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Unit 1 Living well,基础知识自测,一、单词拼写,1._ n.视力 2._ n.跑道的一圈 3._ adv. 向外,朝外 4._ adj.笨拙的 5._ v.使适应,改编,eyesight,lap,outwards,clumsy,adapt,6._ adj.enough 7._ adj.有益的 8._n.行为,操作 9._ n 援助,帮助 10._ adj.便利的,handy,adequate,beneficial,conduct,assistance,11.suitable adj. _ 12.dignity n. _ panion n. _ 14.certificate n. _ 15.architect n. _,适合的,适宜的,尊严,高贵的品质,同伴,伙伴,证书,建筑师,16.graduation n. _ 17.literature n. _ 18.microscope n. _ 19.psychologically adv. _ munity n. _,社区,社会,文学,著作,显微镜,心理地,精神上地,毕业,毕业典礼,二、词汇拓展,1.disability n.伤残,无能 _v.使丧失能力 _adj.伤残的 _n.能力,才能 _v.使能够,enable,disable,disabled,ability, The serious storm last night _ the electricity power,the whole city was in the dark.(disability),disabled, The improvements will _ us to use energy and manpower far more efficiently.(able) Caring for the _ is an important hallmark of a civilized and progressive society.,enable,disabled,2.adapt v.使适应;适应(to);改编,改写 _ n.适应,改写本,改编本 _ adj.有适应能力的,能适应的 _ n.有适应能力,adaptability,adaptation,adaptable, Living creatures must be _ (adapt) to environmental changes. The dinosaurs disappeared because they could not adapt _ their changing environment.,adaptable,to, The new Peking opera,The Tragedy of Prince Zi Dan,is adapted _ one of the most famous Shakespearean tragedies,Hamlet. _ (adapt) is not simply a conversion of style from literature to film.,from,Adaptation,3.ambition n.雄心;野心;追求的目标 _adj. 有野心的;有雄心的 _adj. 无抱负的;无名利心的 _adv.有雄心地 _搭配实现某人的目标,achieve ones ambition,ambitious,unambitious,ambitiously, Great knowledge,experience and wisdom will help a man in a top position _(实现他的目标). That is a very _ (ambition) plan,but I hope it succeeds. I must work hard _ (ambition) to make greater progress in my future life.,to achieve his ambition,ambitious,ambitiously,4.annoy v.惹恼,使不悦 _adj.颇为生气的;烦恼的 _adv.令人生气地;烦恼地 _n.生气;烦恼;恼怒,annoyed,annoyingly,annoyance,_搭配生的气 _搭配对感到生气 To her great disappointment and _ (annoy),she failed in the English examination again.,be annoyed at/by sth.,be annoyed with sb,annoyance, She seemed to be annoyed _ her mothers gossip. Nothing could have been more _ (annoy) than your endless nonsense.,by/at,annoying,5.access n. 方法;通路;可接近性;机会 _adj.可到达的;可进入的 _adj.不可到达的;不可进入的 _n.可以达到;可使用,accessible,inaccessible,accessibility,_ 搭配有权使用 The principal encouraged _ of the librarys holdings.(access),have/get access to sth.,accessibility, In this much-travelled world,there are still thousands of places which are _ to tourists.(access) Fortunately,children in the countryside also _ the latest textbooks now.,have access to,inaccessible,三、词组互译,1. 适应某事 _ 2. 总而言之 _ 3. 在很多方面 _ 4. 祝贺某人某事 _ 5. 对 有益 _,adapt to,all in all,in many ways,congratulate sb.on sth.,be beneficial to,6. 取笑 _ 7. 换句话说 _ 8. 梦想做某事 _ 9. 使用的机会 _ 10. 和,也 _,make fun of,in other words,dream about doing,have access to,as well as,11.out of breath _ 12.cut out _ 13.sit around _ 14.never mind _ 15.in comfort _ 16.meet with _,遇到,经历,上气不接下气,切去,省略,闲坐着,不必担心,舒舒服服地,四、词组运用,1.李华在一次事故中腿伤得很重,这使他的行为有点怪。(conduct) 2.他的同学也因此取笑他,他对这感到很烦恼。(make fun of,be annoyed at), Lihua s leg was seriously hurt,which made (making) his conduct a little strange., His fellow students made fun of him,at which he was annoyed.,3.起初,他在许多方面都很难适应自己的残疾。(in many ways,have difficulty in doing,adapt to) 4.换句话说,他很多事都不能做了,如打篮球和踢足球。(in other words,access to), At first,he had difficulty in adapting to his disability in many ways., In other words,he didnt have access to many things like basketball and football.,5.医生叫他除了要有足够的休息,还要做特殊的训练,这对他的康复有好处。(as well as,adequate,beneficial), The doctor told him to do some special training,as well as having adequate rest,which would be beneficial to his recovery from the injury.,6.几个月之后,我们祝贺他康复。(congratulate sb.on) 7.他终于克服了他所遭遇的困难。(meet with), A few months later we congratulated him on his recovery., All in all,he overcame the difficulties he had met with.,Lihuas leg was seriously hurt,which made (making) his conduct a little strange,so his fellow students made fun of him,at which he was annoyed. At first,he had difficulty in adapting to
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