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,On writing of argumentation,How to write a topic sentence How to write introduction How to develop paragraphs How to write conclusion How to polish the language,Topic Sentence,主题句的基本要求 主题句必须由一个完整的句子构成,必须中肯扼要;必须把题目限定在该段落中恰如其分的范围内,即不是笼统的概括又不能过于具体。用词应当严谨精练,意思清楚。 2. 主题句的位置 3. 写主题句应注意的问题,主题句应该意义清楚 一个段落只有一个主题句,不要范围太广,决不能将两个甚至更多的主题塞进一个段落中。 e.g. Learning a foreign language is difficult. Learning English (French) is difficult. Learning English by oneself is difficult.,2)要确定段落扩展的关键词 主题句中的关键词用于限定段落主题的扩展范围和方向,可以是一个或几个单词。也可以称为致力点(controlling idea),它支配了主题句的思想,是必不可少的元素。 e.g. Electricity is in our lives. Electricity is everywhere in our lives. 另外,正文部分各段落的主题句要与全文的主题密切关联,为之服务。各段主题句要处于同一平面上,互相不能重叠。,3)避免用客观事实充当主题句 主题句是用来阐述作者的观点和思想的,因此带有一定的主观色彩,而客观事实的句子无法制约主题发展的方向和范围,也不含由作者的主观思想,所以不能充当主题句。 e.g. Radar is a device. Spring is a season.,Brainstorming 例:Leonardo DiCaprio is a very charming actor. Firstly, he is very handsome. Secondly, he performed impressively in the film Titanic. Thirdly, he is easygoing and people-oriented.,The Internet,Advantages It is the most convenient and effective way of communication. The Internet shortens the distance between people around the world. It allows access to a vast range of knowledge and information.,Disadvantages Addiction to the Internet, especially online games will exert adverse influence over peoples life, work and study. It is harmful to our health to spend too much time surfing online. Pornographic websites will lead teenagers astray.,Live on Campus or off Campus,To live on campus - more opportunities to expose oneself to people and ideas : teachers, lectures, seminars - easy access to school resources: library, lab and other facilities - less money in terms of accommodation - more occasions to develop the ability to get along with others - comparatively safe - easy for the school to take care of students study and life,To live off campus - more freedom and privacy - quieter environment for study - touching with society - good chance to be independent,To live on Campus,To live on campus may allow students an easy access to school resources in various forms. If they live in a dormitory, students will have more occasions to develop the ability to get along with others. The school authorities also favor the idea of living on campus, as in that case they may exert less efforts in taking care of students study and life.,To live off campus,To live in a rented house, students can enjoy a quieter environment for study. It is a good chance for the students living off campus to be independent. To rent a house off campus also forces students to touch with society.,Development of paragraphs,罗列法 (listing) 例证法(exemplification) 因果法(cause and effect) 比较法和对比法 (comparison and contrast) 定义法(definition) 分类法(classification),(1) 罗列法 (listing) 罗列法可以用于整篇,也可以用于个别段落。 注意点: a. 所罗列的要点须属同层次内容,而且意义不能互相涵盖。 例:Camping in wilderness is fun b. 要点之间的排列往往是从重要到次要,从一般到个别,从显而易见到鲜为人知。,(2) 例证法 (exemplification) 常用于议论文和说明文的一种展开方式 1) 可以在不同论述层次上引用例子 a.为说明文章中某一要点或某一句话而引用 b.直接举例说明短文中心句或段落主题句 不同用途的例子在文中的重要程度及扩展的详略程度也各有所异。 2) 如果同时列举数例,应当注意适当的排序: 一般到个别、显而易见的到鲜为人知的、最重要的到最次要的,3) 使用例证法一般需要特定的过渡语标记(transitional words),当然也有个别情况无标记举例 For example/for instance takeas proof(example, instance) such(as)/specifically/occasionally Another example I remember is,The most striking instance of this occurred when If any further examples were needed, I could mention can serve as an example to illustrate(the point)/as an illustration A case in point is,(3) 因果法 (cause and effect) 因果法主要是用来探索事物间因果关系的一种段落发展方式。作者通过客观、正确的推理,分析事物发生的原因及产生的结果来阐述主题句、展开段落,使段落合乎逻辑,使主题句的支配思想令人信服。采用因果法写作,一般通过三种途径:1) 阐述某些事件,行为或想法的由来. 2) 阐述某些事件或行为所产生的结果. 3) 将原因和结果同时结合在一起来加以讨论。,例1: Why should the climate be warmer in the Southern Hemisphere? One reason may be that most of the Earths land mass is in the Northern Hemisphere, while our oceans are mostly in the southern half of the world. Water does not absorb sunlight in the same way land does. Also, industrial pollution is much heavier in the Northern Hemisphere, where it may be acting as a sunlight blocker.,Reasons: location of land and water; 2. industrial pollution 多因的排列顺序: 直接间接 表面根本 (先果后因),例2: Violence on television may be in great part responsible for the violence in our society. We have seen endless programs of mugging, knifing, robbery not only in half-hour or hour-long adult time segments but also in childrens cartoons and in childrens programming hours. It may be, then,that because crime has increased on the television screen, it has increased around us, in our society. Just as a child will speak with a foreign accent because that accent is constantly spoken in his environment, so he will pick up other behavioural responses. Accents, however, are not destructive. Violence is.,讨论结果时,先因后果,因果法常用的过渡语:,表原因:because (of), since, as, for, owing to, due to, for the reason that, attribute to, impute to, 表结果:so, so as to, so that, therefore, thus, consequently, accordingly, as a result, hence, give rise to, 表示因果关
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