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2013高考英语二轮考点复习讲义:1 阅读理解细节题解题指导例1 (2012江苏卷)Deputy Agriculture Secretary Kathleen Merrigan sees an epidemic (流行病) sweeping across Americas farmland. It has little to do with the usual challenges, such as flood, rising fuel prices and crop-eating insects. The countrys fanners are getting older, and there are fewer people standing in line to take their place. National agricultural census (普查) figures show that the fastest-growing group of fanners is the part over 65. Merrigan is afraid the average age will be even higher when the 2012 statistics are completed.Merrigan, a former college professor, is making stops at universities across the country in hopes of encouraging more students to think about careers in agriculture. Aside from trying to stop the graying of .Americas farmers, her work is made tougher by a recent blog posting that put agriculture at No.1 on a list of useless college degrees. Top federal agriculture officials are talking about the posting, and it has the attention of agricultural organizations across the country.“There couldnt be anything thats more incorrect, Merrigan said. We know that there arent enough qualified graduates to fill the jobs that are out there in American agriculture.In addition, a growing world population that some experts predict will require 70% more food production by 2050, she said.“I truly believe were at a golden age of agriculture. Global demand is at an all-time record high, and global supplies are at all-time record lows, said Matt Rush, director of the Texas Farm Bureau. Production costs are going to be valuable enough that younger people are going to have the opportunity to be involved in agriculture. The Department of Agriculture has programs aimed at developing more farmers and at increasing interest in locally grown food. The National Young Farmers Coalition has also been pushing for state and federal policy changes to make it easier for new farmers.Ryan Best, president of Future Fanners of America, has been living out of a suitcase, traveling the country and visiting with high school students about careers in agriculture. The 21 -year-old Best hopes his message-that this is a new time in agriculture-will motivate the next generation to turn around the statistics. Never before have we had the innovations ( 创新) in technology which have led to agriculture in this country being the most efficient it has ever been,” he said. “theres really a place for everybody to fit in.”59. What is the new challenge to American agriculture?A. Fewer and older farmers.B. Higher fuel prices.C. More natural disasters.D. Lower agricultural output.点拨 A 细节理解题。根据第一段第三句“The countrys farmers are getting older, and there are fewer people standing in line to take their place”可知,A项正确。 60.Why is Merrigan visiting universities across the country?A.To draw federal agriculture officials attention.B.To select qualified agriculture graduates.C.To clarify a recent blog posting.D.To talk more students into farming careers点拨 D 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句中“is making stops at universities across the country in hopes of encouraging more students to think about careers in agriculture”可知,D项正确。pretend they care when they really dont care all that much. While the expression may not often be sincere, it is always spoken. The point is that people say it all the time when they like.26. How does the author understand Maxies word?A. Maxie shows her anxiety to the author.B. Maxie really wished the author a good day.C. Maxie encourages the author to stay happy.D. Maxie really worries about the authors security.点拨 D 细节理解题 根据文章的第一段最后两句可知,特别是“cares about me and wishes me well”等字眼。可知道是B项。28. By saying “Have a nice day,” a stranger may _.A. try to be polite to youB. express respect to youHitoshi Sakamoto, an anthropology student at Temple University in Tokyo reports similar experiences.Question:What is the similarity between Doreen Sykora and Hitoshi Sakamoto?A. They are students from the same university. B. They failed in all the examinations.C. They both had experiences of test anxiety. D. They both had the same poor studying habits.Exercise 2I used to think education was the most important thing in my life. Recently my attitude has begun to change, although I still hold that it is essential for everyone in the world today. As a top junior student in my college, I was asked to make a speech on how to learn English well. Standing in front of the audience and facing so many freshmen, I was trembling. I didnt remember any word that I had prepared. I van out of the conference room without finishing my speech, leaving everyone puzzled. I cried that night in my room, feeling that I was a loser. Studying takes up so much of my time that I feel unable to really develop myself. I am just storing knowledge, which I cant communicate with others. I have received many awards in school, but they dont necessarily reflect
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