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Review of Units 3-4 for Grade 8 (1),空闲的 2. 爱好 3. 搜集 4. 绘画 5. 电子邮件 6. 大众的 7. 假期 8. 分享,Words in Unit 3.,spare,hobby,collect,paint,e-mail,pop = popular,vacation,share,= free,- hobbies,9. 同意 10. 友谊 11. 知识 12. 丑陋的 12. 懒惰的 14. 愚蠢的 15. 磁带 16. 鼓,agree,knowledge,ugly,lazy,stupid,tape,drum,friendship,- friend,- know,17. 是否 18. 价格 19. 淋浴 20. 每天 21. 简单的 22. 收音机 23. 出生 24. 高度,price,shower,everyday,simple,radio,birth,height,whether,= if,- radios,- birthday,- high高的,25. 重量 26. 没人 27. 每人 28. 令人愉快的 29. 有用的 30. 英俊的 31. 难过的 32. 工厂 33.盘,碟,weight,nobody,everybody,pleasant,useful,handsome,sad,factory,dish,-pleasure,- usefully,= unhappy,-dishes,-weigh重,What do you often do in your s_ time? 2. The f_ between Lucy and Kate is strong and pleasant. 3. Who is going to sing at the c_? 4. I can l_ you some tapes of her songs. 5. The music was very p_.,pare,oncert,end,leasant,根据首字母和句意填空。,riendship,collect stamps,plant flowers,great value,rock music,be interested in,in the pond,share ones interests,Phrases in Unit 3.,集邮 2. 种花 3. 巨大的价值 4. 摇滚音乐 5. 对感兴趣 6. 分享某人的兴趣 7. 在池塘里,teach sb to do sth,teach oneself,daily work,keep sb healthy,keep pets,help sb get well,be famous for,8. 教某人做某事 9. 自学 10. 日常工作 11. 使某人健康 12. 养宠物 13. 帮助某人(身体)转好 14.以闻名,make sb happy,make Saturday afternoon a holiday,make faces,lend sb sth,set up = form,make sb laugh,= lend sth to sb,15. 使某人开心 16. 使某人大笑 17. 使周六下午成为一个假期 18. 做鬼脸 19. 借给某人某物 20. 组成,建成,= continue doing sth,continue to do sth,get to know,in an English language school,practice the violin,be angry with sb,agree with sb,21. 继续做某事 22. 逐渐知道 23. 在英语语言学校 24. 练习小提琴 25. 对某人生气 26. 同意某人,be popular with,nothing serious,spend a wonderful evening,pay for,feel too tired,stop doing sth,27. 在中受欢迎 28. 没什么严重的 29. 度过一个精彩的晚会 30. 付钱 31. 感到太累 32. 停止做某事,+ sth.,+sb.,33. 打电话叫某人做某事 34. 称它一个圣日 35. 太不能 36. 在19世纪80年代早期 37. 最著名的摇滚乐队之一,call it a “holy day”,call sb to do sth,tooto,in the early 1880s,one of the most famous rock bands,tooto 太不能= not enough to 不够,1. He is too young to go to school.,= He _ _ _ to go to school.,isnt old enough,2. The problem isnt easy enough for me to work out.,= The problem _ _ _ for me _ work out.,is too difficult,to,3. It is never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老。,lend & borrow,1. lend 借给别人, 强调往外借, 和to连用, lend sth to sb = lend sb sth;,2. borrow借给自己, 强调往里借,自己用, 和from连用, borrow sth from sb 。,I _ a book _ the library last week.,Jack often _ his bike _ me.,borrowed,from,lends,to,语法一:used to do sth 过去常常做某事,语法二: 感叹句,语法三:过去进行时,功能项目一:谈论兴趣与爱好。,功能项目二:表达喜欢和不喜欢。,功能项目三:表达同意与不同意。,单元复习,语法一:used to do sth 过去常常做某事,I used to collect stamps before.,I _ _ to collect stamps before.,_ you _ to collect stamps before?,Yes, _ _. No, _ _.,didnt use,Did,use,I did,I didnt,What did you use to do before?,A:What _ during the summer vacation? B: We used to swim in the sea.,did you use to do,P101 Ex. 4,2. A: _? B: They used to go to the beach.,What did they use to do,3. A: Did he use to go cycling? B: No, he didnt. _,He used to fly a kite.,4. A: Did you use to play volleyball? B: _,Yes, I did.,语法二: 感叹句,What + 形容词名词主 + 谓!,How + 形容词/副词 + 主 + 谓!,What + a/an + 形容词单数名词 主 + 谓! What + 形容词复数名词/不可数名词主 + 谓!,1. This is an interesting story.,What,an interesting story,this is!,2. These are heavy boxes.,What,heavy boxes,these are!,3. It was bad weather.,What,bad weather,it was!,What + 形容词名词主 + 谓!,1. The story is interesting.,_ _ the story is!,interesting,2. These boxes are so heavy.,_ _ these boxes are!,heavy,3. The weather was very bad.,_ _ the weather was!,bad,How + 形容词/副词 + 主 + 谓!,How,How,How,1. The little boys are in danger. _ dangerous! They shouldnt do that.,How,P102 Ex. 5,2.He is playing the music, Two Butterflies. _ sweet music!,What,3.A group of people are watching TV. _ a humorous movie! We all like it.,What,4. Its raining. _ heavily its raining!,How,语法三:过去进行时,was /were + V-ing,1.概念:表示在过去某一时刻或某一段 时间内进行或发生的动作。 2.结构为: 。 3.常与表示过去的时间状语连用,如: last night, last Saturday 等;或者与when, while, as引导的过去时间状语连用。,Jim was reading English at this time yesterday.,Jim _ _ English at this time yesterday.,wasnt reading,_ Jim _ English at this time yesterday?,Was,reading,Yes, _ _. No, _ _.,he was,he wasnt,_ _ Jim _ at this time yesterday?,What was,doing,昨天正当我走向车站时,一个不明飞行物 飞过了我的头上。 A UFO _ _ my head while I _ _ toward the bus stop yesterday. 2. 昨晚,当吉姆睡觉时,他看见一个不明 飞行物正飞过他的头上。 Last night, while Jim _ _, he _ a UFO flying _ his head.,flew over,was,walking,was sleeping,saw,over,The children went to the park last Sunday. Kangkang took many photos there. Here is one of them. The sun was shining brightly in the sky. What _ the mother and her son _ (do)? Oh, they _(row). The old man near the river _(fish). _M
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