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.,Book 2 Unit 6 New Words,.,rival a. (only before noun) used about a person or group that competes against sb. or sth. else 竞争的;对抗的 Fierce fighting broke out between the rival groups. 敌对集团之间爆发了激烈的战斗。 Practice: A strong police force has been placed between the two _ groups in the village to prevent fighting and killing.,rival,.,n. C a person, group, or organization that you compete with in sport, business, a fight, etc. 对手;竞争者 Having good international contacts gives the company a comprehensive advantage over its rivals. 良好的国际社会关系使该公司具备了超过其对手的竞争优势。,.,opponent n. C sb. who you try to defeat in a competition, game, fight, or argument(竞争、比赛等的)敌手,对手 He was a tough opponent in debate. 他是个很强硬的辩论对手。 n. C sb. who disagrees with a plan, idea, or system and tries to stop or change it 反对者 Leading opponents of the proposed cuts in defense spending will meet later today. 建议削减国防开支的主要反对者会在今天的晚些时候见面。,.,rival 和 opponent 都可以用作名词,都可以表示“对手”,但两者有区别。 a. rival 指在同一领域中为相同目标相竞争或相匹敌的对手。 The United States biggest rival in technological advancement is Japan. 在技术进步方面,美国最大的对手是日本。 b. opponent 指在某次竞赛或某个场合直接面对的对手。 Hes the best opponent Ive come across this season, a great player. 他是我本赛季遇到的最出色的对手,一位了不起的运动员。 c. opponent 不能用作动词, rival 可用作动词,表示“竞争;与相匹敌” Ships cant rival aircraft for speed. 轮船在速度方面无法与飞机匹敌。,.,motivate vt. make sb. feel determined to do sth. or enthusiastic about doing it 激励;激发的积极性 The companys profit-sharing plan is designed to motivate its staff to work hard. 该公司的利润分红计划旨在激励员工努力工作。 Practice: Although personally we believe this to be of only secondary importance, its potential role in _innovative acts cannot be ignored.,motivating,.,validate vt. (fml.) prove that sth. is true or correct, or make a document or agreement officially and legally acceptable 证实;使生效;使合法化 Many scientists hesitate to accept the outcome and decided to wait until the results of the study are validated by future research. 许多科学家对接受这个研究结果犹豫不决,决定等该结果被今后的研究证实后再说。,.,enlighten vt. (fml.) give sb. information about sth. so that they understand more about it 启发;指导;教导 The object of his most recent novel is to amuse and enlighten the readers. 他最新的小说旨在娱乐和启发读者。 Practice: To study a number of subjects in the humanities has been both enjoyable and _, providing me with a new and different perspectives on the world in which we live.,enlightening,.,marshal : organize 整理(思路、想法等) You should marshal your thoughts before speaking. 你说话前应当理清思路。,.,fluctuate: change frequently 波动 Vegetable prices fluctuate according to the season. 蔬菜价格会根据季节上下波动。 Practice: Western nations have older and shrinking populations since they entered the 21st century and their _ birth rates have also posed problems.,fluctuating,.,impose sth on sb: force sb to have the same ideas, beliefs, etc, as you 将强加于 To discourage people from smoking, very high taxes have recently been imposed on cigarettes. 为了阻止人们吸烟,最近已对香烟征收了很高的税。 Practice: The general manager of the company intends to introduce new management courses, and tighter controls will be _ internal management to raise efficiency.,imposed on,.,be featured in: 在中被专题介绍,被特写 His heroic deed was featured in the first page of yesterdays newspaper, which enlightened many people. 他的英雄事迹在昨天的报纸头版专题介绍,让很多人受到了启发。,.,revolve around: have sth, as a main subject or purpose 以为主题(目的);围绕 Some people are very selfish and take it for granted that the whole world revolves around them. 一些人很自私,想当然地认为整个世界都以他们为中心。 Practice: Class discussions next week will _ the importance of love, communication and a close relationship between parents and their children.,revolve around,.,be exhausted from: be extremely tired by 因而筋疲力尽;因而疲惫不堪 Today, many people are exhausted from the stress in their life, their jobs, and their social activities. 如今,很多人都因生活、工作、和社会活动的压力而疲惫不堪。 Practice: If you _ travel and trying to adjust to a new time zone, you may not be ready to face the new challenging environment yet.,are exhausted from,.,come in handy: be useful in a particular situation 派得上用场 Dont turn a deaf ear to his advice, for what he said may come in handy someday when you start your own business. 对他的建议,不要置若罔闻,将来某一天当你自己经营时,也许会派上用场。 Practice: Please dont forget the Tourist Guide, which should _ when you travel to different places in Asia and Europe for the next few weeks.,come in handy,.,be attached to sth./ sb.: like sb or sth very much 喜欢(依恋)某物或某人 The bird got so attached to her that it would take food from between her lips. 鸟是如此依恋她,以致于它会从她的双唇间获取实物。 Practice: Though he was 80 years old, blind and hardly able to walk, his family _ him so much that they could hardly bear the thought of his death.,was attached to,.,pay a big price to do sth: do sth at a high price 花很大代价做某事 Xiang Yu paid a big price when he burned his ships, but he could have paid an even bigger price if all of his men had died in the battle. 当项羽烧毁他的船只时,他付出了巨大的代价;但如果他的士兵都死在战斗中,他可能会
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