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1,Unit 1 Festivals around the world,2,2. To learn sth. about different festivals and celebrations around the world. 认识节日的分类以及节日对人们生活的 影响,从更深入的层面理解各国节日的意义。,3,A quiz,3. the 7th day of the 7th month-,Chongyang Festival,2. The 5th day of the 5th month -,1. The 15th day of the 1st month-,the Lantern Festival (元宵节),4.The 15th day of the 8th month -,the Mid-autumn Festival,the Dragon-boat festival (端午节),(of Chinese lunar calendar) (农历),5. the 9th day of the 9th month-,Qiqiao Festival (the Chinese Valentines day),Some Chinese traditional festivals,6. April 5th -,Tomb-sweeping Festival (清明节),Step1 Leading-in,4,Foreign Festivals,5,Look at the title of the reading passage, sub-heading (副标题) and the pictures in it, and work in pairs to predict the content of the passage. Fill in the blank.(2ms),1. The _ of the festivals and celebrations in the world. 2. The _ when the festivals take place. 3. What people _. 4. _ in the festivals.,Step2 Skimming,names,celebrate,What people do,times,6,Scan the reading passage and then fill in the following chart. (3ms),Pay more attention to taking notes about the names of festivals and countries.,Step3 Scanning,7,Festivals of the Dead,Festivals to honour People,Harvest Festivals,Spring Festivals,Obon,Japan,Day of the Dead,Mexico,Halloween,some western countries,Dragon Boat Festival,China,Columbus Day,the USA,Festival to honor Gandhi,India,Thanksgiving festivals,European countries,Mid-Autumn Festivals,China and Japan,The Spring Festival,China,Easter,Christian countries,Cherry Blossom Festival,Japan,8,Step4 Careful reading,Read the text paragraph by paragraph, and do the following exercises.,9,What and when did ancient people and modern people celebrate ?,Most ancient festivals would celebrate the end of_, _ and harvest in autumn . Sometimes celebrations were held after hunters had caught animals.,cold weather,planting in spring,Para1,Todays festivals of all kinds have many_: some _, some seasonal , some for special _.,origins,religious,people or events,10,Para2,Festivals of the Dead,1. What are festivals of the dead usually for?,Festivals of the dead are usually for honoring the dead or satisfying the ancestors, who (some people believe) might return either to help or to do harm.,2. Of the three festivals of the dead, Halloween has a lot in common with the Chinese festival: Tomb-sweeping Festival. (T/F),F,11,1. Qu Yuan 2. Christopher Columbus 3. Mohandas Gandhi a. the Dragon Boat Festival b. an Indian national festival on Oct. 2 c. Columbus Day,a,c,b,Para3,Read Para 3 carefully and match the person with the festival.,12,Para4,Harvest festivals are always happy events because,Make a list of the ways of how to celebrate the festivals for people in different countries. (高考直通车),people are _ (thankful) that food is gathered for the winter and _ (农活) is over .,grateful,the agricultural work,decoratewith get together to win awards for admire enjoy,13,Spring Festivals,Para5,What do these spring festivals celebrate?,The return of Jesus from the dead. The end of winter and the coming of spring and new life. C.The getting together of the families.,looks _ (as if ) it is covered with _,as though,pink snow,14,Different cultures and traditions have different festivals!,Conclusion,15,Test (Choose one and do it),different number , different question , different form , different mark.,16,the Dragon Boat Festival,1.Practice :Look at the pictures on the screen and speak out the festival quickly.,1,2分,17,Thanksgiving Day,18,Harvest Festival Thanksgiving Day,19,What can we learn from the passage? A. All festivals have been lasting for a long period. B. People like festivals just because they can eat a lot then. C. Different countries have different customs. D. People celebrate festivals in the same way.,C,2,3分,20,What makes autumn festivals happy events? (p 3. E.2. ),Autumn festivals are happy events because people are thankful that food is ready for winter and the hard farm work is finished.,3,4分,21,Matching,Cherry Blossom Thanksgiving Festival Mahatna Gandi Day Carnivals Halloween,A. The honored man helped India gain independence from Britain B. In some situations, children can play a trick on their neighbors. C. The country is covered with flowers looking like pink snow. D. People win awards for their unique produce. E. People with colorful clothing dance in the street day and night.,4,5分,22,The Spring Festival in China,Its the most _(富有生气的) and important festival in China, which falls on the f_ day of the lunar year. Before the festival, houses are cleaned and d_. At the festival , people eat _ and fish and give children _ _ in red paper (red packets). On the eve, people watch CCTV New Year Gala and often set off _.There are _ d
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