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,Unit 2 Good morning!,1.Review,(1). Letters(字母) A a ,Bb, C c (2).Words(单词) ant, bird,cock (3).Sentences(句子) Hello/Hi! Bye-bye/Bye!,Lets learn: three time sections,morning,afternoon,evening,morning,from 6:00am to 12:00,早 晨,Good morning! 早上好!,afternoon,from 12:00pm to 18:00pm,下 午,Good afternoon! 下午好!,evening,from 18:00pm to 22:00 pm,傍晚,晚上,Good evening! 晚上好!,from 22:00pm to midnight,night 夜晚,Good night! 晚安!,Quick response,2、Letters(字母) Dd Ee Ff,3.New words,duck,elephant,frog,play games (1)模仿秀 imitate show (2)下命令(up and down),sing a song Morning song Good morning,good morning! Nice to meet you again. Good morning,good morning! to you and to you ! Hello,Peter!Hello,Ben! Hello,Betty!Hello,Paul! Good morning,good morning! to you and to you! H:入门CD1AVSEQ02.DAT,1. 字母(D d F f)抄写10遍,单词duck,elephant,frog抄写5遍。 2.读课文15分钟。家长签字,并标注日期。 3.练习英文歌Morning song。,Homework,Bye bye!,
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