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,新 湘 版 八年级(下) Unit 5,Unit 5 Topic 1 Section B,Teaching aims and demands:,1. Learn to express his/her own feelings in proper words. 2. Learn to exchange personal feelings. 3. Learn to use the adverbial clause of reason. 4. Learn to talk about the topic of the movie.,Review,Is the poor man kind or cruel? Is the rich man popular or unpopular? Is the poor man happy or unhappy? How does the rich man feel?,Listen to the tape carefully and find the answers to the questions. How does Mr. Lee feel? Why is he disappointed? Does Kangkang like Peking Opera? What does Kangkang like best?,New lesson,. He feels disappointed. . Because he cant get a tickets to The Sound of Music. . No, he doesnt. He doesnt like it at all. . He likes Love Me Once More, Mom best.,Explanation,1. He feels disappointed because he cant get a ticket to The Sound of Music. a ticket to/ for sth. 的票 , 入场券 The Sound of Music 电影名, 音乐之声,2. I think he really wants to watch it. 我想他真的很想看. think后面接的宾语从句省略了引导词 that I think that this book is very interesting.,3. can 与be able to 在英文中can与be able to都表示“能、会”,你知道它们有什么区别吗?请仔细观察下面的例句,然后补全结论部分所缺内容。 【例句】 A. She can speak English. B. Lily could swim when she was five years old.,C. She is able to speak English. D. Maria wont be able to finish the work tomorrow. E. He was able to ride a bike when he was five years old. 【结论】 1. can 是情态动词,没有人称和数的变化,只有_时态和_时态。,一般过去,一般现在,2. be able to 有人称和数的变化,可用于多种时态:一般现在时的形式为_ / _ / _ able to;一般过去时的形式为_ / _ able to;一般将来时的形式为_ _ able to。 【注意】can和be able to不能重叠使用。 (误) He can be able to do it well. (正) He can do it well. / He is able to do it well.,was were,am is are,will be,【运用】 请判断下列句子中can和be able to 的使用是否正确,正确的在题前的括号内填T,不正确的在题前的括号内填F并在题后的横线上加以改正。 ( )1. He cans carry the heavy box. _ ( )2. We will can pass the exam if we work hard. _,F。cans改为can,F。去掉will或can,( )3. She is able to dance and sing. _ ( )4. They were able take care of themselves._ ( )5. Animals cant be able to think. _,T,F。在able后加to,F。去掉be able to或将cant be改为arent,Make sentences according to the pictures.,They are proud of their player.,be proud of,seem worried,The boy seems worried.,Make sentences according to the pictures.,be pleased with,feel disappointed,The little boy is very pleased with his new bike.,He feels disappointed.,Make sentences according to the pictures.,turn green,smell terrible,It smells terrible.,The leaves turn green.,Look, listen and say,1. Why isnt Michael able to come to Kangkangs house? Because he has a temperature. 2. Who may use Michaels parents tickets? Mr. Lee may use their tickets.,Summary,. set the table 摆好餐桌(准备开饭) . have a temperature,同义词组为have a fever 发高烧 . be able to,表示能力时,同义词为can,可以互换. No one is able to/can do it.,can 表示现有的能力, 若表示过去有能力做某事,可用could, 在表示将来做某事或完成时中表示能力时一般要用shall/will be able to have/has been able to. She asked whether she could go home. 她问她是否能回家. The boy can lift the huge stone.,. I hope everything goes well. 我希望一切都顺利. go well 进展顺利 . ring up sb. =ring sb. up意为打电话给某人, 当宾语是代词时, 必须用ring+代词+up形式。,如: Please ring him up.请给他打个电话。 同义词组为: give sb.a call /give sb. a ring/call sb./telephone sb. I hope he will ring me up. I rang up Kangkang yesterday.,Pair work,Read 3a again, discuss and complete the table.,upset,surprised,Michael isnt able to come.,Her son has a temperature.,根据以上表格,学生双人活动进行对话 如: Why does Kangkang feel sorry? 康康为什么失望? Because his best friend has a temperature. 因为他最好的朋友发烧了。,Work alone Listen and complete the sentences. 1.Mr.Lee was _ to have a ticket and he also felt sorry for Michael. 2. The music in the movie sounded _.,(very) excited,(really) beautiful,3. The parents felt _ to see the movie together. 4. The children were _ to have supper at Kangkang house. But they felt _ for Michael. 5. The food smelt _ and tasted _.,happy,glad,sorry,nice,delicious,4 Work alone 听力原文,Kangkangs parents got everything ready for supper at 5:30 on Saturday afternoon. Then they left for the movie theater. They met Marias and Janes parents and Mr. Lee at the gate of the movie theater. Mr. Lee was very excited to have a ticket and he also felt sorry for Michael. The music in the movie sounded really beautiful. They felt happy to see the movie together.,The children were glad to have supper at Kangkangs house. The food smelt nice and tasted delicious. They had a good time together. But they missed Michael and felt sorry for him.,Exercises,根据句意和首字母完成下列句子 1. I dont like Beijing Opera at all because its b_. 2. The film was so m_ that we cried again and again. 3. I have p_ the table for you.,oring,oving,repared,4. He feels s_ because he cant pass the exam. 5. We are p_ of our great country.,roud,ad,二. 根据句意, 用所给的单词的正确形式填空。,1. The man is so _ because of the poor business. ( happy ) 2. I like “Love Me Once More, Mom”_ ( good ) of all.,unhappy,best,3. I have put both ch
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