讲义 英语句子的分类:英语句子的分类: 句和 简单句的定义: 句 简单句语序障碍的来源和解决: 简单句的障碍来源: 1.2.3. 简单句语序障碍的识别识别及处理处理方法 4. 一、定语一、定语 作用和识别:修饰和限定名词的成分;作用和识别:修饰和限定名词的成分; 名词前的叫前置定语;名词后的叫后置定语; 前置定语: 识别:识别:1.形容词 2.现在分词 3. 过去分词 4.代词 5. 名词 例子 1)Fat pay rise 2)Luxury goods/luxurious goods 3)Common ancestor /common dream 4)the underlying assumption 5)small but vocal local group 6)the sound advice/ the sound understanding 7)separate but adjoining chamber 8)legislative initiative 9) conservation measures 10)two distinctly separate and increasingly hostile branches 11) uplifting motives 12)gay marriage/ gay genius 处理:形容词+名词=名词短语 后置定语: 形容词短语 those unaware of the disaster 现在分词短语 Otoman fighting with xiaoguaisou 过去分词短 a picture painted by Picasso 不定式短语 the right to die 介词短语the link between dreams and emotions n. + 例 子 : He successfully fought a lawsuit involving a football player who was paralyzed in a game. 处理:(1) (2) 1.介词短语: 【介词+名词】 Areputation for slackingthe value of goods and services 2 2019 考研英语长难句解密讲义 the presence of grapes the presence of telescope products of high quality the presence of mobile phone the sense of fairness the book of value 2.不定式短语: 【to do +名词/ to do/】the right to define physical beauty. 3.形容词短语: 【形容词+介词+名词/ 形容词+to do 】 the question hard to answer; 4. 现在分词短语: the website promoting extreme dieting 5. 过去分词短语:the research carried by the expert panel 二、同位语二、同位语 定义和作用:补充说明名词或者句子 (增加语言的多样性。 ) 同位语的处理: 独立成句 (1)B=Ais B A,B /A-B/ A or B: (2)A= this is A. This= 名词/句子 A 和 B 都是名词 These areA 句子,A/ 句子-A 例子: 1. The U.S workers have achieved about 95% of the productivity of their Japanese counterparts a result of the training received on the job. This is a result of the training received on the job 2. The school education should emphasize the bravery, honesty,innovation,tolerance, decency,affection, integrity and reason important quality necessary
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