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编号:_本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载合同法司法解释(一)中英文对照甲 方:_乙 方:_日 期:_说明:本合同资料适用于约定双方经过谈判、协商而共同承认、共同遵守的责任与义务,同时阐述确定的时间内达成约定的承诺结果。文档可直接下载或修改,使用时请详细阅读内容。Interpretations The SupremePeoples Court of Certain Issues concerning The最局人民法院公告最高人民法院关丁适用中华人民共和国 合同法若干问题的解释(一)已丁 19 9 9 年12月1日由最高人民法院审判委员会第 1 0 9 0次会议通过,现予公布,自1 9 9 9 年1 2月2 9日起施行。一九九九年十二月十九日Application of The Contract Law of The Peoples Republic of China(Part One)最高人民法院关丁适用中华人民共和国合同 法若干问题的解释(一)December 29, 1999Interpretations The Supreme Peoples Court of Certain Issues concerning The Application of The Contract Law of The Peoples Republic of China(Part One)法释(1999) 19号(1999年12月1日最高人民法院审判委员会 第1090次会议通过)为了正确审理合同纠纷 案件,根据中华人民共和国合同法(以下简称合同法)的规定,对人民法院适用合同法 的有关问题作出如下解释:FaShi 1999 No.19The SupremePeoplesCourtsInterpretations of Certain Issues Concerning theApplicationof theContract Law of the Peoples Republic of China(part One) is adopted at the 1090th Session of the Adjudication Committee of the SupremePeoples Court on December1, and is promulgated now, this law will be effective as of December 29,1999. Pursuant to The Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China (hereinafter the Contract Law), and with a view to facilitating the proper adjudication of contractual disputes, we hereby promulgate the following interpretations of certain issues concerningtheapplication of the Contract Law by Peoples Courts:一、法律运用范围第一条合同法实施以后成立的合同发生纠纷 起诉到人民法院的,适用合同法的规定;合同I. Scope of Application of the LawArticle 1Where a suit is brought to a Peoples Court in respect of a dispute法实施以前成立的合同发生纠纷起诉到人民法院的,除本解释另有规定的以外,适用当时 的法律规定,当时没有法律规定的,可以适用 合同法的有关规定。第二条 合同成立丁合同法实施之前,但合同 约定的履行期限跨越合同法实施之日或者履 行期限在合同法实施之后,因履行合同发生的 纠纷,适用合同法第四章的有关规定。arising out of a contract formed after the operative date of the Contract Law, the provisions of the Contract Law shall apply; where a suit is brought to a Peoples Court in respect of a dispute concerning a contract formed before the operative date of the Contract Law, except otherwise provided herein, the provisions of the law in effect at the time shall apply, provided that if the law in effect at the time did not provide for such matter, the relevant provision of the Contract Law may apply.第三条 人民法院确认合同效力时,对合同法 实施以前成立的合同,适用当时的法律合同无 效而适用合同法合同有效的,则适用合同法。Article 2Where a contract was formed before the operative date of the Contract Law, but the prescribed time limit for performance extends beyond, or commences after, the operative date of the Contract Law, if a dispute arises out of its performance, the relevant provisions of Chapter Four of the Contract Law shall apply.第四条 合同法实施以后,人民法院确认合同 无效,应当以全国人大及其常委会制定的法律 和国务院制定的行政法规为依据,不得以地方 性法规、行政规章为依据。Article 3In determining the validity of a contract formed before the operative date of the Contract Law, if application of the law in effect at the time leads to its invalidation, but application of the Contract Law leads to affirmation of its validity, the Peoples Court shall apply the Contract Law.第五条 人民法院对合同法实施以前已经作出Article 4After the Contract Law became operative, a Peoples Court may only invalidate a contract in accordance with laws adopted by the National Peoples Congress or its Standing Committee, or administrative regulations adopted by the State Council, and may not invalidate a contract in accordance with any local statutes or administrative rules.Article 5Where a Peoples Court终审裁决的案件进行再审,不适用合同法re-adjudicates a case on which a final judgment has been rendered, the Contract Law does not apply.二、诉讼时效第六条 技术合同争议当事人的权利受到侵害 的事实发生在合同法实施之前,自当事人知道 或者应当知道其权利受到侵害之日起至合同 法实施之日超过一年的,人民法院不保护;尚未超过一年的,其提起诉讼的时效期 间为二年。II. Time Limit for Action第七条技术进出口合同争议当事人的权利受 到侵害的事实发生在合同法实施之前,自当事 人知道或者应当知道其权利受到侵害之日起 至合同法施行之日超过二年的,人民法院不予 保护;尚未超过二年的,其提起诉讼的时效期 间为四年。Article 6In a dispute arising out of a technology contract, where infringement of the right of a party occurred before the operative date of the Contract Law, if there was a lapse of more than one year between the date on which the party knew or should have known that its right was infringed and the operative date of the Contract Law, the Peoples Court will no longer enforce such right; where the lapse was less than one year, the time limit during which the party may bring a suit shall be two years.第八条合同法第五十五条规定的年”、第 七十五条和第一白零四条第二款规定的五年”为不变期间,不适用诉讼时效中止。中断 或者延长的规定。Article 7In a dispute arising out of a technology import/export contract, where infringement of the right of a party occurred before the operative date of the Contract Law, if there was a lapse of more than two years between the date on which the party knew or should have known that its right was infringed and the operative date of the Contract Law, the Peoples Court will no longer enforce such right; where the lapse was less than two years, the time limit during
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