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On Chinese Tea CultureIntroduction Chinese tea culture is the methods of preparation of tea, the equipment used to make tea and the occasions in which tea is consumed in China.(Chinese Tea Culture,2012) This essay mainly talk about the origin of Chinese Tea, the way to prepare tea, different kinds of Chinese tea, equipment used to make tea and the tea drinking customs.1. The origin and development of Chinese Tea There are so many stories that show how the teas were produced and spread, but also, every legend has its own evidence to support their theories.1.1The origin and the legend of Chinese TeaChina is the hometown of tea. As we all know, there was a man named LuYu, who once wrote a book named The Classic of Tea, and we can get some knowledge from his book. Of course, we can also know the teas legend from this book.This book recorded the legend that ShenNong taste hundreds of herbs to develop some useful herbs that can cure humans bodies from illness. And also there is a book named ShenNong Materia Medica,the earliest known Chinese manual in medical herbs, mentions: In order to alleviate peoples sufferings, ShenNong had tasted numerous herbs and come to know the effects of each. Once however, he fell a victim of a poisonous herb and almost got knocked out. Just at that moment, a stream of unfamiliar fragrance floated into his nostrils. Following the smell, he struggled to find some lovely bright green plant .He picked a couple of leaves chew in his mouth .Miraculously, the refreshing taste soon revives him.(ShenNong Materia Medica)As for this situation, we all know that tea is from China, not from elsewhere, and we can know the leaves are the green tea, one of the most common tea used in our daily life. Meanwhile, from the day ShenNong tasted the green tea, tea became so important in our daily life ,we can also say, tea is tied strongly with the human-beings.However, there are other legends talking about the origin of Chinese tea, such as the tea was firstly used in Western Chou Dynasty, or the tea was firstly used in Qin Dynasty.The main legend of course is ShenNong found out the Chinese tea.1.2 The spread of Chinese teaBecause of the good taste and smell, tea was spread to lots of countries and areas, and there are over one hundred countries people love to drink tea, and also, there are some countries regard tasting teas as a kind of art, such as Japan. Japanese often prepared tea to their guest to show their respect ,and it is known to us all that the preparation for making tea is very hard and it takes lots of time, but they would like to do that.So, how did the tea spread into other countries and areas? It is said that Tea was imported to Europe during the Portuguese expansion of the 16th century, at which time it was termed ch. In 1750, tea experts traveled from China to the Azores Islands, and planted tea, along with jasmines and mallows, to give the tea aroma and distinction. Both green tea and black tea continue to grow in the islands, which are the main suppliers to continental Portugal.(Tea,2012)2. The equipment and ways to prepare tea2.1 Equipment The equipment of making tea including lots of things, but there are some main equipment such as teapot, cup, tea wash, tea tray, tea mat, water bowl, cylinder, furnace, sand diao, stove feather fan, and steel chopsticks. And there are some important equipment I would like to mention, for instance, the teapot, cup and the stove.2.1.1Teapot and cup As we all know that there are so many kinds for the teapot and cup, such as the folded. Maybe the folded is the most common teapot in the usual tea making, for there are so many place produce this kind of the teapot. And there are some rules to pick the right teapot and cups that is small, shallow, thin and white. The main meaning for this four words are : Small is a sip and do, shallow water is not kept as file, color white like jade to foil the color of tea, quality thin as paper to make it to the sweet. If there is just one rule broken, the tea making cannot be kongfu tea.2.1.2 Stove The temperature for making tea is also important. If the temperature is not so good or when the tea is under the right temperature but the wrong time, the teas taste will also be bad or not so good, so is the smell, as the smell plays an important role in tasting the tea.2.2 The way to make teaThere are eight steps to make a good cup of kongfu tea. They are putting to implement, picking out the tea leaves, boiling the water, blunting tea, scraping the foam, leaching tank, making cup hot, and sprinkling tea. Of course, it is challenge for people as making a good cup of kongfu tea requires lots of patience. But also, there are still many tea lovers who would spend their time on making tea. From my point of view, it is good as it is a type of the traditional Chinese culture, also, it does is a kind of art. There is no doubt that Japanese people like ma
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