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,Service Marketing,主讲老师:阳林,Tel:13512781865 Email:,主要参考资料,1、Services Marketing in Asia(6/E) / Christopher Lovelock(克里斯托弗.洛夫洛克),中国人民大学出版社 2、 服务营销/阳林主编,电子工业出版社,2007 3、服务营销/王永贵著,北京师范大学出版社,2007 4、服务营销管理/郭国庆主编,中国人民大学出版社,2005 5、服务管理/菲茨西蒙斯著,机械工业出版社,2003 6、期刊类:南开管理评论、管理世界、中国营销科学学报 7、外文期刊: Services Marketing ,Marketing,Part 1,FOUNDATIONS FOR SERVICES MARKETING,1,Chapter,Introduction to Services,What are services? Why services marketing? Service and Technology Characteristics of Services Compared to Goods Services Marketing Mix Staying Focused on the Customer,Objectives for Chapter 1:Introduction to Services,Explain what services are and identify important trends in services. Explain the need for special services marketing concepts and practices and why the need has developed and is accelerating. Explore the profound impact of technology on service. Outline the basic differences between goods and services and the resulting challenges and opportunities for service businesses. Introduce the expanded marketing mix for services and the philosophy of customer focus, as powerful frameworks and themes that are fundamental to the rest of the text.,Examples of Service Industries,Health Care hospital, medical practice, dentistry, eye care Professional Services accounting, legal, architectural Financial Services banking, investment advising, insurance Hospitality restaurant, hotel/motel, bed Eli Ginzberg and George J. Vojta, “The Service Sector of the U.S. Economy,” Scientific American, 244,3 (1981): 31-39.,Year,Services Manufacturing Mining Eli Ginzberg and George J. Vojta, “The Service Sector of the U.S. Economy,” Scientific American, 244,3 (1981): 31-39.,Services Manufacturing Mining & Agriculture,Figure 1.4Percent of U.S. Gross Domestic Product by Industry,Table 1.1Eight Central Paradoxes of Technological Products,Source: D. G. Mick and S. Fournier, “Paradoxes of Technology: Consumer Cognizance, Emotions, and Coping Strategies,” Journal of Consumer Research 25 (September 1998), pp. 12347.,Table 1.2Goods versus Services,Source: A. Parasuraman, V.A. Zeithaml, and L. L. Berry, “A Conceptual Model of Service Quality and Its Implications for Future Research,” Journal of Marketing 49 (Fall 1985), pp. 4150.,Why study Services Marketing?,Service-based economies Service as a business imperative in manufacturing and IT Deregulated industries and professional service needs Services marketing is different Service equals profits,Characteristics of ServicesCompared to Goods,Intangibility,Perishability,Simultaneous Production and Consumption,Heterogeneity,Implications of Intangibility,Services cannot be inventoried Services cannot be easily patented Services cannot be readily displayed or communicated Pricing is difficult,Implications of Heterogeneity,Service delivery and customer satisfaction depend on employee and customer actions Service quality depends on many uncontrollable factors There is no sure knowledge that the service delivered matches what was planned and promoted,Implications of Simultaneous Production and Consumption,Customers participate in and affect the transaction Customers affect each other Employees affect the service outcome Decentralization may be essential Mass production is difficult,Implications of Perishability,It is difficult to synchronize supply and demand with services Services cannot be returned or resold,Challenges for Services,Defining and improving quality Designing and testing new services Communicating and maintaining a consistent image Accommodating fluctuating demand Motivating and sustaining employee commitment Coordinating marketing, operations, and human resource efforts Setting prices Finding a balance between standardization versus personalization Ensuring the delivery of consistent quality,Traditional Marketing Mix,All elements within the control of the firm that communicate the firms capabilities and image to customers or that influence customer satisfaction with the firms product and services: Product Price Place Promotion,Expanded Mix for Services -The 7 Ps,Product Price Place Promotion People All human actors who play a part in service delivery and thus influence the buyers perceptions: namely, the firms personnel, the customer, and other customers in the service environment. Physical Evidence The environment in which the service is delivered and where the firm and customer interact, and any tangible components that facilitate performance or communication of the service. Process The actual procedures, mechanisms, and flow of activities by which the service is deliveredthe service delivery and operating systems.,Table 1.3Expanded Marketing Mix for Services,Ways to Use the 7 Ps,Overall Strategic Assessment How effective is a firms services marketing mix? Is the mix well-aligned with overall vision and strategy? What are the strengths and weaknesses in terms of the 7 Ps?,Specific Service Implementation Who is the customer? What is the service? How effect
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