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Unit 1We lived in a small house.,Review these words(复习单词),生活 不同的 以前 任何,一些 电视机 我们(宾格) (外)孙子(女) 祖母,外祖母,life different ago any television us grandchildren grandmother,The text.,Lingling is still in England with Sam and Amy.,Clothes,House,Traffic (交通),Amy : Look, Lingling! Its a program _ China. _ and _. Lingling: Im coming!,about,Come,watch,Old lady: Life was very different in China many years ago. Interviewer: How was it different? Old lady: There werent any buses. There werent any televisions. We lived in a small house. We didnt have enough food.,sentences,is,are,was,were,过去式,过去式,There was a small television.,There were many small shoes.,There are many dogs.,There are some cats.,There is,There are,否定,There isnt,There arent,否定,There was,There were,否定,There wasnt,There werent,否定,知识准备,There are many students in the classroom. 有许多的学生在这个教室里。 (教室里有许多的学生) There is an apple on the desk. 有一个苹果在桌子上。 (在桌子上有一个苹果),Yesterday there were many students in the classroom. 昨天这个教室里有许多的学生。 There was an apple on the desk four days ago. 四天前有一个苹果在桌子上。 were+not=werent There + was+not=wasnt 没有 are+not=arent is+not=isnt,There isnt a man.,There arent any boats.,There wasnt a car.,There werent any buses.,There was a small house.,There wasnt a MP3.,There are three dogs.,There is a big house and a MP3.,洞察力大比拼,There werent any houses.,There are many houses.,洞察力大比拼,There werent any buses and cars.,There are many buses and cars.,洞察力大比拼,There werent any buses and cars.,There are lots of buses and cars.,洞察力大比拼,There was a small house.,There are many big houses.,Old lady: There are lots of buses and cars. We live in a small house. We have got lots of televisions. I watch TV every day. Yesterday I watched TV with my grandchildren.,Amy : China is changing. Lingling : I miss China! I miss my grandma.,Find different(找不同),Changing,Many Years Ago(许多年以前): There werent any buses. 没有任何的(公共)汽车。 We lived in a small house. 我们居住在一间小房子里。 Now(现在): There are lots of cars and buses. 有许多的小汽车和公共汽车。 We live in a big house. 我们居住在大房子里。,Summary (小结),There were/werent There are We livedmany year ago. We livenow.,Goodbye!,
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