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The Cathedral and the Bazaar 洛基开放文化实验室中译本 v1.11 Eric Steven Raymond The Cathedral and the Bazaar ABSTRACT I anatomize a successful open-source project, fetchmail, that was run as a deliberate test of the surprising theories about software engineering suggested by the history of Linux. I discuss these theories in terms of two fundamentally different development styles, the cathedral model of most of the commercial world versus the bazaar model of the Linux world. I show that these models derive from opposing assumptions about the nature of the software-debugging task. I then make a sustained argument from the Linux experience for the proposition that “Given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow”, suggest productive analogies with other self-correcting systems of selfish agents, and conclude with some exploration of the implications of this insight for the future of software. This is version 3.0 Copyright 2000 Eric S. Raymond Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the Open Publication License, version 2.0. $Date: 2002/08/02 09:02:14 $ Source: http:/www.catb.org/esr/writings/cathedral-bazaar/cathedral-bazaar/ 艾里克斯蒂芬雷蒙 大教堂和市集 摘要 Linux 的发展史促生了一些关于软件工程的惊人理论。 我有意的在一个成功的开源项目 fetchmail中测试了这些理 论,并在此加以剖析。这里讨论了两 种根本上不同的开发 “”模式:大多数商业项目使用的 大教堂 模式和Linux 世界 “”的 市集 模式。我们将看到,这两种模式源于对软件调试工 作的本质的两种彼 此对立的假设。我接着从 Linux 的经验 “”出发,对 只要眼球足够多,所有臭虫都好捉 的定理作了一 个站得住的论证;建议它与其它由自主成员组成的自纠错系 统之间富有意义的相似之处。最后,我探讨了这个发现对未 来软件业的启示。 洛基开放文化实验室中译本 v1.1 译文按原文使用的 OPL v2.0 发布。中译本的主页在 欢迎批评改进。 redbatzero The Cathedral and the Bazaar 洛基开放文化实验室中译本 v1.12 译序 开源软件和开放性内容兴起的背后是社会信息结构的变 革。技术和知识在公共领域的畅通促进发展、公平和机遇, 破除与经济和政治权力绑结的知识垄断。然而草根能量需要 一个健康的进化机制来真正推动社会的进步。其中的核心是 知识生产和传播的可靠性、可信度。 这个大教堂和市集的新译本就是洛基开放文化实验 室所作努力的一部分。像RL 的所有项目一样,欢迎每个人 的参与和批评。这个版本由 habpi主译;根据最新的英文版 本,比网上流传的中文版本增加了一些内容,也作了很多修 正。原文中的长句很多,我们不得不在中文里作了一些结构 调整,力求在准确表达作者原意的同时保证句子通畅。然而 现在的版本还是不够通俗;而且限于水平和时间,其中的错 漏之处是难免的。我们真诚希望通过各界朋友的批评指正来 提高,同时也欢迎大家就相关的主题进行讨论。这个版本没 有翻译注释、文献和致谢部分,希望有人力把它们在未来的 版本中完成。感谢网友 feiyue999、虎子、lawrence、bingo等 人(恕不一一提及)的指正。 有关讨论、核对、反馈和版本升级,请访问这个项目的 永久网址 洛基开放文化实验室,使用开源方法来推动社会文化进步 目录 The Cathedral and the Bazaar 大教堂和市集 The Mail Must Get Through 邮件必须通过.5 The Importance of Having Users 用户的重要性.10 Release Early, Release Often 早发布、常发布.12 How Many Eyeballs Tame Complexity 要多少个眼球来驯服复杂度.17 When Is a Rose Not a Rose? 画虎莫类犬.22 Popclient becomes Fetchmail Popclient 变成了Fetchmail.24 Fetchmail Grows Up Fetchmail 长大了.29 A Few More Lessons from Fetchmail Fetchmail 带来的其它几条经验.31 Necessary Preconditions for the Bazaar Style 市集风格的必要前提.34 The Social Context of Open-Source Software 开源软件的社会语境.37 On Management and the Maginot Line 关于管理和马其诺防线.43 Epilog: Netscape Embraces the Bazaar 后记:网景欢迎市集.51 Notes.54 Bibliography.58 Acknowledgements.59 The Cathedral and the Bazaar 洛基开放文化实验室中译本 v1.13 Linux is subversive. Who would have thought even five years ago (1991) that a world-class operating system could coalesce as if by magic out of part-time hacking by several thousand developers scattered all over the planet, connected only by the tenuous strands of the Internet? Certainly not I. By the time Linux swam onto my radar screen in early 1993, I had already been involved in Unix and open-source development for ten years. I was one of the first GNU contributors in the mid-1980s. I had released a good deal of open- source software onto the net, developing or co-developing several programs (nethack, Emacss VC and GUD modes, xlife, and others) that are still in wide use today. I thought I knew how it was done. Linux overturned much of what I thought I knew. I had been preaching the Unix gospel of small tools, rapid prototyping and evolutionary programming for years. But I also believed there was a certain critical complexity above which a more centralized, a priori approach was required. I believed that the most important software (operating systems and really large tools like the Emacs programming editor) needed to be built like cathedrals, carefully crafted by individual wizards or small bands of mages working in s
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