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必修4Module 6Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World.单项填空1Here was a nice little present for everyone,with a suitable poem_to it.AattachedBattackedCattracted Dattributed2Dogs have a_sense of smell and are often used to search for something by the police.Apositive BsharpCsceptical Dfierce3I dont know whether you happen _ that Im going to study in the USA this September.Ato be heard Bto be hearingCto hear Dto have heard4No one has come up with a better explanation of why dinosaurs_.Adied away Bdied forCdied of Ddied out5There is a saying in my country _ successful people are lucky people.Awhich BthatCwhat Dwhere6Being a new teacher,she was very slow to_to the unusual rules of the school.Aadapt BappealCattach Dapply7My daughter mastered Japanese in less than two years.Did she?She_have a gift for languages.Acan BwouldCshould Dmust8Accessible only by air,the town is_from the rest of the country.Agiven off Bripped offCcut off Dtaken off9There is a newlypublished survey_that most retired people are independent and enjoying life.Aindicates BindicatedCindicating Dto indicate10The company,which _ in oil for many years,will set up a branch abroad next month.Ais trading Bhas been tradingCtraded Dwill trade11School was cancelled today _ the fact that there was a snowstorm.Ainstead of Bdue toCbut for Dapart from12Where is my purse?I remember I put it here yesterday.You_have lost it while shopping in the supermarket.Awould BshouldCcan Dmight13A two percent increase in pay is not very much,but_its better than nothing.Aat all Bat mostCat least Dat once14On the surface of the water_,which spoiled the beautiful scenery of the park.Asome dead leaves did floatBdid float some dead leavesCfloated some dead leavesDdid some dead leaves float15You are forbidden_the books out of the reading room in our school.Ato take BtakingChaving taken Dto be taken.完形填空(2010江苏高考模拟二) I walked into the store not particularly interested in anything.I wasnt hungry.The_1_of losing my husband of 37 years still existed.And this store held so many_2_memories when we were together.Rudy often came with me and he knew I loved yellow_3_.With a heart filled with grief,I only wanted to buy my few items and leave._4_by the meat store,I searched for the perfect small steak and remembered_5_Rudy had loved his steak._6_a woman came beside me.She was graceful,_7_and lovely in a soft green suit.I watched as she picked up a large pack of Tbones,dropped them in her basket,_8_,and then put them back.She turned to go and_9_reached for the pack of steaks. She saw me watching her and she_10_:“My husband loves Tbones,_11_honestly,at these prices,I cant_12_it.”“My husband passed away eight days ago,” I told her.She_13_her head and walked away. I turned and pushed my cart across the store to the dairy products.There I stood,trying to decide which size milk I should buy.Suddenly,I saw first the green suit,and then_14_the pretty lady whom I met just now.In her arms she carried a package.On her face was the_15_smile I had ever seen._16_she came closer,I saw what she held and tears began filling my eyes.“These are for you.” she said and placed three_17_long yellow roses in my arms.“Then you go through the line;they all know these are paid for.” She_18_over and placed a gentle kiss on my_19_,then smiled again.I wanted to tell her what she had done,what the roses meant,but still unable to speak,I watched as she walked away.I looked down at the roses and found it almost unreal.How did she know?Suddenly the answer seemed so_20_.I wasnt alone.1.A.painBnewsCdisaster Dstory2A.bitter BplainCsweet Dnew3A.steak BmilkCsuits Droses4A.Lying BSittingCStanding DLocating5A.why BhowCwhen Dwhere6A.SuddenlyBImmediatelyCUnfortunatelyDGradually7A.fat BtalkativeCugly Dslim8A.hesitatedBdeterminedCleftDraised9A.at onceBonce in a whileConce againDfor once10.A.explainedBspokeCsaidDtalked11A.andBsoCor Dbut12A.change BchargeCafford Dlose13A.moved BpattedCshruggled Dshook14A.stoppedBrecognizedCmissedDdreamed15A.brightestBcoolestChardestDcoldest16A.While BAsCBefore DUntil17A.dryBcolorfulCbeautifulDdying18A.leanedBstoodCjumpedDrushed19A.finger BarmCeye Dcheek20A.obviousBcleanCunclearDdifficult.阅读理解(2011厦门质量检测)Experts say that agriculture provides fourteen percent of the worlds greenhouse gas emissions each year.The gases released include carbon dioxide,a major c
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