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,Unit 2,May I use your crayon ?,新单词,knife,新单词,May I use your ?,Sure,Here you are.,对话练习,May I use your ?,Sorry ,I dont have,any glue.,a crayon.,a knife.,对话练习,knife,Lets write a story.,让我们来写一个故事吧!,OK.Do you have a notebook?,好的。你有笔记本吗?,Yes ,I do.,是的,我有。,课文,May I use your pen?,我能借用一下你的笔吗?,Sorry ,I dont have a pen.,对不起,我没有笔。,课文,Please pass me the rule.,请把那把尺子递给我。,Here you are.,给你。,Thank you.,课文,May I use your crayon?,我能借用一下你的蜡笔吗?,Sure. Here you are.,Thank you .,课文,练习一,Zhou lin and I are good friends. We go to _together.,lesson school story card make,school,练习二,We can write a _in our Chinese_. We can _a _for our teacher.,lesson school story card make,story,lesson,make,card,家庭作业,背诵课文,
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