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unit01,Agenda,教学目标,教学目标,语言知识目标: 学生能够理解并运用在不同场景下的简单问候语,能够使用be 动词的一般现在时介绍个人及他人信息。 语言技能目标: 听 学生能够听懂在不同场景下的简单问候语。 说 学生能够在不同场景下用简单的问候语问候他人。 读 学生能够读懂名片上的个人信息。 写 学生能够根据个人情况做出自己的名片。 学 习 策 略: 学生学习将事物归类排序的能力。 文 化 意 识: 学生掌握中文人名与英美国家人名的不同排序规则。 情 感 态 度: 学生了解不同的职业,并初步确定自己的求职意向。 单 元 任 务: 学生能运用所学语言拟订自己未来的名片。,Lead-in,Lead-in,1,2,3,Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3,Exercise-1,Activity 1,Look and tick. 看图,选出男孩要说的语句。,( ) Hi, Jenny! ( ) Good morning, Miss Jenny Brown!,Exercise-2,Activity 2,Hi, Jenny!,Listen and check. 听录音,核对活动1的答案。,Exercise-3,Activity 3,Act and practice. 看图,依据图中场景与同伴打招呼。,1,2,3,_,_,_,Hi, Jenny!,Good afternoon, Ms Smith!,Good evening, Jenny!,4,5,6,_,_,_,Good morning, Mr Brown!,Hello, Mr Smith!,Hi, George!,Listening and speaking,Listening and speaking,Dialogue A Dialogue B Everyday English,1,2,3,Listening and speaking-Dialogue A,Dialogue A,1,2,3,Activity 4 Activity 5 Activity 6,Nice to meet you!,Exercise-4-1,Activity 4,Listen and underline. 听录音,标出在活动3中用过的语句。,Mary: Hi! Im Mary. Li Xiaonian: Hi, Mary! Im Li Xiaonian. Mary: Nice to meet you. Li Xiaonian: Nice to meet you, too.,Exercise-4-2,重点词汇和句型,Nice to meet you. 意为“见到你很高兴。” meet 在这里意为“见到,遇到”。 eg meet a friend 遇见一个朋友 We often meet some difficulties in our life. 在生活中我们经常会遇到一些困难。,Exercise-4-3,重点词汇和句型,Nice to meet you, too. 意为“见到你我也很高兴”。 nice 在这里意为“好,不错”。 eg Its a nice party. 这是个不错的晚会。 Thats a nice picture. 那是幅很好的画。 too 在这里意为“也”,需用逗号与前面的部分隔开。 eg Wang Yang is a student. Im a student, too. 王洋是个学生,我也是个学生。 Li Xiaonian likes English. Wang Yang likes English, too. 李晓年喜欢英语,王洋也喜欢英语。,Exercise-5,Activity 5,Read and underline. 阅读上面对话,用下画线标出问候语。,Mary: Hi! Im Mary. Li Xiaonian: Hi, Mary! Im Li Xiaonian. Mary: Nice to meet you. Li Xiaonian: Nice to meet you, too.,Exercise-6,Activity 6,Listen and repeat. 跟读对话,学说选出的语句。,Mary: Hi! Im Mary. Li Xiaonian: Hi, Mary! Im Li Xiaonian. Mary: Nice to meet you. Li Xiaonian: Nice to meet you, too.,Listening and speaking-Dialogue B,Dialogue B,Whats your name, please?,学习策略提示 跟读对话对我们提高口语表达能力有很大帮助,你也试试吧!,Activity 7 Activity 8 Activity 9 Activity 10 Activity 11 Activity 12,Exercise-7,Activity 7,Think and answer. 思考并回答下列问题。,Question 1: What does “last name” mean in Chinese? Question 2: What is the last name of an English name? ,“Last name” means “ 姓” in Chinese.,The last name is the last part of an English name.,Exercise-8,Activity 8,Listen and complete. 听录音,补全表格。,Brown,The US,Yang,Exercise-9-1,Activity 9,Read and underline. 阅读对话,用下画线标出询问个人信息的语句。,Sara: Good morning! Im Sara Smith. Li Xiaonian: Good morning, Miss Sara! Sara: Well, Sara is my first name. My last name is Smith, s-m-i-t-h. Heres my name card. Li Xiaonian: Thank you, Miss Smith. Sara: Whats your name?,英美人姓名的排列顺序是名在前姓在后,与中文顺序相反。名字称为 first name, 姓称为 last name。如 Ben Brown,我们可以直呼其名 Ben,或称之为 Mr Brown (布朗先生)。,Exercise-9-2,Activity 9,Li Xiaonian: Li Xiaonian. Sara: Is your last name Xiaonian? Li Xiaonian: No, my last name is Li. Sara: I see. Where are you from? Li Xiaonian: Im from Tianjin. Where are you from? Sara: Im from the US.,Exercise-9-3,重点词汇和句型,I see. 我明白了。 eg Ben is my first name. Brown is my last name. Ben 是我的名,Brown是我的姓。 I see. 我明白了。,Exercise-9-4,重点词汇和句型,Where are you from? 你是哪儿人? eg Where are you from? 你是哪儿人? Im from Beijing. 我是北京人。 Where is he from? 他是哪儿人? Hes from Shanghai. 他是上海人。,Exercise-10,Activity 10,Listen and repeat. 跟读对话,学说选出的语句。,Exercise-11,Activity 11,Review and practice. 复习字母表,以便写出同学们的名字。,Exercise-12,Activity 12,Talk and complete. 用下面语句询问5个以上同学的个人信息,填写表格。,My names / Im My first name / last name is Im from ,Whats your name? Whats your first name / last name? Where are you from?,Listening and speaking-Everyday English,Everyday English,How are you? 你好吗? Fine, thank you. And you? 很好,谢谢。你呢? Howre things? 你好吗? Great! 棒极了! Not bad! 不错!,Reading and writing,Reading and writing,Activity 13 Activity 14 Activity 15 Activity 16,1,2,3,4,Lets greet each other at the beginning of each English lesson, using the following patterns.,Teacher: Class begins. The monitor: Stand up. Teacher: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls. Students: Good morning/afternoon, teacher. Teacher: Sit down, please.,Exercise-13,Activity 13,Read and tick. 阅读以下信息,选出名片中可能出现以下哪些内容。,66435160,Wang Li,25,No. 3 Hexi Street, Tianjin,Manager,a. telephone number,b. name,c. age,d. address,e. e-mail address,f. job,Exercise-14-1,Activity 14,Read and check. 读以下名片,核对活动13的答案。,ABC Company Li Wenzhong Engineer Address: No. 37 Huayuan Street, Beijing Tel: 010-88514618 E-mail: ,Hexi Nevell Company Sara Smith Manager Address: No. 2 Hexi Street, Tianjin Tel: 022-84212663 E-mail: ,Hexi Nevell Company Zhang Qing Secretary Address: No. 2 Hexi Street, Tianjin Tel: 022-84212668 E-mail: ,Fucheng Vocational School Gao Bin Teacher Address: No. 28 Fucheng Street, Beijing Tel: 010-68253300 E-m
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