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【全程复习方略】安徽省2013版高中英语 素能提升演练(十二) 北师大版必修4素能提升演练(十二)必修4 Unit 12 . 单词拼写1. The student was so _(吸引)in the book that he didnt hear the bell. 2. What happened in the factory is being_(私下说) about in the neighborhood. 3. She likes _(指示) the direction by pointing with her finger. 4. They _(交换) things according to the cost of production. 5. A gentleman with good _(礼貌) will be respected by others. 6. Last year he visited the high school _(附属的) to Anhui Normal University. 7. He writes articles for newspapers in _(此外)to selling books for a living. 8. He passed all the examinations and was to be one of its members _(正式地). 9. The lady went into the house _(好奇地) to find out what was happening there. 10. It is very important for modern children to accept normal _(教育). . 单项填空1. 2012嘉峪关模拟The girl felt nervous at the stage with a lot of audience _her. A. to stare atB. staring at C. stare atD. stared at2. The camera was _ by his son and he had to have it repaired. A. ruinedB. destroyed C. injured D. damaged3. Youll _ the department until the end of the year. Next year you will be rearranged. A. be attached toB. be belonged toC. owe toD. be addicted to4. There is a request that the room _ after being used. A. be cleanedB. would be cleanedC. is cleanedD. will be cleaned5. Did you remember to give Jenny the money? Yes. _ I saw her, Im sure. A. So long as B. So far asC. The momentD. Any time6. If you want to _ your goal, you can do nothing but work hard. A. undertake B. conduct C. perform D. accomplish7. Most people on this island are recreational fishers, and _, fishing forms an actual part of their leisure time. A. accidentally B. purposefully C. obviously D. formally8. 2012唐山模拟 _winning Video of the Year, Lady Gaga also took home another seven prizes. A. Owing toB. In addition toC. Instead ofD. According to9. Do you think the reason _ he gave is believable? A. for whichB. whichC. whyD. what10. When I entered, I found my father _ on the sofa and _ in a magazine. A. sitting; absorbedB. sit; absorbC. sitting; absorbingD. sat; absorbed11. He didnt feel a bit nervous when_ . No. Hed had a lot of time _ for it after all. A. interviewing ; to prepareB. interviewed ; to prepare C. interviewing ; preparingD. being interviewed ; preparing 12. I bought a sweater for only 50 yuan yesterday ; it was a real _. A. tradeB. exchangeC. bargainD. business13. They have _ most carefully the time and money needed to complete the project. A. picked outB. left outC. figured outD. helped out14. 2012昆明模拟 I dont mind how you do it _ you finish the painting on time. No problem. A. as well asB. as far asC. as long asD. as fast as15. Why not take my car to the museum instead of walking? No, thanks. _. A. Im used toB. Im able toC. Im about toD. Ive got to. 完形填空I believe honesty is one of the greatest gifts. I know they call it a lot of fancy names these days, like 1 and straightforward. And its still what 2 a man a good citizen. This is my secret, and I try to live by it. Ive been in the taxi business for thirty-five years, 3 there is a lot about it that is not so good. Taxi drivers have to be rough and tumble(乱作一团) fellows to be able to take it in New York. Youve got to be 4 to fight the New York traffic eight hours a day. Because taxi drivers are tough, people get the 5 impression that they are bad. Taxi drivers are just like other people. Most of them will act as 6 fellows. You read in the papers almost every week 7 a taxi driver turns in money or jewels or like that people leave in their 8 . If they werent honest, you wouldnt be reading those stories in the papers. One time, I found an emerald(翡翠的)ring in my car. I remembered helping a lady with a lot of suitcases that day, so I went back to where I had 9 . It took me almost two days to wait for her in order to return her 10 to her. I didnt get as much as “thank you. ” 11 , I felt good because I had done what was right. I think I felt better than she 12 . I was born and raised in Ireland until I was nineteen years old. I came to this country in 1913 where I 13 several jobs to earn a few dollars before joining the army in World War . After being discharged(退伍), I bought my own car and have owned one ever since. It hasnt been too easy 14 , but my wife takes care of our money and we have a good bit 15 for a rainy day(一时之需). In all my years of driving a taxi, I have never had 16 with the public, not even with drunks. Even if they get a little headstrong(顽固的) once in a while, I just agree
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