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.单词拼写1English has large v_,hasnt it?Yes,know more words and expressions and you will find it easier to read and communicate.【答案】vocabulary2This prize will be given to those who have made great c_ to world peace.【答案】contributions3They had a wonderful holiday,d_the bad weather.【答案】despite4I have some difficulty in p_some of the words in English.【答案】pronouncing5As the saying goes,“Heavy snow p_a harvest year”【答案】promises6Children are not so wellbehaved_ (现如今) as they used to be.【答案】nowadays7It is_(官方) admitted that the building is built in a wrong place.【答案】officially8Peter had some_(困难) working out the problem in physics.【答案】difficulty9As long as the quality of the goods meet the_(标准),customers will purchase them.【答案】standards10_(最初),we planned to travel in Tibet but then we found we were too busy to go.【答案】Originally.完成句子1日语在语法上跟英语有很大的区别。Japanese_ _ _English in grammar.【答案】differs greatly from2英国由大不列颠和北爱尔兰组成。The United Kingdom_ _Great Britain and Northern Ireland.【答案】consists of3经常锻炼直接有利于身体健康。Regular exercise_ _ _ones health.【答案】contributes directly to4他正在开始恢复健康,并且在良好的治疗下很快就会痊愈。He is beginning to_ _and will soon recover under good treatment.【答案】pick up5由一个村民的领路,我们毫不费劲找到了他的家。With a villager_us,we had_ _ _his house.【答案】leading;no difficulty/trouble finding6他发现和其他同学相处很难。He found_ _ _ _ _ _his classmates.【答案】it hard to get on/along with(本栏目内容在学生用书中以活页形式分册装订!).单项填空1The twins look alike,but they_in temperament.AdifferentBdifferCtransform Ddistinguish【解析】句意为:这双胞胎看上去很像,但是在脾气上却是不同的。differ为动词,表示“不同”。【答案】B2People in power,including professors,should_standards for politeness of college students.Achange BreachCset Dbreak【解析】set standards为固定搭配,表示“设定标准”。【答案】C3Are all telephone numbers_in the directory?Yes,_Janes.Alisted;includingBlisted;includedCincluding;includesDbeing listed;being included【解析】句意为:是不是所有的电话号码都列在电话本里了?是的,包括珍妮的。list表示“列”;including为介词,表示“包括”。【答案】A4She_his number in the phone book to make sure that she had got it right.Alooked up Blooked forCpicked out Dpicked up 【解析】look up表示“查阅”;look for表示“寻找”;pick out表示“挑选”;pick up表示“捡起等”【答案】A5You have made a few spelling mistakes in your composition,but it is well written_.Aon a whole Bas a wholeCgeneral speaking Das the whole 【解析】句意为:你在作文中犯了一些拼写错误,但是总体上你的文章写得不错。as a whole表示“总体上”。【答案】B6Eating too much fat can_heart disease and cause high blood pressure.Aresult from Bcontribute toCattend to Dlead in 【解析】句意为:吃得太多肥肉会导致心脏病和引起高血压。contribute to表示“是的原因”。【答案】B7The audience was_very young children so there was a lot of noise while the concert was going on.Amade up from Bmade up forCmade up into Dmade up of 【解析】句意为:由于观众主要由小孩组成,因此在音乐会进行过程中很吵闹。be made up of表示“由组成”。【答案】D8The Blacks had a wonderful holiday in the UK_the bad weather.Ain spite BdespiteCthough Dalthough【解析】句意为:尽管天气不好,布莱克一家还是在英国玩的很高兴。despite为介词,表示“尽管”,相当于in spite of。【答案】B9It now seems_that Pam will fail in the exam.Asure BcertainCcertainly Dsurely【解析】句意为:现在看上去能肯定,Pam会在考试中失败。certain表示“肯定”,it seems/is certain that .为固定结构。【答案】B10I thought_necessary_him to tell his father everything.Ait;of B that;forCthat;of Dit;for【解析】句意为:我认为对他来说告诉他父亲一切是有必要的。think it necessary for sb.to do sth.为固定结构,it为形式宾语。【答案】D.易错模块1Its_to have a picnic with friends on weekends.Afunny Ba funCfun Dfuns【解析】句意为:在周末和朋友进行野餐真是有趣(的事)。fun解释为“有趣的人或事”,估计不少学生会错选funny,它一般用作定语。【答案】C2You said boys were cleverer than girls.That is_I disagree.Awhat BwhereCwhich Dwhy 【解析】你说男孩比女孩聪明,这就是我不同意的地方。表语从句,disagree为不及物动词,不缺宾语,根据句意应该缺少地点状语,因此用where。【答案】B3It_that he was going out when I dropped in.Atook place Boccurred Cbroke out Dhappened【解析】句意为:当我拜访他时,他碰巧出去了。It happened that.是固定搭配,解释为“碰巧”;估计有学生会选B,其结构为: It occurrs/ed to sb.that/to do.解释为“突然想起做某事”。【答案】D4_all the boys in her class Mike was the most honest one,Kate believed every word he said.ABecause of BBecause CAs DFor that【解析】句意为:因为在她班里所有的男孩中,Mike是最诚实的一个,所以Kate相信他说的每句话。解题的关键是,看清of与all搭配,解释为“在中”。【答案】A5Look!If we had begun to do the work yesterday morning,we_ourselves just like them.Awould have enjoyed Bwere to enjoyCshould enjoy Dwould be enjoying【解析】句意为:看,如果我们昨天早上就开始干活的话,现在就能像他们一样尽情享受了。本题考查的是混合型虚拟语气。假设过去某个条件成立,某人现在就能做某事了。所以主句中用的是would do。本题的强干扰项是A would have e
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