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,2017年中考英语命题研究(怀化专版),2017年中考英语命题研究(怀化专版),完形填空是介于单项选择题和阅读理解题之间的一种题型,旨在考查学生对词汇和语法知识在单句、上下文、语篇等各种具体语境下的综合运用能力,这就要求考生在解题中掌握一些方法、技巧。 1速读,初读全文,跳开选项了解信息,初步掌握文章大意,抓住主题。 完形填空的首句一般不留空,因此认真阅读短文开头的第一、二句,有利于准确预测和推断短文的主旨大意,不要急于看选项,找答案。应通篇浏览文章,掌握文中的时间、地点、人物及事件。也不要拘泥于个别细节,否则难以达到整体上的把握。 2精读。精读细研,初填试选,抓住短文的每段、每句及作者的思想。 再读时,可以运用一些方法来全面地审视填空,即常见完形填空的7种命题角度:语境推断;词汇复现;生活常识;固定搭配;逻辑推理;推理判断;语法知识(怀化近7年中考完形填空中并没有涉及过此种命题角度)。,2017年中考英语命题研究(怀化专版),3复读。再次阅读文章,瞻前顾后,反复推敲,检查答案是否符合文章逻辑推理。 对于那些不易定夺的选项或单词,可以从前后文和单词的搭配、语义、语法上进行分析推断。即:先看前后搭配是否符合语法;再看上下文意思是否通顺;后看情节是否合理以及是否符合生活常识和文化背景,从而选出正确的答案。 填完所有空格以后,还需要进行最后的校核。考试时,校核最好在检查完其他试题之后进行。因为刚做完完形填空题,考生的思路仍留在原来的线上,如稍隔一段时间或做一些其他题目,回头再复读全文,从语感上体会文章是否通顺,校核所填的词是否合理,前后是否连贯,结构是否完整,就可以从另一个角度来观察一切,从而提高答题的准确率。,2017年中考英语命题研究(怀化专版),(2015怀化中考)One day a man saw a lady on the road.Her _1_ broke down and she needed help.The man stopped his car and said,“Im here to help _2_You can call me Bryan Anderson.” After he fixed the car,the lady wanted to pay him _3_ Bryan said no. He said if she really wanted to pay him back,the next time she saw someone who needed help,she could give that person the _4_ he or she needed. A few miles down the road the lady _5_ a small restaurant. The waitress came over.The lady noticed the waitress was nearly eight months pregnant(怀孕的),but she _6_ let it change her attitude(态度) when she served her.,2017年中考英语命题研究(怀化专版),The lady finished her meal and paid with a $100 bill.The waitress went to get the change(零钱)When she came back,she found the lady had gone and left a note on a piece of paper:“You dont owe(欠) me _7_Somebody once helped me,just as Im helping you.If you really want to _8_me back,here is what you do:Do not let the _9_end with you.” Under the paper were there more $100 bills. The waitress was moved.She really needed the money,as the baby would soon arrive.Then she called her husband:“Everything will be _10_,I love you,Bryan Anderson.”,2017年中考英语命题研究(怀化专版),2017年中考英语命题研究(怀化专版),2017年中考英语命题研究(怀化专版),2017年中考英语命题研究(怀化专版),2017年中考英语命题研究(怀化专版),2017年中考英语命题研究(怀化专版),2017年中考英语命题研究(怀化专版),2017年中考英语命题研究(怀化专版),2017年中考英语命题研究(怀化专版),2017年中考英语命题研究(怀化专版),2017年中考英语命题研究(怀化专版),Nowadays,some students seldom help their_1_do housework at home. Some parents love their children too_2_and dont let them work at home._3_the one hand,they think that their children are too busy_4_their studies and expect them to do well in their lessons only. On the_5_hand,they think their children dont know_6_to do the housework. _7_,I think students should help their parents do housework at home.First,that can develop their love for work. Next,that can help them_8_their parents better._9_the most importantly,that can help them cultivate(培养) their ability to_10_in the future.,2017年中考英语命题研究(怀化专版),
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