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,Smart phone,Reporter:Liliang Chemical Engineering and Technology,What is smart phone?,A smartphone is a mobile phone built on a mobile operating system,with more advanced computing capability and connectivity than a feature phone.,Mobile Operating System,A mobile operating system, also referred to as mobile OS, is the operating system that operates a smartphone, tablet, PDA, or other digital mobile devices.,Do you know?,The first smart phone,Motorola A6188,The most expensive smart phone?,iPhone4S $9,400,000,1 out of 7 people use,SMART PHONE,Why,?,Because it has many,functions,worlds,is the,智能手机就像个小电脑 A smart phone is sort of a mini-computer that handles everything ! You can install many software in smart phone at will!,1,St Function digital camera,The camera performance get better and better,2,nd Function communication,Not only telephone conversation But also can you send E-mail or communicating at QQ;,3,rd Function get information,You can surf the internet, view the map, see the weather forecast ,4,th Function bank,Shopping, pay money, watch stock,5,th More functions,You can treat you smartphone as compass,dictionary,Everyone has a smart phone,in the,Future,
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