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Unit3 What would you like? A Lets learn,fruit,orange,Have some oranges.,I have some oranges, please?,Can,May,Can I have some _, please?,hot dog,soup,beef,noodles,pizza,fish,chicken,vegetable,rice,rice,hot dog,hot dog,pizza,pizza,chicken,chicken,fish,fish,noodles,noodles,rice,soup,beef,beef,hot dog,chicken,rice,fish,soup,beef,noodles,pizza,What would you like?,Id like some.,restaurant(餐馆),(菜单),If you have lots of money, what would you like?,Lets act.,W: Can I help you?,A: Yes.,(服务员),W: What would you like?,(服务员),A: Id like some_.,W: OK. What about you?,(服务员),B: Can I have some_?,W: Sure. Here you are.,(服务员),A&B: Thank you!,hot dog,pizza,chicken,hamburger,fish,soup,beef,juice,milk,noodles,rice,Make a dialogue.(编对话),W: What would you like?,A: Id like some_.,B: Can I have some_?,W: OK.,W: Sure. Here you are.,A&B: Thank you!,(服务员),(服务员),(服务员),fish ¥10,soup ¥3,beef ¥10,noodles ¥8,banana ¥4,apple ¥10,grape ¥3,pear ¥ 6,watermelon ¥5,peach ¥5,hamburger ¥10,juice ¥6,milk ¥ 5,chicken ¥4,四人一小组,一人为服务员,其他三人为顾客,编一个对话,以下资料仅供参考,鼓励大家自由发挥。 W: Can I help you? A: Yes. W: What would you like? A: Id like some. W: OK. What about you? B: Can I have some. W: Sure. Here you are. A&B: Thank you. How much? W: yuan. A: Heres the money. W: Thank you.,fish ¥10,soup ¥3,beef ¥10,noodles ¥8,rice ¥1,四人一小组,一人为服务员,其他三人为顾客,编一个对话,以下资料仅供参考,鼓励大家自由发挥。 W: Can I help you? A: Yes. W: What would you like? A: Id like some. W: OK. What about you? B: Can I have some. W: Sure. Here you are. A&B: Thank you. How much? W: yuan. A: Heres the money. W: Thank you.,fruit shop,banana ¥4,apple ¥10,grape ¥3,pear ¥ 6,watermelon ¥5,peach ¥5,四人一小组,一人为服务员,其他三人为顾客,编一个对话,以下资料仅供参考,鼓励大家自由发挥。 W: Can I help you? A: Yes. W: What would you like? A: Id like some. W: OK. What about you? B: Can I have some. W: Sure. Here you are. A&B: Thank you. How much? W: yuan. A: Heres the money. W: Thank you.,
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