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【全程复习方略】安徽省2013版高中英语 素能提升演练(八) 北师大版必修3素能提升演练(八)必修3 Unit 8 . 根据所给词的适当形式填空1. We were _ (anxiety) for your safe arrival. 2. The scientist _ (observation) the behavior of the mice after they were given the drug. 3. His years of experience at the job put me at a _ (advantage). 4. He _ (different) with his brother about a political question. 5. You have _(confusing) the meanings of the two words. 6. The explorer was an expert at _ (survive) in the wilderness. 7. His excuses were _ (vary), but none was convincing. 8. There is a speed _ (limit) of 5 m. p. h. in towns. 9. It _ (amazing) me to hear that you were leaving. 10. What kind of _ (accommodate) did you have on the ship? . 完成句子1. 你认为我怎样答复这封信呢?_ I am to answer the letter? 2. 他没有任何弹吉他的经验。He doesnt _ playing the guitar. 3. 这道数学题太难我不能解出它。The math problem is _ for me _ work out. 4. 然后到了冬天,再也没有阳光了。_ winter. The sun never shines. 5. 我们在吉姆的生日聚会上轮流讲笑话。We _ at Jims birthday party. . 单项填空1. Obviously, we were _ by the black stones people used to burn for fuel. A. confirmedB. confusedC. controlledD. convinced2. Nowadays people have to pass _ tests for professional certificates so that they can be qualified for a well-paid job. A. unusualB. originalC. variousD. unique3. The new apartment built a few months ago is large enough to _ over two hundred people. A. liveB. offerC. includeD. accommodate4. How can you _ and do nothing while I am in great trouble? A. stand forB. stand byC. stand outD. stand up5. My mother always gets a bit _ if we dont arrive when I say we will. A. anxiousB. ashamedC. weakD. patient6. There _ quantities of apples in the basket and there was _ milk in the bottle. A. were; a number ofB. was; quantities ofC. was; a good manyD. were; a quantity of7. _ a more comfortable life, the poor couple worked hard and took on more part-time jobs. A. Aiming atB. Adding toC. Relating toD. Taking advantage of8. Though having lived abroad for years, many Chinese still _ the traditional customs. A. surviveB. observeC. possessD. support9. These three college students are real heroes because they risked _ their own lives in order to save the drowning boys in the water. A. having lostB. to loseC. losingD. of losing10. 2012嘉兴模拟Did you make sense of what the man said just now? No, his meaning didnt _. Would you explain it to me? A. get throughB. get offC. get acrossD. get out11. After the man had worked round the clock for two days, his strength seemed to have _. A. put outB. got outC. gone outD. run out12. You will _ sooner or later if you keep working like that. A. break offB. break downC. break intoD. break out13. 2012杭州模拟Why dont you try to do exercise to lose weight? I have tried everything but it has made little _. A. effectB. resultC. conclusionD. difference14. Since economy is declining, a lot of people have to _ their expenses to what they can afford. A. addB. limitC. combineD. press15. _ be sent to work there?A. Who do you suggestB. Who do you suggest that shouldC. Do you suggest who should D. Do you suggest whom should . 完形填空If its possible to see red (get angry) about not seeing red, that is what I was doing. We had 1 the timing of our autumn trip to see the changing 2 in the Great Lakes States, and I was really 3 . No matter how I strained my eyes I couldnt spot red anywhere. Not 4 a bit of golden yellow broke through the dull greenery. This vacation was a complete 5 . I sat alone in the backseat of our rented car and got 6 as we drove north through the dull, dark green. In the 7 seat my father and my brother chatted merrily, obviously 8 . Then a motto came to mind: “Happiness is a decision. ” It must have been something my mother said. She was always passing on words of 9 . When I was a child, she gave me a black book with 10 pages. On the flyleaf she had written, “Look for a beautiful thing and youll find it. ” I was supposed to 11 a record of the most beautiful thing I saw each day. I remembered spending hours discussing what Id 12 . A babys smile? A stone shining with fools gold? Pictures in the clouds, or tulips tipping their heads? I found so many beautiful things that it was 13 to pick just one. Now, on the road, I played Mothers game again. I took in the all-green 14 . Thick forests lined both sides of the highway. The long hill pines and spruce were seen 15 . Maple leaves danced in the gentle wind. I felt like
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