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六年级下册,Unit 1 What are you looking for?单元分析,本单元以丢失东西,寻找东西为主要话题,以操场上、教室里、小区为场景,复现了以下知识点:,现在进行时/一般过去时 对物体形状、颜色、大小描述 简单的比较级 询问对方状况 请求帮助 There be句型 Lets/Let me句型 新知:What does he look like?,操场,教室,小区,话题:寻物 语法:现在进行时 一般过去时 功能:描述事物(颜色、尺寸、外观) 句型: What are you looking for? Whats it like? What does it look like? Would you mind .? Whose .is it?,对物体形状、颜色、大小描述:三下 简单的比较级:五上 询问对方状况:四下、六上 请求帮助:四上 There be句型:二上 Lets/Let me句型:二上 语法:现在进行时态:三下 一般过去时态:六上,Lesson 4是愚公移山的故事。有三个读后任务:读故事,给图片排序;理解故事内容;分角色表演故事。,二、单元目标,理解Listen and say中的三个对话内容,并能正确理解和朗读。 能对事物的形状、颜色、大小等外在特征进行询问以及描述。 复习一般过去时、现在进行时,简单的比较级,There be结构的用法。 能够归纳有关形状、颜色以及形容词、形容词比较级等词汇,并在相关语境中运用。 能理解、朗读、表演愚公移山的故事,学习愚公移山的精神。,三、教学重难点,教学重点: 能在寻物的语境中表述物体特征。 教学难点: 1. 人称代词和物主代词的区别使用; 2. 现在进行时态与一般过去时态的区别。,词汇: in the shape of , a few, use paper cup, water bottle,句子: Whats it like? Its blue and in the shape of teddy bear.,话题: 在寻物的语境下,描述物品的颜色、形状、大小。,教学目标: 1.能够在寻物的语境中理解、听说、认读 in the shape of, a few, use, paper cup等词汇,并在相关语境中运用; 2. 能够理解课文对话内容,获取课文中的相关信息,正确朗读对话内容; 3.能够用Whats it like? 对物品的外貌进行提问,并对物品的外观、颜色、大小等进行描述; 4.能听懂、会用Would you mind ?句型表示对别人的帮助,在不需要别人的帮助时,能礼貌的表示拒绝Thank you, but no. 5. 看到同学或他人有困难时能够主动提供帮助,并给予安慰。 教学重点:理解并朗读对话;对物品形状、大小的描述。 教学难点:like 和a few的含义;look for 和find的区别。,UNIT 1 What are you looking for?,Introduce your experience in the Spring Festival.,Have you got anything new in your vacation? What is it ? What colour is it ? Please talk about it.,Free talk Who are they? Where are they? What are they doing? What can you see on the playground? Whose water bottles are these?,2. Presentation Step1. 听对话,获取主旨信息。 What is Sara doing?,Sara is looking for her water bottle.,原文:What are you looking for,Sara? Im looking for my water bottle.,What 引导的现在进行时特殊疑问句,Step 2 Learn the dialogue Students listen to the dialogue again and answer the next questions: Q1: What is Saras water bottle look like? Is it big? Q2:Are there many water bottles on the ground? Q3: Did she find her bottle?,Q1: What is Saras water bottle look like? Is it big? Q2:Are there many water bottles on the playground? Q3: Did she find her bottle?,in the shape of “a few” and “many” “look for” and “find” There be句型 Lets do句型 比较级,In the shape of different animals,How many people are there in your family ? There are 数量 people in my family .,Step3. 读对话,讨论交流。 