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1,My toys (4),2,大熊组,机器猫组,静香组,大熊的期中考试不及格了,因为他的英语课没有学好,机器猫也没有好用的工具借给他,这一次,只有通过同学们帮助他学习巩固,大熊才能取得好成绩。,3,I have_.,a ball,4,I have_.,two cats,5,I have_.,four robots,6,I have five cars.,7,a ball,=,?,one ball,8,a robot,=,?,one robot,9,a ball,a pig,a ball and a pig,10,a ball,a teddy bear,a ball and a teddy bear,11,two balls,three teddy bears,two balls and three teddy bears,12,a ball,I have a ball,and,a doll.,13,three buses,five balls,I have three buses,and,five balls.,14,I have four robots,and,six buses.,15,I have seven teddy bears and five cars.,16,I have a pig,a bear.,and,I have a ball,two cats.,and,17,What do you have?,How many balls do you have?,I have a ball.,18,What do you have?,How many buses do you have?,I have ten buses.,19,What do you have?,How many balls and buses do you have?,I have a ball and ten buses.,20,s and es,no s,+ s,+ es,21,22,pig,23,big,small,24,25,26,How many toys do you have? Draw and tell your partners.,Homework,27,THE END,
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