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,B Lets talk,Unit5 Whose dog is it ? B Lets try&Lets talk,My cat -Tom,Hes sleeping on the desk.,Hes eating in the kitchen.,Hes drinking in the kitchen.,Hes jumping in the living room.,sleeping,eating,drinking,jumping,Can you read? sleeping eating drinking playing jumping washing dancing swimming shopping,Is he sleeping?,Yes, he is.,Is he drinking?,No, he isnt. Hes eating.,A: Is he _? B: Yes, he is. / No, he isnt. Hes _.,Pair work:,(sleeping / eating / drinking / playing / jumping / cleaning / dancing / swimming / shopping ),Tom is playing with his friend Fido.,Its afternoon.Shes drinking in the kitchen.,Chenjies dog -Fido,Teamwork,Task 1: 1. Watch the flash, pay attention to the words and sentences. (看动画,注意不会的单词、句子及语音语调。) 2. Listen,follow and imitate. (听录音并跟读模仿。),Task 2: Read and discuss,组内讨论不懂的地方,并向他人寻求帮助。,我会认真阅读Lets talk中的对话,边读边画出答案: 1.Where is Fido now? 2.Is he drinking water? 3. What is he doing?,Hes in the kitchen.,No, he isnt.,Hes eating.,Learning tips,In the park,Now Sam and Fido are in the park. So Fido is in the park. What is he doing? Can you imagine? (想像Fido 在公园的各种动作,两人一组创编新对话。),Tips: A:Is he ( )? B: No, he isnt. He is( ). Words:sleeping eating drinking playing jumping swimming,In the park,Chenjie:Hello.Sam.This is Chenjie.,Sam:Hi,Chenjie.,Chenjie:Where is Fido now?,Sam:Hes on the grass.,Chenjie:Is he playing?,Sam:No,he isnt.Hes sleeping.,Chenjie:Ok.Thank you.,Sam:Thats fine.,西方人的宠物文化,在西方人眼中,宠物就像是自己的孩子,宠物就是家庭成员。西方人最常见的宠物是猫和狗,也有许多西方人把鸟视作宠物。,Thank you!,Homework (1)Read the text and try to recite(朗读课文并背诵) (2)Now Sam and Fido are in the park.so Fido is in the park.What is he doing?Can you imagine?(想象Fido 在公园的各种动作,两人一组创编新对话。),
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