Would Sara use Yangyangs water bottle? What does Yangyang say? How does Sara answer? Why?,Would you mind doing sth ? Thank you, but no.,3. Practice,Step 1. Look at the picture, talk about the pictures. Step 2. Listen and decide. Step 3. Listen again, try to remember the sentences. Step 4. Check the answer. Step 5. Summarize “How to describe things?”,How to describe things? in the shape of , in shape, shaped, in colour.,square circle triangle,rectangle star-shaped heart-shaped,butterfly蝴蝶 Umbrella雨伞,辨别书包、水杯、铅笔盒、橡皮等学习或者生活用品:,4. Extension,词汇: worried, worry, wide, wider, whose ,句子: What colour is it? Whose pencil case is it?,话题: 在寻物的语境下,描述物品的颜色、形状、大小,并与同类事物进行对比。,教学目标: 1.能在寻物的语境中理解、认读并写出worried、worry、wider、whose等词汇,并在情境中运用; 2. 能够理解、朗读对话内容,并能在Read and write的提示下将对话内容进行转述; 3. 能够对物品的颜色描述,并能对物事物的大小等进行比较; 4. 在帮助他人寻找物品的对话情境中,能主动帮助他人;学会安慰他人。 教学重点:理解并朗读对话;对物品的颜色、大小进行描述。 教学难点:人称代词和物主代词的区别;worry和worried的区别。,1. 出示课文主题图 Free talk: Why does Sara look so worried? 2. 听课文录音,获取主旨信息 3. 读对话,讨论:Whose pencil case is it? What does Saras pencil case look like? (拿起学生的笔袋,进行比较,帮助学生理解wide和wider。),Lesson 2授课思路,Lesson 2,Lesson 3,There is a purple house,a yellow tree and a red car. The house in picture A is bigger,根据学情,对教材内容做一些调整和增加,lesson2 和lesson3两课的Lets do部分可以进行整合,帮助学生充分巩固There be句型和比较级句型。,大家来找茬There be,词汇: Little, policeman, beautiful, head, only, street, garden, call the police, perhaps, security man,句子: What does he look like?,话题: 在寻物的语境下,描述动物的颜色、外貌等,并对有个性的外貌特征进行描述。,教学目标: 能够在寻找宠物的语境中理解听说读写police,little,garden等,认读kitten、perhaps等词汇。 2. 能够理解、朗读本课对话内容,并能在Read and write的提示下将对话内容进行转述。 3. 能够用What does look like?对动物的外貌进行提问,并能够对动物的细微特征进行描述,使之区别于同类的其他动物。 4. 在帮助他人寻物的语境中,能主动帮助他人做力所能及的事情。 教学重点:理解和朗读对话;对动物外貌的描述。 教学难点:对话中一些词汇和句子的理解:如“I guess you are feeling very sad./ I hope hes not out there on the street./ Perhaps hes just having fun in the garden.”,1. 出示课文主题图 Free talk: What do you know from this picture? What happened? 2. 听课文录音,获取课文主旨信息 What does kitten look like? 3. Free talk: Where is the kitten? Can he call the police? 4. 拓展: If your pet is missing, what will you do?,从学生实际出发,引导学生谈论个人经验或表达个人观点。教师要积极引导学生对知识进行深入探讨,把学生的思维引向问题深处;学生在思考、讨论、交流中,运用了所学的语言。,Lesson 3授课思路,课外阅读为愚公移山的故事,趣味性强,文化教育意义深远。教参上附有剧本,根据故事的叙述文字设计台词并增加常用对话用语,赋予学生文体转换的概念并复习日常用语。,教学目标: 1. 能够正确理解本课故事内容、体会人物语言并尝试分角色表演故事。 2. 能够认真观察图片,根据故事内容将图片排序。 3. 能够体会愚公的精神,在困难面前,坚持不懈的努力去战胜困难。 教学思路:学生对愚公移山的故事都比较了解,可以先找学生用中文讲一讲;也可以观看英文愚公移山视频;学习完故事后完成任务1,任务2。任务3可以给学生布置为课后作业,小组进行表演。本故事只设计了the Foolish Old Man、the Wise Old Man两个人的对话,所以教师可以引导学生将其他人物的语言加以补充,把故事改成剧本。,补充绘本阅读,Thank you!,
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