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参考资料:课本 配套练习册编者:金川区下小沟小学 李 荣 学 校: 姓 名: 年级 班密 封封 线线线封 订 内 不 装 要 答 题 五年级英语下册期末试卷一、根据汉语填入所缺的字母。(5分)1b t m(底部) 2.c m ra(照相机)3c mp t r(电脑) 4.e v l pe(信封)5. g f (礼物) 6.l d(吵闹的)7. p stc d(明信片) 8.q i tly(安静地)9St p(邮票) 10.sl ly(慢慢地)二、英汉互译(10分) 1、arrive in Beijing 2、 in the train station 3、take a picture 4、在邮局 5、指向 6、a cup of tea 7、the bottom of the enevlope 8、去散步 9、fly a kite 10、Be careful 三、单项填空。(10分) ( ) 1.I am out of the window. A.pointing B.drawing C.looking ( ) 2.I see some playing. A.children B.man C.woman ( ) 3.You cant walk the hotel with that! A.to B.and C.at 学 校: 姓 名: 年级 班密 封封 线线线封 订 内 不 装 要 答 题 ( ) 4.This is Danny me on the train. A.or B.and C.from ( ) 5. do you put the address? A.When B.Where C.How ( ) 6.I to the park yesterday. A.looked B.walked C.jumped ( ) 7.I at a map yesterday. A.looked B.talked C.liked ( ) 8.I to buy a gift for my mother. A.played B.went C.wanted ( ) 9. you go to Tianan men Square? A.How often B.How did C.How long ( )10.This is a picture of Jenny Li Ming in the park. A.at B.or C.and四、从B栏中找出与A栏相对应的汉语译文。(5分) A B( )1.Lets play a game. A.笔直向前走。( )2.Take a cab to the hotel. B.我们坐公共汽车去。( )3.Dont worry! C.我们来玩个游戏吧!( )4.Go straight. D.别着急!( )5.We went by bus. E.乘出租车到宾馆。五、改错(10分)( )1.Did you had breakfast in the morning? _ A B C( )2.Jenny put a new film in her camera. _ A B C( )3.Its about five hundred year old. _ A B C( )4.Im puting a film in my camera. _ A B C( )5.These child are flying kites. _ A B C六.句型转换(10分)。1.My father is a teacher.(变为一般疑问句)_2.Danny can fly a kite.(变为否定句)_3.The girl is singing a song.(对划线部分提问)_4. Im sending my friend an e-mail.(改为同义句)_5. The stamp is ten yuan.(对划线部分提问)_七、阅读短文,判断对错。(10分)Little Zeke lives in Emmas desk. Emma and Little Zeke are friends. He helps Emma amd Emma helps him. Emma has a sock in her desk. It is a gift for Little Zeke. Little Zeke sleeps in the sock.( )1.Little Zeke is a boy.( )2.Little Zeke lives in Emmas bag.( )3.Little Zeke sleeps in the desk.( )4.Emma helps Little Zeke.( )5.Emma has a gift for Little Zeke.
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