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Unit 4 Love Is a Fallacy,Max Shulman,Max Shulman,Max Shulman (March 14, 1919August 28, 1988) is a 20th century American writer, best known for his television and short story character Dobie Gillis, as well as for best-selling novels. His writing often focused on young people, particularly in a collegiate setting.,Max Shulman,novels: Rally Round the Flag, Boys! Sleep Till Noon. co-writer, with Robert Paul Smith, of the long-running Broadway play, The Tender Trap,Max Shulman,short stories: Many Loves of Dobie Gillis, which became the basis for a CBS television series of the same name, and had previously been the subject of a film, The Affairs of Dobie Gillis (1953).,Affairs of Dobie Gillis (1953),Max Shulman,The same year that the series began, 1959, a novel continuing the adventures of Dobie and his friends, I Was a Teenage Dwarf, was published.,Max Shulman,a screenwriter. He was one of the collaborators on a television documentary, Lights Diamond Jubilee, which was supposedly a celebration of the 75th anniversary of the invention of the light bulb by Thomas A. Edison,Max Shulman,His humor column, On Campus, was syndicated in over 350 collegiate newspapers at one point. A later novel, Anyone Got a Match?, satirized both the television and tobacco industries, as well as the South and college football.,Max Shulman,His last major successful project was his work on House Calls, which began as a 1978 movie based on one of his stories and later became a television series (19791981),Charles Lamb,Charles Lamb (1775-1834) was an English essayist, best known for his Essays of Elia (Elia was his penname) and for the childrens book Tales from Shakespeare, which he produced along with his sister, Mary Lamb.,从文学史的角度说,兰姆的随笔属于英国浪漫派文学运动的一个分支。从思想上摆脱理性主义的约束,追求个性和感情的解放;从创作方法上摆脱古典主义的限制,追求“我手写我心”在这些根本方面,兰姆和其他英国浪漫派作家并无二致。但不同之处在于:当其他浪漫派作家(如华慈华斯)以农村、大自然。崇高理想、热烈爱情当作自己的汇歌对象时,兰姆在自己的随笔里却以伦敦的城市生活为自己的描写对象;他从城市的芸芸众生中寻找出有诗意的东西,赋予日常生活中的平凡小事以一种浪漫的异彩。,Thomas Carlyle(1795-1881),British historian and essayist The French Revolution (1837), On Heroes, Hero Worship and the Heroic in History (1841) and Past and Present (1843).,法国革命The French Revolution 论英雄、英雄崇拜和历史上的英雄业绩On Heroes and Hero-Worship 过去与现在Past and Present 人生态度:我们没有能力去阻止已经发生的事情,但我们却有能力去改变已经发生的事情对我们现在生活的影响。接受已经发生的,改变可以改变的。,John Ruskin(1819-1900),artist, scientist, poet, environmentalist, philosopher, and the pre-eminent art critic of his time.,现代画家IVModern Painers IV(1843年1960年)7 建筑学七灯The Seven Lamps of Architecture (1849年)7 拉斐尔前派Pre-Raphaelitism (1851年)7 威尼斯之石The Stones of Venice (1853年)7 建筑与绘画Architecture and Painting (1854年)7 艺术的政治经济Political Economy of Art (1857年)7 政治经济散文Essays on Political Economy (1862年)7 时间与潮流Time and Tide (1867年),that logic, far from being a drypassion, and trauma. Metaphor and hyperbole. Its a metaphor comparing logic to a living human being. Logic is not at all a dry, learned branch of learning. It is like a living human being, full of beauty, passion and painful emotional shocks.,Hyperbole,A figure of speech with the deliberate use of overstatement or exaggeration to achieve emphasis. Eg. Hamlet: I love Ophelia: forty thousand brothers could not, with all their quantity of love, make up my sum. IBM ThinkPad: Where the worlds most innovative people choose to think. (2003 Ad.),para 1,Keen, calculating, I was all of these. Keen suggests a vigorous and forceful ability to grapple with complex or obscure problems Acute suggests a fine sensitivity or receptivity to nuances that might escape others. Perspicacious is the most formal of these words; it stresses intensity of perception, Calculating means shrewd or cunning.,My brain was as powerful as a dynamo,a scalpel. Simile and Hyperbole The narrator use 3 similes to praise himself, which shows he is proud of himself.,para 2,Same age, same background, but dumb as an ox. simile. He and I are the same age and have the same background but he is as stupid as ox. nothing upstairs: empty-headed Fads, negation of reason. I believe following passing crazes shows a complete lack of sound judgment.,Raccoon and raccoon coat,The position at the start is as follows: Mans left foot behind the right, left toe at the heel of the right, both toes turned outhis partners right foot in front of her left, her right heel at the toe of her left foot, both toes turned out. The man raises the left foot and at the same time raises on the toe of the right, turn both toes in, twisting on the ball of the right foot. With the feet in this position, both toes are twisted out, with the mans left heel in front of his right toehis partners right heel in front at her left toe.,The man raises his left foot, at the same time rising on the ball of the right foot, and twists both toes in, then puts his left foot behind the right one, and on the balls of both feet twists both toes outhis left toe behind at the right heel. His partner raises her right foot, at the same time rising on the ball of her left foot and twists both toes in, then p
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