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I made a kite.,Module8 unit2,Chant,draw draw draw a dragon paint paint paint it red cut cut cut the paper make make make a kite fly fly fly the kite,I drew a dragon.,I painted it.,yesterday 昨天,I drew a dragon on a piece of yellow paper.,watch and answer,How many steps(步骤) to make a kite?,watch and find out,What materials(材料) did Daming use to make a kite?,What did Daming use?,F.paper,C. strings,B. scissors,D. chopsticks,A. sticks,E. bag,sizz,striz,What did Daming use?,paper,strings,scissors,sticks,.,tied strings to it.,a,I drew a dragon on a piece of yellow paper.,I painted it.,I cut the paper .,Then, I could fly my kite.,( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),1,2,3,4,5,6,A,F,E,D,C,B,Can you retell(复述)?,drew painted cut put tied could,小组活动:6人一组完成句子,What did she do?,paper-cut,(剪纸),She made a piece of paper-cut.,(剪纸),How did Lingling make the paper-cut?,(4),(1),(2),(3),1. I drew a picture on a piece of paper . 2. I painted it. 3. I cut the paper. 4.I tied strings on it.,Notice: ( 注意) 1.Please be careful not to hurt yourselves.(小心,不要伤着自己) 2.Put the waste paper in your bags. (请把废纸放在袋子里),I made the bookmark.,Use your hand,use your head, make our life more beautiful!,Homework: Make something with paper. Then write how you made it.,
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