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Module 1Wonders of the worldUnit 1Its more than 2,000 years old.1. _adj. 人造的2. _ adj. 大自然的3. _n. 奇观;奇迹4. _ n. 讨论;商讨5. _ adj. 在东边的;来自东边的6. _conj. 虽然;但是 7. _ adj. (声音)响亮的8. _ n. 看法;主张 9. _ n. 电1. loud_(副词) 2. east_(形容词)3. natural_(副词)_(名词)1. _世界奇观 2. _自然奇观3. _按某人的意见;据某人看来 4. _人造奇观5. _加入到 6. _确信7. _同意某人(的看法)8. _超过9. _大量的;无数的10. _在顶部1. Lets call Wonders of the World and _ _ the discussion. 我们给世界奇观节目打电话,加入讨论吧。2. Hmm, Ive never seen it, so Im not sure I _ _ you. 嗯,我从未见过它,所以我不确定是否同意你的观点。3. That sounds great, though I think Victoria Falls in Africa is _ _ fantastic. (巨人之路)听起来很神奇,但我认为非洲的维多利亚瀑布更壮观。4. But _ _ _,manmade wonders are _ exciting _ natural ones. 但是在我看来,人造奇观比自然奇观更令人激动。5. Its about 2,300 metres _,185 metres _ and 15 metres _ at the top. 它大约有2 300米长,185米高,顶端15米宽。6. It produces electricity for _ _ people in China. 它为中国数百万人供电。Unit 2The Grand Canyon was not just big.1. _ prep. 在下面;在以下2. _ v. 照耀3. _ n. 迹象;标志;招牌4. _ adj. 寂静的 5. _ adj. 银灰色的;银制的6. _ n. 天;天空7. _ adj. 灰色的;(天气)阴沉的 8. _ prep. 在旁边;在附近9. _ v. 回答;答复10. _ v. (烟雾等)开始消失11. _ n. 小河;小溪12. _ adv. 几乎;差不多13. _ v. 逗留;留下14. _ prep. 在旁边;靠近1. sky_(复数) 2. silent_(副词)3. reply_(三单)_(过去式/过去分词)_(现在分词)4. shine_(过去式/过去分词)_(现在分词)1. _穿过2. _沿着走3. _从上方看过去4. _眺望5. _突然向下倾斜6. _从出来7. _五分钟后8. _在上面9. _在底部10. _的另一边1. _ I arrived, it was early morning and it was raining. 我到的时候是大清早,天正下着雨。2. I _ _ _ the car, _ _ a gate and _ _ a dark path. 我下了车,穿过一扇门,沿着一条昏暗的小路前行。3. There was nothing _ _, but I knew it was there. 什么也看不见,但我知道它就在那儿。4. I _ _ them, but it was silent and there was no sign of it. 我朝它们(那片岩石)望过去,但是一片寂静,还是看不见它。5. I was _ _ one of the wonders of the natural worldthe Grand Canyon. 我在眺望自然界的奇观之一大峡谷。Unit 3Language in use1. _去过某地(已回来)2. _害怕做某事3. _在的末尾4. _越来越快5. _许多6. _因为1. The great musician will _ _ _ in Guangzhou next month. 下个月这位伟大的音乐家将在广州举办一场音乐会。2. It was probably a place _ _ dead people or a place _ _ the stars and the sky at night. 它可能是一个埋葬死人的地方,或者是一处在夜间研究星空的地方。参考答案Module 1Wonders of the worldUnit 1Its more than 2,000 years old. 1. _manmade_adj. 人造的2. _natural_ adj. 大自然的3. _wonder_n. 奇观;奇迹4. _discussion_ n. 讨论;商讨5. _eastern_ adj. 在东边的;来自东边的6. _though_conj. 虽然;但是 7. _loud_ adj. (声音)响亮的8. _opinion_ n. 看法;主张 9. _electricity_ n. 电1. loud_loudly_(副词) 2. east_eastern_(形容词)3. natural_naturally_(副词)_nature_(名词)1. _wonders_of_the_world_世界奇观 2. _natural_wonder_自然奇观3. _in_ones_opinion_按某人的意见;据某人看来 4. _manmade_wonder_人造奇观5. _join_in_加入到 6. _be_sure_确信7. _agree_with_sb. _同意某人(的看法) 8. _more_than_超过9. _millions_of_大量的;无数的 10. _at_the_top_在顶部1. Lets call Wonders of the World and _join_ _in_ the discussion. 我们给世界奇观节目打电话,加入讨论吧。2. Hmm, Ive never seen it, so Im not sure I _agree_ _with_ you. 嗯,我从未见过它,所以我不确定是否同意你的观点。3. That sounds great, though I think Victoria Falls in Africa is _even_ _more_ fantastic. (巨人之路)听起来很神奇,但我认为非洲的维多利亚瀑布更壮观。4. But _in_ _my_ _opinion_,manmade wonders are _more_ exciting _than_ natural ones. 但是在我看来,人造奇观比自然奇观更令人激动。5. Its about 2,300 metres _long_,185 metres _high_ and 15 metres _wide_ at the top. 它大约有2 300米长,185米高,顶端15米宽。6. It produces electricity for _millions_ _of_ people in China. 它为中国数百万人供电。Unit 2The Grand Canyon was not just big. 1. _below_ prep. 在下面;在以下 2. _shine_ v. 照耀3. _sign_ n. 迹象;标志;招牌 4. _silent_ adj. 寂静的 5. _silver_ adj. 银灰色的;银制的6. _sky_ n. 天;天空7. _grey_ adj. 灰色的;(天气)阴沉的 8. _beside_ prep. 在旁边;在附近9. _reply_ v. 回答;答复 10. _clear_ v. (烟雾等)开始消失11. _stream_ n. 小河;小溪 12. _nearly_ adv. 几乎;差不多13. _remain_ v. 逗留;留下 14. _by_ prep. 在旁边;靠近1. sky_skies_(复数) 2. silent_silently_(副词)3. reply_replies_(三单)_replied_(过去式/过去分词)_replying_(现在分词)4. shine_shone/_shined_(过去式/过去分词)_shining_(现在分词)1. _go_through_穿过 2. _walk_along_沿着走3. _look_over_从上方看过去 4. _look_across_眺望5. _fall_away_突然向下倾斜 6. _get_out_of_从出来7. _in_five_minutes_五分钟后 8. _on_top_of_在
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