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义务教育教科书 英语(PEP) (三年级起点 ) 六年级上册 Unit2 Ways to go to school (A) Lets talk,About me,Im from Nan Yingzi Primary School .,Today Im your new teacher, so please call me Mrs Wang.,This is my home, Its near the school, so I usually come on foot.,About me,How do I come to school?,But on Monday I must come early. So ,by bus.,I sometimes come,I _ come to school _.,Lets do,Usually usually I come on foot . on foot on foot,Often often I come by bike. by bike by bike,Sometimes sometimes I come by bus. by bus by bus,How do you come to school?,I usuallyoften sometimes come,Ask and answer,A: Good morning, Mrs Smith! B: Hi, children. Youre early. How do you come to school? A: Usually, I come _. Sometimes I come _. B: I often come _. A: How do you come to school, Mrs Smith? By car? B: Sometimes, but I usually walk. A: Thats good exercise.,on foot,by bus,by bike,Listen and fill in the blanks,A: Good morning, Mrs Smith!,B: Hi, children. Youre early. How do you come to school?,A: Usually, I come on foot. Sometimes I come by bus.,B: I often come by bike.,A: How do you come to school, Mrs Smith? By car?,B: Sometimes, but I usually walk.,A: Thats good exercise.,Lets read,Talk in groups,A: Good morning! B: Good morning! A: How do you come to school? B1: B2: B3:,A: Hello! Im a reporter. May I ask you some queations? B1: Yes! A: How do you go to school? B1: B2: B3:,Come to school,Interview,Go home,Goodbye!,
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