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Module 11PhotosUnit 1Hes the boy who won the photo competition last year!1. _ v. 打赌,下赌注2. _ n. 主题3. _ adj. 整体的,普遍的4. _ n. 标准,水准5. _ n. 感觉,直觉看法6. _ n. 困难,困境7. _ v. 添加8. _ adv. 最近,近来9. _ n. 菜单1. general_(副词) 2. feeling_(动词)3. recently_(形容词)4. difficulty_(复数)_(形容词)5. bet _(三单)_(过去式/过去分词)_(现在分词)1. _的确,当然;一定 2. _在学校舞会上3. _整体标准 4. _给拍照5. _很可能;有机会 6. _事实是;问题是;答案是1. Are you going to enter the photo competition, Tony? 托尼,你打算参加摄影比赛吗?_ _!当然了!2. _ _ _, hes really good. 事实是,他确实很好。3. I have a feeling _ we can solve these little difficulties. 我感觉我们能够解决这些小困难。4. Why dont you choose the subject Home and Away,and _ _ _ Beijing? 你为什么不选择家和远离这个主题,并且拍北京的照片呢?5. _ _ that photo of my cousin _ _ with Chinese kids in the Summer Palace? 我表弟和中国孩子们在颐和园放风筝的照片怎么样?6. Im sure youre _ _ _ _!我确信你有机会赢!Unit 2The photo which we liked best was taken by Zhao Min.1. _ adv. (在)今晚;(在)今夜2. _n. 获胜者3. _v. 冲,奔 4. _n. 女衬衫5. _n. 裙子6. _n. 歌手,歌唱家7. _ n. 祝贺(复数)8. _n. 男校长9. _ v. 授予,呈递1. winner_(复数) 2. singer_(动词)1. _对满意2. _(与)相比3. _即使;尽管4. _颁奖给5. _保护免遭;使不受6. _设法做成某事 7. _祝贺某人8. _把授予 9. _朗读;宣读1. Tonight I am _ _ happy to read out the winners of the photo competition. 今晚,我非常开心来宣读摄影大赛的获胜者。2. _ _ other years, we received many more photos. 与往年相比,我们收到了更多的照片。3. _ _ all of the photos are excellent, we are sorry to say that we cannot _ prizes _ everyone. 尽管所有的照片都很优秀,但是我们遗憾地说我们不能够给每个人都颁奖。4. He Zhong _ _ _ how this great new band moves and sounds, and the good time _ their fans are having. 何忠成功地展示了这支很棒的新乐队的动作和音乐,以及他们的歌迷所度过的快乐时光。5. _ _ our winners and thanks to everyone _ entered the competition. 祝贺我们的获胜者,并感谢所有参加比赛的人。6. It is a beautiful girl who is wearing a blouse and skirt, and who is protecting her books against the showers. 这是一个穿着衬衫和裙子的漂亮女孩,她在保护她的书免遭阵雨淋湿。Unit 3Language in use1. _在和之间 2. _顺便说一下3. _试用 4. _到为止5. _习惯做某事 6. _照看1. I dropped my old one, and it was _ expensive _ repair. 我的旧相机摔坏了,修理它太昂贵了。2. Do you mind if I _ _ _?你介意我试一下它吗?Of course not. 当然不介意。3. Photography became a kind of art _ _ _ _ the nineteenth century. 到19世纪末期摄影变成了一种艺术。参考答案Module 11PhotosUnit 1Hes the boy who won the photo competition last year!1. _bet_ v. 打赌,下赌注2. _subject_ n. 主题3. _general_ adj. 整体的,普遍的4. _standard_ n. 标准,水准5. _feeling_ n. 感觉,直觉看法6. _difficulty_ n. 困难,困境7. _add_ v. 添加8. _recently_ adv. 最近,近来9. _menu_ n. 菜单1. general_generally_(副词) 2. feeling_feel_(动词)3. recently_recent_(形容词)4. difficulty_difficulties_(复数)_difficult_(形容词)5. bet _bets_(三单)_bet_(过去式/过去分词)_betting_(现在分词)1. _you_bet_的确,当然;一定 2. _at_the_school_dance_在学校舞会上3. _general_standard_整体标准 4. _take_photos_of_给拍照5. _be_in_with_a_chance_很可能;有机会 6. _the_thing_is_事实是;问题是;答案是1. Are you going to enter the photo competition, Tony? 托尼,你打算参加摄影比赛吗?_You_ _bet_!当然了!2. _The_ _thing_ _is_, hes really good. 事实是,他确实很好。3. I have a feeling _that_ we can solve these little difficulties. 我感觉我们能够解决这些小困难。4. Why dont you choose the subject Home and Away,and _take_ _photos_ _of_ Beijing? 你为什么不选择家和远离这个主题,并且拍北京的照片呢?5. _What_ _about_ that photo of my cousin _flying_ _kites_ with Chinese kids in the Summer Palace? 我表弟和中国孩子们在颐和园放风筝的照片怎么样?6. Im sure youre _in_ _with_ _a_ _chance_!我确信你有机会赢!Unit 2The photo which we liked best was taken by Zhao Min.1. _tonight_ adv. (在)今晚;(在)今夜2. _winner_n. 获胜者3. _rush_v. 冲,奔4. _blouse_n. 女衬衫5. _skirt_n. 裙子6. _singer_n. 歌手,歌唱家7. _congratulations_ n. 祝贺(复数)8. _headmaster_n. 男校长9. _present_ v. 授予,呈递1. winner_winners_(复数)2. singer_sing_(动词)1. _be_pleased_with_对满意2. _compared_with_(与)相比3. _even_though_即使;尽管4. _give_prizes_to_颁奖给5. _protect_sth. against_sth. _保护免遭;使不受6. _manage_to_do_sth. _设法做成某事 7. _congratulations_to_sb. _祝贺某人8. _presentto_把授予 9. _read_out_朗读;宣读1. Tonight I am _more_ _than_ happy to read out the winners of the photo competition. 今晚,我非常开心来宣读摄影大赛的获胜者。2. _Compared_ _with_ other years, we received many more photos.
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